Happy Easter everyone! Is this week 3 of “shelter in place”? I have lost track already. I enjoyed a mini “Spring Break” week while the kids are off school this week. I picked the right three days to be home because the weather was perfect!! 70 degrees in April? Yes please!! btw, this picture made me think I should wear a lot more makeup, especially when running. Hooray for filters!! LOL
- Miles run = 29
- Miles biked = 25
- Miles on elliptical = 4

Monday – 30 mins elliptical! I did my first workout on this beauty. I was pleasantly surprised how sweaty I got, and what a good workout it was. I’m happy with my purchase! This will give me a good reason to not run every day to get my cardio fix.

Talked my kids into going on a bike ride. Ended up going 14 miles, which was a lot for them. It helped that we picked up a friend along the way so everyone was happy to see each other.

Tuesday – double day! 3 miles + 4 miles. The day started out rainy, so I hit the treadmill for 3 miles. We picked up some donuts and enjoyed them before a family walk in the park.

In the afternoon, the temps were in the upper 60’s so I just had to get out there and enjoy them! I decided it was high time to bust out a skirt 🙂 Why wait for a race?

This was super weird – they closed the road where the walleye fishermen park, so the street was empty! Apparently the people were fishing too close together.

When I got home my husband proclaimed that I looked “really sweaty!”. I think he meant “really hot”. Thanks honey! 😉

Wednesday – Running! Weights! Biking! Eating ice cream! Perfect day 🙂 The weather was amazing today so I started my day with a very consistent heart rate run down every street in my neighborhood. 5.15 miles. Look at this consistent zone!! Wow, that never happens!

Mid morning I did a Centr upper body/core workout with my son. We relocated to the sunroom because it was so beautiful outside! Still, no sighting of Chris Hemsworth in the app 😉 Such false advertising!

After lunch I went on a bike ride with my husband. I had visions of going for hours and hours, but my rear was not in the mood (ouchy sit bone pain area… you know those stupid hammies). We did bike for 11 miles and it was wonderful!

To celebrate the last day of my “spring break”, we got ice cream. The ice cream parlor has switched over to “take out” versions of sundaes instead of mixing them up. I’m good with it, and I appreciate this change to be able to still stay in business. Side note, this was actually a TON of ice cream for 4 people. Will have to order less next time!

Thursday – 30 mins elliptical, Peloton core class. Back to work for me, less and less people are in my office and I’m “sheltering in cube” with only an occasional trip to the bathroom. In the evening I moved a few things around in our workout room. I’m very happy to have open space in here. It’s very calming!

Friday – 3.5 miles easy, treadmill. I decided to run a little on my treadmill. Also did my Peloton core workout. I’ve been pretty consistent on getting the workouts done on this “core challenge”.

Friday after work, 5K virtual race! I really wasn’t in the mood to run again, nor were my hammies, but once we got moving it went well. We did this on the trails at the park, which really slows down our time, but it was really pretty out there.

Saturday – Power walk! I tried the outdoor “power walk” Peloton class. I did feel a little odd power walking, but it was a nice “rest day” activity. The mileage was really off on the app though – my Garmin 2 miles was 2.37 miles in Peloton. Made me look like a super fast power walker!

Did another Centr strength training class with my son. We will be super swole by the time stay-at-home ends! I do feel stronger for doing these. I’m no longer sore for days after the class!

