Week 10 of Covid-19 disrupting daily life around here, but honestly, it seems like old times again. I haven’t been out to dinner yet, but I have enjoyed seeing my friends, going to work (same old for sure!), and shopping again. I’m still taking the precaution of wearing a mask, which are recommended in shopping areas and similar situations, and avoiding crowds (they’re aren’t any!). The weather has turned into summer in a just a day, and I’ve gotten quite a few workouts in…
- Miles run = 33.5
- Miles biked = 22.5
- Elliptical mins = 40
After a bit of consideration, I finally signed up for the Maumee River*X Challenge. This event is from June 1st – June 30th. There were 3 options – Run 137 miles, Bike 274 miles, OR Run/Bike 411 miles! Even though my top mileage months are around 135 miles during full marathon training, this challenge allows you to track *walking* miles too, so I think with running and walking combined, I can do it! The distance represents a trip down the Maumee River (right by my house). In addition to having a fun challenge to stay motivated, it’s also a good way to stay connected to my running friends.

Monday – 40 mins elliptical. This is a great workout for me due to all of the workouts I fit in Thurs – Sun of most weeks. A good cross training effort! This week a lot of our non-essential stores opened up. My daughter and I hit the mall for some retail therapy! Shorts and sandals were purchased.

Also, a trip to an “odd lot” store scored us these treats. BTW, the Twinkies cereal is delicious!! No filling inside, but so cute looking and they taste like cupcakes.

Tuesday – 5 miles, treadmill. I thought it was supposed to be rainy, so I ended up running on my treadmill. It never did rain. Go figure.

Peloton Chest & Back Strength class + core class. Trying to not go hard on the shoulders this week, we selected a Chest and Back class instead. Matty made us do a bunch of planks. Phew!!! In the evening I started my “next level” of PT exercises, incorporating a light band. It challenged me, but I felt like I needed it because my hamstring was feeling annoying all day.

Wednesday – run, 4 miles. I made it outside! My right hamstring is feeling a little stiff and pinchy, but not too bad. A little chilly outside, I got to wear capris! Random picture of the week, my daughter saw this guy at the grocery store when she was working. OMG. Yes, he is covered in plastic wrap.

Thursday – Bootcamp! (run 2 miles) After last week’s workout wiping me out, I was determined to go back again. Once again my friend came up with a great set of exercises for us (love that!), and the 5 reps of climbing the stairs didn’t seem quite as daunting. This is going to be a great addition to my summer workouts. They are switching the time a little earlier next week, so hopefully I can continue to get up this early on my day off to join them. A morning workout along the river can put a smile on anyone’s face!

The bald eagle was also spotted again. The nest is in this tree.

14 miles cycling – despite the mist, Alan and I went out for a bike ride. It wasn’t bad at all once we got going.

Friday – 10 miles, long run. I met up with my friend. Even though it was misty the whole time, it felt wonderful. A bit humid, and we were drenched at the end of the run. So good to catch up with her 🙂

Saturday – running 6.2 miles, 2 miles. A double day. I went a little longer than I expected to due to the great weather and enjoying an audiobook. It was really foggy out! I wore a neon ensemble so the cars would see me.

I really wanted my son to get out and run, so after I got home I woke him up and convinced him to run 2 more miles with me.

I told him everyone on the blog would be sad if they didn’t see him running this week 🙂

Later in the day we went to a new park for mountain biking. This place was a bit intense! There were a lot of twists and turns on a single track trail. I spent a bit of time walking my bike up the steep parts of the trail. By the end of the 8 miles I was drenched in sweat. Phew, what a workout!!!

Sunday – run, 4.14 miles. I could not resist the beautiful morning and I got 4 more miles in this week. The early morning sun was warming up quick (64 degrees) and it felt wonderful!

