Happy Sunday!  Are you enjoying a day off for Martin Luther King day tomorrow?  I am. My kids have school off too, so we are making the most of our long weekend.  This is week 2 of my marathon training for Glass City Marathon

  • Miles run = 28.5

Fun picture of the week…. we had a Run Toledo Ambassador meeting. I’m getting excited for all of our races coming up! Which is evident in this picture of me. haha, looks like I’m dreaming of going on vacation!

Monday – 5 easy miles, treadmill.  Happy Monday! Nothing exciting to report here, so I’ll show you my new self care purchase… a Theragun liv, percussive therapy massager.  At first I found the massage to be really intense, but I got used to it quickly and it’s really great! I will be using it a lot to help out my hamstring issues.  Alan has been using it a lot too. Overall a good investment in our running!

Tuesday – 3.5 miles?  Track Night!! I sub coached tonight at indoor track.  Indoor track is always interesting. A lot of hard work going on!  I was extra excited because Saucony was there with test shoes. Despite my “breaking up” with Kinvaras, I was wooed back with their latest generation of them!  Love, love, love. Not so hot on the color, but the feel was great!

Overall I think we ran 3.5 miles with warm up and cool down. My Garmin doesn’t work for crap on indoor workouts, so who knows.  I need to get a foot pod. But I worked HARD, that much I know.

Wednesday – 4 easy miles, treadmill.  I had to rearrange my schedule this week due to an upcoming ski trip.  So instead of a Rest day, I ran, but kept it nice and easy. I was a bit stiff, but I think these easy miles will help with my recovery from the speedwork last night.  Got to watch The Bachelor on my treadmill. Good stuff! (but why was the premiere 3 hours long?? I didn’t have that much time!)

Thursday – 10 miles, long run.  I tried to be chill and just run easy, but somehow my heart rate was through the roof.  It did feel like a struggle. I’d like to blame it on something, so let’s say I was still feeling that speedwork from Tuesday, and the strong winds were making it a challenge.  The gloom of winter in Ohio was setting in too. “All the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray…” Blah.

I did all of my PT exercises to loosen up a bit. I had to chuckle about this picture. I envisioned that I looked like an Athleta model from behind. I guess not!

Friday – Skiing!  We went to Boyne Highlands.  It was a cold day, but the slopes were EMPTY!  Our kids had the day off school due to the quarter ending, but the local schools were still in session so no one was there.  Ironically we ran into my daughter’s school friend (5 hours from home!) and she skied with her. It was a fun day.

On the way out of the ski resort we got stopped by these wild turkeys. I’ve seen a few of them up there before, but never an entire group of them crossing the road! There was probably 30 of them.

Saturday – Skiing!  We went to Boyne Mountain.  They were getting a lot of snow, and there were a ton of skiers!  Opposite of yesterday. I was feeling a bit whiny because the snow was amazing and I could have spent the whole day there.  Unfortunately we had a long drive home, and had to leave without putting a full day in. That was a shame. My daughter was especially excited to get home because she forgot to bring her bag!  We made it work though. Luckily I had duplicates and could share clothes with her (hooray for me overpacking!).  

Sunday – 6 miles, “tempo” run.  4 miles at 8:57 pace. This was a win! I had no interest in running in the cold wind and snow again, so I hit the treadmill.  1 mile warm up, 4 miles at “almost” race pace, and 1 mile cool down. This was a win because I kept at my pace, and didn’t step off once!  Woohoo! I figured I would be hurting when I got off, but I felt pretty darn good. I did a bunch of PT exercises, and ended my week on a high note.

And that wraps up another week of training. My daughter is getting her braces off tomorrow. Looking forward to the biggest smile ever on her!! Life is good 🙂

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Do you have wild turkeys where you live?

I found out these bird were almost all gone in Michigan, but made a huge comeback. Go turkeys!!

Q: Do you have a sports massager?

