Creepers. In my town??
Here’s a topic I never thought I’d be writing about: creepers. People who make you feel uncomfortable. People who make you feel afraid. Something that rocked our running group. Let’s…
Here’s a topic I never thought I’d be writing about: creepers. People who make you feel uncomfortable. People who make you feel afraid. Something that rocked our running group. Let’s…
This week flew by! My schedule was really mixed up with the holiday and track night. Lots of running. Lots of artsy stuff. Lots of everything! Is anyone shocked more…
Another week, another pile of miles! This week took me up to 6 days of running. Still hanging in there! I did end up committing to the full at Glass…
I still haven’t made any decisions on what modifications I’d like to make to my training plan for Glass City Marathon. Not sure if I want to drop down to…