Another week, another pile of miles! This week took me up to 6 days of running. Still hanging in there! I did end up committing to the full at Glass City Marathon and not the half. Truth be told, there’s plenty of time to change events, so it’s a safe choice 😉

  • Miles run = 42.5 (20.5 outside, 4.5 indoor track, 16 treadmill!)

Monday – 5 miles easy, treadmill.  I’ve been noticing that my Monday morning runs always feel stiff for almost a mile.  Maybe that’s due to my rest day on Sundays? Maybe I need to get some other cross training in to keep my body in motion.  Random topic – was anyone else balancing brooms around their house?? LOL

Tuesday – Track night!! 4.5 miles.  I had a sub coaching gig at the track, and I was psyched to put my newly calibrated foot pod to the test! 

I had a workout programmed on my Garmin, but at the last minute I bailed on it and decided to just use the “Intervals” program on my watch instead in case the foot pod wasn’t measuring distances correctly.  The workout was 4 x 800, and 4 x 400 with 1 min rest. The goal pace for my group was 8:39-8:49. As you can see I did run a bit fast, but that was really just me misjudging my speed. I think the paces were spot on because I was manually hitting the button when I did my laps, and they were always very close to the right distance.

I wasn’t looking at the pace while we ran, just going for a time of “65 seconds” each time around the 200m indoor track (in case the foot pod was off).  It was all good though, and the pace was a good effort for my group, without going overboard.  

Wednesday – 5 miles easy, treadmill.  I did question whether running the AM following a track workout at night was a good idea, but I woke up with a headache 10 mins before my alarm and I determined that was a sign!  There was no sleeping with that headache, so I hit the treadmill. The run felt good. My body is adapting well to the increased workload. This is the first week of the training cycle that is 6 days of running.

Thursday – 6 miles, treadmill.  After my successful track night I had high hopes for this run!  In reality, this run was a big “fail and bail”. Was supposed to be 7.5 miles, with 6 miles at race pace & a bit faster.  After just one mile of race pace, this run quickly went downhill and I was exhausted. Ended up quitting the plan after 3 miles and even WALKED on my treadmill to rest.  Stopped my run at 6 miles and called it a day. So far these pace runs are not living up to my expectations. Whomp, whomp. You can tell by my red face that I did give it a good effort! ha! [I guess that’s more like overexerting…]

Friday – 4 easy miles.  Brrrrrrrr! I was not only wearing gloves AND mittens, I even wore a layer of fleece on top.  Even so, it was chilly, but the sun was wonderful. No complaints!

Saturday – 16.5 miles, long run!  This was going to be just 16 miles, but then I realized I had dropped my mitten and had to go find it after I finished.  Luckily it wasn’t too far away because I was sore!!   Ouch.

I ran with my friend, and fellow RunToledo Ambassador.  It was perfect timing because I had zero interest in running this far, and she was looking for a running buddy.  It worked out well and held pretty steady paces for most of the run. It was super cold (feels like -2). We did get to pass all of the Dave’s MIT training groups because they were using the same trail.  Fun to see everyone getting their miles done!

My extra miles were also fueled by a crisis I was having… my cat was LOST! Luna is always my shadow and Friday night she did not appear when it was bedtime. She is an indoor only cat, and we couldn’t remember the last time we had seen her on Friday!! I checked everywhere in the house and still couldn’t find her 🙁 When I returned from my run I texted all of my neighbors, started the search again, and propped open the garage door. Sure enough, we found her in the garage shortly after that. I’m still not sure if she had just snuck out the door when we were unloading groceries and spent the night in the garage, or was out outside all night. Either way, I was sooooooo happy to see her!!!

Sunday –  Rest day. Self care day.  Keep my body moving and gentle stretching! Feeling a bit beat up after yesterday’s run, so keeping it low key today. Great news! We loved the bathroom gear hook so much we installed another. Now we have a “his” and “hers” 🙂

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Did you balance a broom at your house?

So silly!! My kids believed it.

Q: How many pets do you have? Cats/dogs?

Two cats at our house. I promise not to lose any more!!

26 thoughts on “GCM Training recap – week 6”
  1. I didn’t try the broom trick but it looked really cool. At first it kinda freaked me out though!