My kids have one more week of “school” left, but it’s really just a bunch of fun stuff. I’m getting a little anxious because my office will be moving in 2 weeks and my commute to work will increase from 8 mins to 22 mins! Ugh. And I’ll have to drive on the expressway. I’m really not looking forward to it, so hopefully it won’t be as bad as imagine. And it’s only 3 days a week. Guess I’ll have to be even more organized… or wear more ponytails to work 😉
Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: When you are going to work, how long is your commute?
Please don’t tell me about your 5 min stroll to your “work at home” office. You will make me sad. LOL!!!
Q: Have the stores (Kohls, etc) opened near you?
It’s a bit annoying because we can’t try anything on, so I’m making several trips back to the stores with the items that didn’t fit. But I’m happy they are open again. Everyone is using good judgement and “doing the right thing”.
The Challenge that you signed up for sounds very cool! I love the photo of you and your son after the Peloton strength class – it’s often how I feel after those classes, haha.
The photo of the guy in the plastic wrap…I literally had to do a double take to make sure I was seeing that correctly! I want to laugh but at the same time, it’s kinda genius, LOL.
That guy was wearing a ski mask along with his face mask too. Crazy! He must have been doing it for a bet. Or TikTok.
Ugh, I do not miss my commute one bit. On a good day it’s half an hour each way but on a typical day 45 minutes to an hour to get home is not unheard of. Right now I consider my morning run to be my commute since it’s how I get from my bed to our office in the next room and we’re home through September so I’m lapping it up. Congrats to your son for getting his weights and his run on this week!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: If Not Now, When?
I wouldn’t miss that commute either! I used to have a really long drive (about 45 mins out in the country), but for the past 8 years (heck, maybe it’s been longer?) or so I’ve been spoiled being so close to home!
Sounds like a pretty strong week. Retail therapy is always good! Your son gets a high 5 on his running. 🙂 My nephew was thinking of running, but I don’t know if he followed through on it.
Opening is slow here. I’m definitely not in a rush to get to a store.
Saran wrap guy is interesting. Maybe he’s trying to lose weight, LOL!
I thought I was perfectly happy not going shopping or buying anything… and then the change of seasons, and seeing new clothes. Yep, I caved in! I’m just glad the stores weren’t busy.
My commute is 5 miles, which I used to do as a run commute! Honestly depending on traffic, it might take 30 minutes door-to-door, and I can run it in not that much longer…
I love foggy runs- that picture is great!
The saran wrap guy…WOW. That took a lot of work to put on! It has to be so hot too!
It is nice that we will have a brand new office space, but I’m still pouting. It’s in a busy area of town. It will take some getting used to, and I’ll definitely need to be more mindful of getting out the door on time!
I just got word of a “run across Iowa” virtual event. All the states are doing it, right 😉 I was wondering about stores allowing people to try on clothes…do they let you return them? I fail to see how that’s any better? Aren’t people still touching them, etc? Sorry…those are hypothetical questions, not geared directly to you LOL This is such a weird time…so many unknowns. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the stair workouts 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Switcheroo, Anyone?
I was wondering the same thing about shopping! But I guess that limits people touching them, if they can’t try them on? And yes, there is no problem returning them. I guess they are keeping the returns in a special room until any chance of virus is gone, and then they go out to the floor again? I was excited to return stuff because I had a bunch of clothes on my credit card at Kohls that I needed to return before I had to pay for them!
Twinkies cereal. What the what? I saw Eggo here and that was bad enough – at least it’s a breakfast food.
My commute was about 20m door to door via Subway, including a stop at Dunkin. I’m one avenue block from the station here and two street blocks from the office. I don’t think I’ll be taking the train when we’re back to “normal” though.
Stores here are weird. Some like Bed & Bath closed early, and others like Target have stayed open. A third – Best Buy the biggest among them closed midway through. Guess they weren’t seeing the demand?
They always have the weirdest foods at the odd lot stores! I was actually hoping for creme filling inside… but sadly no. 🙂 That is surprising that Best Buy would have closed. Maybe everyone got their work at home tech supplies and then didn’t need anything else!
What is going on with the guy in plastic wrap?! Lol, thats very interesting. Glad you are feeling like things are getting back to normal and that everyone is being safe. We just started opening some salons and outdoor places here. Apparently there were lots of people at the beach on Saturday in large crowds, not wearing masks. I have a feeling we will see a spike in our numbers after that.