Sunday – 10.5 miles, long run. Overall this was a pretty good run. Didn’t feel a whole lot of pain during the run, got to speed up a tiny bit for the last 1.5 miles. Still, feeling somewhat painful afterwards. Boo. Oh well, that means rest day tomorrow! I found a couple of “eggs” which were part of an egg hunt this week from our running group.
I got onboard with wearing masks this week. I made 3 of them. I even delivered a couple of them to my parents. I did not feel odd wearing on while grocery shopping. Most people were wearing them.
Pat yourself on the back if you’ve made it this far. I’ve really been busy this week! 🙂 Hope you are making the most of your Easter (if you celebrate!) and have a great week. As always, thanks for stopping by!
Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: Did you make an Easter dinner this year?
Q: Favorite candy? Chocolate or something else?
Dark chocolate, and chocolate & peanut butter for me!!
I am really itching to ride my bike outdoors but I can’t find a safe enough less crowded place to do it. Way to mix up your workouts this week. Glad to see you discovered Peloton core workouts! Thanks for linking up
Our bike/multiuse paved trail was like playing Frogger trying to avoid all of the people out walking! But at least we didn’t have to stop to cross streets on our bikes. Hardly anyone is out driving!
We started our Easter with a family Skype and then we made our own version of Easter brunch. I got us a ham steak so that we won’t be stuck with ham for days and I got the recipe from my SIL for the cheesy potato casserole that she makes for our family potlucks so that was a nice taste of home. Fav candy? The big Reese’s eggs always and Dove milk chocolate eggs. And we made cheesecake this week which was delicious but thank goodness it’s almost gone because I don’t run enough to burn through cheesecake calories;-)
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Weather Report and Virtual Half Marathon Game Plan
We had Easter “brunch” only because my kids were sleeping so late!! Mind you, I made sure I woke up early and got my run done by 9am so I wouldn’t miss anything, and yet they slept in until 10:30. Geez!!!
Cheesy potatoes are my specialty. I always bring those to parties. Yummm!
All of a sudden everyone is on board with the masks; it’s definitely the odd one out to not wear one to the stores. I’m not wearing them to run though, just keeping my distance.
I love to see how active your whole family is!
(Those donuts look delicious!)
Krispy Kreme donuts are pretty good! They had a lot more varieties than I was aware of.
My husband (and kids) are still not onboard with wearings masks. I’m not paranoid about it, but if they say it helps, I’ll do it!
I made healty-ish buckeyes for Passover. I’ve been enjoying those. 🙂
Our weather clearly not quite as nice as yours. Some days it does get warmer in the afternoon, but most of the time I’m running in the mornings & it’s still chilly.
Happy Easter!
Thanks! And Happy Passover to you! I realized that I have no friends that celebrate Passover, so I wasn’t aware it was going on until I started reading the blog link up.
We are back to cold, windy, early spring weather this week. (boo!)
I love that you had a few family workouts this week 🙂
What a great idea to build your own sundae from the ice cream shop! I love that restaurants are finding new ways to stay in business. A restaurant here is selling “make your own margarita” kits and I’ve been told they have been a huge hit!
I’m a huge fan of the Peloton strength workouts. Their core classes are always great to feel the burn!
I have seen a bit of talk about restaurants and carry out margaritas around here. That must be something new, but it sounds great to me too!
We are in agreement on the candy! The COVID-19 is staying away (for the most part) from my area. We’ve had six confirmed cases in the county…and no new ones for the past 10 days or so. But, I know this is far from over. Onward! Isn’t it amazing how the cardio fires up on the elliptical? I don’t feel like I’m working that hard, but I’m a sweaty mess when I finish. Glad you’re liking yours!
I feel like COVID-19 isn’t hitting hard in our area either. But I could be wrong – I don’t stay up on the news. It’s so depressing so I just avoid it.
Lox on a bagel. Easter PeaPod brought me loxks and I went on a bagel hunt instead of an egg. Congrats on another solid week. Shelter in Cube made me giggle.
I think we only have a dozen people working in my building now, and there is typically over 60! I do miss the chatter around the office. The silence is so odd!
Nice week of workouts for you! I was tired just reading this. Stay safe!
Haha! It was a busy week. When I was adding all of the pictures to my post it seemed like these things happened a long time ago! Swapping around my work days is confusing for everyone in my family, especially me!
Those warm days in April are the best! We had nice weather for a few days last week then it got pretty windy. I love dark chocolate. I also like candy with PB but my son has an allergy so we don’t get that stuff anymore 🙁
I have to give myself a kudos for remembering to put sunscreen on when I was outside. I usually get really burned the first sunny days of the year! Bummer on the nut allergy – but so good you found out about it!
Power walking is my jam right now, lol! That ice cream looks amazing. Ice cream is pretty much my favorite and I would take self-assembled sundaes any day of the week.
What a busy week for you! We don’t celebrate Easter so Sunday was just another Sunday for us.
Easter is not a big holiday for us, but it is fun looking for eggs and eating chocolate 🙂 It sure was a busy week. Now it’s back to work. sigh.
Sounds like a good week of workouts! My mileage is definitely off in the peloton app too. I’m getting on the mask bandwagon too. I got my materials yesterday and am hoping to start on them this evening.
I have a ton of fabric at my house because I used to sew a lot. Not much elastic though. I repurposed a strap something else to make mine! I thought the fabric was nice – not too loud, so maybe not “embarrassing” for my parents to wear out in public? Hopefully they will use them.
You HAVE stayed busy! I love that your son is working out with you. That is not happening here, although I’m thrllled my kids are working out on their own. The vast majority of people in the grocery store are wearing masks here so nothing weird about it.
What a great week! And how great to see your son join you for some workouts! Masks are now mandated here for entry into grocery stores, but overall I’m seeing more and more people wearing them.
You had a great week of workouts! Congrats!
I made masks last weekend. I made a few different types, but only had white fabric on hand so ours are boring.
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…A Twist on Easter, but Still a Time of Hope and Joy