Week one of self quarantining is done for most of my friends. I’m surviving quite well. Luckily I work for a bank, so we are an essential business. Nothing new for me, other the bank is getting lonely as people are working from home. My daughter works at a grocery store too, so she is definitely working – and using lots of hand sanitizer. I miss being able to go out to eat. But on the bright side, I have been getting stuff done… such as cooking, cutting the kids hair, and organizing my sock drawer!!

Miles run this week: 40.5

Monday – 7 easy miles, treadmill.  Some easy miles to start my week. My right glute/hammy area is feeling a bit sore, but in general the miles feel good enough.  But…. my race has been canceled. The announcement was made today that the Glass City Marathon will be canceled and we will automatically be deferred to next year, or a virtual race option exists.  Honestly, for some this was a big disappointment, but for someone in my position with a nagging injury, I feel like this is a silver lining. Things were stressful at my job, so a big ice cream was due!

Tuesday – 4 easy miles.  Outside. I ran outside in the dark!  Fun life with teenagers… my daughter had a friend sleep over so my basement treadmill was not available, and out of the blue I got a super early SOS text from my son to pick him up from a sleepover at 5:45am!  Guess it was fate that I still woke up early and after delivering my son back home, I got my miles in before work. My right glute/hammy was still a bit sore for half of this run.

It was St. Patrick’s day and I forgot to put on my kilt, but I did wear this really nice green sports bra!  Seriously, this is the best looking bra I own. I’m in love with it. (the brand is Senita – have you heard of them?)

Wednesday –  6 easy miles, treadmill.  Now that I’m only training for “Living my Best Life”, I don’t have much of a plan.  The Glass City Marathon is offering a virtual race which will result in getting the sweet swag (quarter zip and medal!), but I’m not sure I want to continue with the long runs that it requires.  Pulling the plug is just the best plan. On a fun note, this is the final run for these Kinvaras. I got 366 miles on them, which I’m good with!

Thursday – 3.5 miles, trails.  My son and I hit the trails for 3.5 miles.  Well technically he ended at 3.2 miles and I ran around the parking lot until 3.5 LOL!  Actual conversation:

  • “How far are we going to run Mom?”
  • “Between 3 and 5 miles.”
  • “Ugghhhhhh!”

Friday – 8 miles.  Holy moly, it was 65 degrees this morning!! Only 30 degrees warmer than yesterday’s run (!!!). I started out with a short sleeve shirt and within a mile I had to strip that off.  My clothes didn’t exactly match, but I didn’t care, it felt great! Was only going to run 5 miles but did 8 in celebration of the weather.

We also attended a visitation at a funeral home. So odd.  It felt wrong to touch anyone so I didn’t even hug my family 🙁  I’ve already been brainwashed into thinking a touch is bad! I cringe when I see people on TV shows shaking hands and hugging!!

Saturday – Rest day, strength.  Back to cold weather. In my “30 mins of physical activity” plan with my son, we tackled weights today.  It was arm day and glutes. I had to combine my sets of hand weights so he’d have a set. It was a good workout!

We used several workout apps on my phone. Not sure why all of them aren’t “Killer” haha!

Sunday – long run, 12 miles. I wasn’t sure how far I was going to run, but by 11 miles it was clear it should have stopped and 12 it was. I’ve been feeling a really sore hamstring/glute issue this week- I’m pretty sure it’s related to overdoing it last week. No surprise there. (bright glowing running gear for the win! – yes, these are my OTHER pair of neon orange shoes, NOT my Kinvaras from last week!)

Fun part of this run? I ran to my office, which is exactly 4.11 miles from my door. I needed to turn on my computer. No need to drive 🙂 This mass of computers in the corner represents my remote network job! [my “job #2”, not at the bank]

By now I have decided on a new direction for my running. Although I will be having FOMO of the virtual race for Glass City, with the training groups going virtual too, I picked something different. My something else is going to be the Another Mother Runner “Stride through Social Distancing” plan! It’s a 5 week plan that keep me moving, be structured, and provide strength training and circuit workouts. Perfect timing!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Have you been relocated to “work at home”, or (sadly) laid off with this pandemic going on?

Q: Have you been using any new workout apps?

I hope you are all staying well… physically and mentally!!

31 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – a new plan”
  1. Yes, I work remotely and am meeting with clients via FaceTime. It has been a smooth transition. I feel like I have done a better job with fitness. Now, If I can just take a break from the ice cream. 🙂

    1. Ah yes, the ice cream. I know what you mean!! Technology is so great for fitness. I appreciate so many people posting workouts on Instagram and other places to encourage others to keep moving.

  2. We’re WFH and voluntarily shelter in place, and very grateful that we have the option. I saw a spike of lay off posts on LinkedIn toward the end of the week and that’s just so sad. I’m doing the Rambling Runner virtual race series up through the half, my new goal is to see if I can get anywhere near race pace on my own without course support.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Baby’s First BrooksMy Profile

    1. This is such a tough event for the small businesses. I hope they all survive, but I know a lot will not 🙁 Sounds like a good plan for your running goal! Mine will be just to take it easier and get rid of these stupid aches!!