30 thoughts on “GCM Training Recap – week 2”
  1. Wild turkeys like to hang out near where I work. It’s a pretty urban area but there’s a lake and some undeveloped land nearby so I guess that’s the attraction. It’s fun to watch them strut around and they are not shy about stopping traffic! Congrats on a strong week of workouts.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Morning EdtionMy Profile

  2. We have a lot of wild turkeys here in Minneapolis. I still get a kick out of seeing them!

    What a fun week- skiing, running, track, fun overall! Awesome job.

  3. Wow…you spent a lot of time outdoors (and indoors on the ‘mill). BUSY!! Yay for the daughter and the kiss-off to the braces 🙂 My Invisalign brackets came off last week and I have one last appointment this week (for a bond on one of my front teeth), then I’ll be smiling a lot bigger, too 🙂 Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

    1. That’s exciting about your Invisalign! I’m always excited when I use my teeth whitener. It really does make a difference! My daughter has already requested that we eat a bunch of popcorn after her appointment 🙂

  4. Turkey traffic!
    I used to see them a lot near my aunt in the MA suburbs, but I don’t see them here in the suburbs. Deer though
    I love JackRabbit’s theragun and use it A LOT

    1. You would for sure fall down skiing… but everyone does!! We still do. It’s a lot of fun. You should give it a try sometime!
      I did get my Theragun on sale, and it’s the “base” model. I almost choked when I heard the price of the “pro” model!

  5. I am off tomorrow too and I am excited about it. I was a big fan of Kinvaras (Saucony) too but then went back to Brooks. I also had a foot pod but lost it. Luckily, two friends sold me theirs since they’re discontinued. I also have a gun massager and love it!

    1. I have been on a quest today for a foot pod, and it turned out that a friend is going to give me hers! Woohoo! I can’t wait to try it out. Enjoy your day off! 🙂

  6. I’m also off tomorrow and taking advantage of having the day off by getting in an early morning workout at OTF.

    Oh wow – I haven’t seen that many turkeys cross the road since I traveled to upstate New York a few years ago! But I love how everyone in their cars just stops and allows them to trot along.

  7. What a lovely ski getaway! Glad I’m not the only one who loves a bit of The Bachelor in my life, LOL! No turkeys but I did spot flamingoes on my run last weekend!

    1. Yes, we called in an investment in our health 😉 We had seen one at the Boston race expo years ago and they have come down in price for sure. Figured it was the cost of a couple of massages.

  8. Oh, what a fun week! I don’t know if I will ever ski again after my accident (the walking boot feels too much like a ski boot and the mental link may never go away LOL), but I am so glad you were able to get out there with such gorgeous conditions.

    We do have wild turkeys. And wild everything else lol! i love their little lineup across the road.

    1. I hope you are able to ski again. It does feel like a “boot”, but think of it as protection! I was actually thinking about if I was given the ultimatum of only being able to run, or ski for the rest of my life. It would be a hard decision!! But I guess running is year round… and much cheaper!

  9. Sounds like a good week with the ski weekend thrown in :). I’ve heard good things about those massagers. That’s good to hear that you’re finding it helpful.

  10. That is quite the turkey caravan! We do not have them here, not sure why. Your Ohio drab looks alot like Illinois drab, except we got a good 6″ coating of snow with ice on top so we’re good. Haha! I have new Asics that are that same dull grey. Why do they do that?? Boring! I totally missed the start of The Bachelor but I’m glad I was spared a 3-hr show. Who’s got time for that??
    Marcia recently posted…I’m Sorry for Things I Said While On the AIP DietMy Profile

    1. I was trying to keep up on the Bachelor because one of my coworkers (a tech guy!!) said it’s his favorite show. Figured we could discuss, but I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up.

  11. Wow, your daughter is lucky you overpacked and that she could borrow your clothes. I assume she must have brought along her ski clothes, though…

    We do have wild turkeys here and even more down at the farm. We hardly saw them when I was growing up, but we hear and see them all the time when we’re visiting now.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…All the ExcusesMy Profile

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