I just heard we can gather in groups of 10 or fewer. I would be fine with that for awhile! I’m heading to the salon this week. My hair has really taken a beating with my job stress in April. Hoping it will be all shiny and new when I get done!
We have a virtual run across Illinois, but since it’s such a long state, I’m doing the east to west challenge, lol!
That plastic wrap guy looks seriously disturbed! It’s amazing to me, all the extremes from a guy like that to people who refuse to wear masks. Really crazy.
In answer to your question, I have a 5 mile commute to work. In normal conditions, it takes about 15 minutes but right now, i can be there in about 10 minutes. I have biked it too, but the bike route is about 8 miles–I won’t ride on that busy suburban arterial that gets me there by car! And no, Kohls isn’t open yet.
Good choice on the East to West challenge! My sister in law is a nurse and she feels very strongly against wearing a mask in public. That confuses me! I’m good with putting one on until they tell me I don’t need it. Outside I’m much more lenient, but in stores I think it’s a good idea.
That confuses me too! I haven’t met a healthcare provider who feels that way!
LOL at your son! Do it for the blog!
I work from home, but when I used to be in an office setting, my commute was about 90 minutes, give or take. Ugh.
Things are opening up here, but I have no desire to go shopping or to the mall. I have been to the craft store, to Target, the grocery store, and I did a curbside pickup at Old Navy but that was about it. I get in and get out and call it a day.
90 mins is tough. Is that Miami driving or something like that? I’ve heard stories about that taking a long time!
I love that challenge that will be doing! The one I am doing now has been very motivating. I don’t want to miss/skip any of my runs so I can complete the challenge. Mine will be done this month and I am hoping I can find a similar one or a different one for June. I know Target and Walmart are open but I think Kohl’s is only open for online order pickup. I have not been to one in months but have ordered online to be delivered or for me to pick up.
I think our Target has been open for awhile now, but that is one place I did not venture! It doesn’t have a grocery store in it, but I have been the Walmart next door several times. I was glad to see the stores actually put the correct clothing season in store. I half expected to see the stores stuck in a time warp selling sweaters from March still!
The challenge sounds very interesting.
For your son: do it for the blogger friends!
No more work for me: I retired 2 years ago after 41 year of work in the port.
Have a good week.
My son does grumble about the workouts a bit (well, actually just getting up early!) but he does enjoy them. Retirement is great! My husband is retired, and I’ve got my retirement on the horizon… but not for a few more years.
Love your challenge! We got garden centres open this weekend and stores won’t be long but I won’t be going in them, as we have not got this under control yet. It’s just too scary. Running with one other person works well, though.
Liz Dexter recently posted…20 Books of Summer 2020 is coming … #20BooksOfSummer20
It’s good that you can get together with a friend. I think small groups are a good thing for a long time from now! It is interesting to see the status of each state/country of the bloggers in our group in regards to Covid-19.
I love to see your son working out with you! No one has any interest around here. So nice to read that people are getting back to some normalcy and seeing friends again. WE start phase 1 this weekend
I was wondering why I didn’t work out with him before – oh yeah, he was busy with school activities! It’s been educational for him too. He’s never worked out in a gym, so when school does start back up, at least he’ll have some idea on proper form and exercises he could do at the school workout room.
My commute USED to be an 9 minute walk … but we moved away from downtown and now (when i’m not at home) it’s 20-30 minutes. I hate the new commute — I miss my easy walk! I’m getting spoiled with the work at home commute for sure.
I love the pics in here — that plastic wrap guy, omg….I can’t believe it. and twinkie cereal?! i have never seen either 🙂
Stores are starting to open up here. We ended our stay at home order a few weeks ago but it’s been up to the individual stores to whether or not they want to open.
melissa recently posted…LM is Two
A 9 min walk does sound nice for a commute! I also found out that my new cubicle at work will be smaller. They all will be. Whomp, whomp.
Yes, we’ve come to expect to see pictures of your son working out with you!
I “think” retail stores were allowed to open today with strict restrictions. Gyms were allowed to start holding outdoor classes today as well. I have no idea when we’ll be able to hold indoor classes or let people use the equipment.
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Runfessions, Bikefessoins, and my Pants are too Tightfessions
I never made it to the gym this week, so I’m not sure what is happening there. I’m a bit torn now – with the nice weather, and my current routine, I’m not sure if I’ll need to go back to the gym soon! But I’ll still keep my membership.