  3. Knock wood, I’m still going to the office. I’m at the reception desk (well away from everyone), and we currently have maybe 10-15 of us there (all others, 40 or so are WFH). Things seem to change on a daily basis, so I may have a different answer in a couple days LOL Do you have the option to do the Glass City 13.1, even though your swag would say “26.2” on it ?
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Spring Break: BrokenMy Profile

    1. That thought has crossed my mind about the half marathon option – I will have to investigate that. I know what you mean – who knows what will be going at work by the time we go in on Monday!

  4. Love the idea of training to live our best lives…training is never wasted! It still feels great to run a hard workout, even without a specific goal out there.

  5. Well, I was already sort of working from home (and before that really working from home), so that’s part of why it’s not really a big change for me.

    It sounds like you’re all making the best of it, although with your daughter at a grocery store you must be somewhat worried It does sound like pulling the plug on the training might just be what the dr ordered right now, but that’s still got to be hard.

    1. I’m sounding like a marshal around here – as soon as someone walks in the door I say, “wash your hands!!” The grocery store sounds like they are using best practices, but it is a higher risk situation than me just going to the office. So yeah, not ideal. Our governor just said that 40-60% of us would get the virus. YIKES.

  6. I thought I’d never be working from home, but yep, there I am, doing telemedicine. I’m relieved, being immunosuppressed makes me super vulnerable.

    I love that you are working out with your son! Mine would never…

    Enjoy the AMR training!

    1. Good – I’m glad that you are removed from potential exposure and working at home! Stay safe! My son is so funny when he does weights with me. I just assume people know how to lift weights in the proper form, but I’m doing a lot of correcting so he’s benefitting and being safe!

  7. I’ve been WFH for the past week and we use Microsoft Teams for our calls so that we can all see each other. It’s a nice way to still feel connected to my team 🙂

    1. The bank is rolling out WFH as we have the technology available, so maybe I will get to stay home soon (I hope!). As a programmer I really don’t need to be in the office, so it makes sense that I could be home. We’ll see!

  8. Working at home and ever so grateful to our Service Desk for keeping us up and running as we did not really have a WFH system aside from a handful of remote colleagues. Nicely done on the solid wekk – and socks! despite the pain. I’m using the BeachBody app more, and will try others too
    Cari recently posted…Food, medicine and exerciseMy Profile

  9. I love the “Living My Best Life” training plan — I think that will be key to getting through this. Lucky your son will workout with you!

  10. I am running maintenance miles since all of my Spring races are cancelled. I had 4 half marathons and a 10K on the calendar. I understand why they were cancelled and I agree it had to be done, but it is pretty expensive with the no refund policies. Thank God I am retired and living on a pension.

    1. This is going to be a crazy hit to the economy for sure. I don’t envy the race directors – it’s a tough call to make, and certainly not making anyone happy, or charities getting donations!

  11. I do my freelance work from home and Mr PugRunner moved his office back to the house. We are doing ok, but will be much happier when this is over. As will everyone.

    They have really cracked down on gatherings here. I know several people whose weddings have been postponed, and from what I understand, they aren’t allowing visitations. It’s all so heartbreaking. 🙁

    I’m sorry about Glass City. Even though it’s an understandable decision, it’s still disappointing.
    Jenn recently posted…week 12 (20): spring has sprung?My Profile

    1. A friend of mine did get married last weekend, but they had a very simple, small reception at a park. I can’t even imagine how stressed I would be if I were going to be married soon!! All that planning and money down the drain I’m sure. My niece had to cancel her baby shower.

  12. I am sorry that your hamstring is bothering you again. Maybe it’s a good thing you are forced to postpone your marathon. Looks like you survived week one ok. Thanks for linking up and stay well

    1. I think it really was a silver lining that I didn’t need to make a decision about running the marathon. Now my challenge will be to try to keep it easy and get healed up! Easier said than done.

  13. So sorry to hear about your glute/hammy issues! While it’s never fun to have a race canceled the timing may be for the best.

    I like the idea of the “Living my best life” training plan – with no races until the end of May (maybe?) I’m pretty much on that plan too 🙂

    1. Races will be a good gauge of the state of the nation. I kind of feel like they won’t even be allowed until maybe June or July. Hopefully it’s sooner though!

  14. Sorry about your race! But at least you can see the silver lining of not having to train through a nagging injury. My race was postponed but we dont know the new date yet. I’m working from home but my husband has to go in. Crazy times!

  15. Well, since I own my own business I guess I can’t say that I’ve been laid off, but I did temporarily suspend all personal training sessions and classes. Now that I’m FINALLY feeling better from the flu, I plan to start teaching some of the sessions and classes remotely. Not all of my clients will be able to do it, but some will really appreciate it.

    I’m so sorry that your marathon was canceled, but with your nagging hammie/glute injury it sounds like it’s a blessing for you.

    Have a great week and stay safe!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Trend Setters Enjoying the DC Cherry BlossomsMy Profile

  16. I guess you can say I am also working from home. So far schools are closed till April. I still need to provide lessons for my students and log in and be available in case they have questions. Next week is Spring Break! Three of my races were also cancelled. One was last Sunday which I was not prepared for anyway.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: My Spring bucket listMy Profile

    1. We’ve got Spring Break coming up soon. We’ll have to think of some fun alternatives to just being indoors – weather permitting. Maybe going on a few “day hikes”.

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