    You had a really busy week! I’m glad that you’re taking today as a rest day 🙂

  2. If you are already running 42+ miles per week, you should be in great shape for the full. I need some of your motivation! 🙂 I started doing a little swim workout on my rest days. It keeps me from getting stiff. I feel all stretched out and loose after swimming for 25 – 30 minutes.
    Laurie recently posted…Leaving It All Out On the Road. Or TrailMy Profile

    1. A swim sounds like a great way to keep everything loose! My current gym doesn’t have a pool. My old gym did, but I was never brave enough to go in it!! It looked cold 😉

  3. Poor Luna & poor you! Glad she was round. 6 days of running . . . I can’t even fathom that if it’s easy running, much less the hard running you do! You’re a beast.

    We didn’t try the broom thing, but I did hear about it.

    We have 2 dogs. We have had pretty much every combo: 2 cats, 3 cats, 2 cats & 1 dog, 2 cats & 2 dogs, 2 dogs & 1 cat . . . and now catless. 🙁
    Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Add another state?: 2/10-16 WRDMy Profile

    1. As much as I love our cats, and all the cats we’ve had, I do wonder if we will get new cats after they are no longer with us. I do hope to be a world traveler in retirement and often feel like it’s a bit of pain to arrange long term cat sitters.

  4. Whew, I’m glad that Luna is Ok. I grew up with cats and cat sit for our neighbors when they travel. My stepsons have a dog that goes back and forth between our house and their mom’s, it’s an unusual situation but it works really well for everyone.

    I have a dedicated running hat that I’ve dropped so many times and have run many extra miles to track down when I lose it.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: A Sunday Long Run and Running App Round UpMy Profile

    1. Not sure why I stuck my mitten in a pocket and then didn’t zip the pocket… but so happy I found it! Traveling back and forth is probably a nice variety for the doggies. Hopefully Luna does not want to venture out the door again!!!

  5. HA! The broom trick was everywhere last week! I don’t have that kind of broom, so I didn’t get to play that game. You mentioned feeling tired after your rest day…that’s why I usually don’t take complete rest days. I go low-key, and have some walking or “easy” stair workouts (or elliptical), but my body needs constant motion. It took me awhile to figure that out LOL because everyone was lecturing me to do the other. Glad the lost kitty was found!

    1. I’m feeling the same way – if I just do nothing I feel like I’m “freezing up”! ugh. The elliptical seems like a good way to keep moving and be low impact.

  6. Glad your cat is okay! We have two dogs that I write about often and they are my babies.
    How do I not know about this broom thing? I need to google it!

  7. Poor Luna! I am glad she is OK. Great job on running 6 days! I’ve done it while training with the Hansons Marathon Method and I was constantly tired. Good thing I was able to take naps during the summer. 🙂 I have 2 cats too that are my babies and I adore them.

    1. I was really fighting off the urge to nap several days last week. I figured 4pm was too late to nap and it would probably just throw me off whack at night. It was tough to hold back though!!

    1. I had to laugh because my daughter asked “do we have a broom?” Granted, we rarely use it because we use the Dyson to vacuum everything, but it just sounded funny. She even knew where to find it in our house. Amazing for sure! 😉

    1. You have a hedgehog?? I will have to search through your blog to see it!! I’ve never seen one in real life but they look so adorable in pictures! Does the hedgehog just do his own thing, or does he like attention?

  8. Looks like a great week of training! Maybe once you adapt to running 6 days a week you won’t be as tired?

    We have a dog and two cats. Kara shows up on the blog a lot, the cats not so much since they don’t run with me!

  9. when I first read your Thursday workout I read FLAIL and Bail. like, something very clutzy happened and you flailed off the treadmill!! All in all it seems like you had a good week. But I FELT your stress with your kitty being gone!! We have 3 and they are all indoor cats. They never venture towards to front door but my cat Elvis who died a bit more than a year ago was always running towards the door and I constantly worried about him getting out. Glad Luna was safe! poor baby!

    I’m glad you decided on the marathon! whoo hoo!!

    1. Flailing is what it felt like for sure! 🙂 Luna was super curious about going in the garage, so hopefully this incident has quenched her thirst for adventure! It was scary to think she was gone 🙁

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