My first week back to work post-vacation was good. No major fires to put out at work, and I was back in the swing of things on the workout front. I got 28 miles of running, and almost 65 miles of biking.

—> I posted a couple of recaps from our recent vacation HERE. You won’t want to miss the pictures! 🙂 bears!! (more posts to come this week too!)

Mon – run 5 miles, treadmill.  With the heatwave we are in this week, I had no interest in going outside and sweating it up before my first day back to work after vacation.  I mean, I spent time washing my hair and styling it on Sunday in preparation for an easy Monday morning, so why waste it? LOL  But seriously, even though my basement is cool and comfortable, I was dripping in sweat when I was done with my 5 miler.  And back to work was easy-peasy, so hooray for that!  I also got to watch the final episode of Schitt’s Creek.  So sad it’s over!

Also, I was feeling some DOMS after my trip to the gym on Sunday.  Long time no see!  My gym felt safe and was taking all the precautions in terms of cleaning, etc.

Tues – 2 miles running, at bootcamp.  I could tell I haven’t done this workout in a few weeks.  Oof!  Not to mention it was 73 degrees.   We were drenched with sweat just standing there!  But as always, it was a great workout.   (what a great picture of me… cut off on the right. haha!!!)

Fun thing happened today… I bought a new mountain bike!!  (new ride #1) Bikes are hard to come by these days, but a local bike shop just happened to get in the model AND color that I wanted.  I snapped it up!!  I’m going to be loving this bike for years to come.  My husband had to order one and it should be arriving in August.

Weds – run 4 miles, in the hot hot sweaty heat.  It was the first 2020 meeting of the Daybreak Divas!  I expected this to be an “easy” run for me, but I ended up chatting with the faster gals so I was pushing it. And in all honesty, I got dropped on the last half mile  LOL!!!  But hey, I got it done and it was good to see everyone again.  We had to wear masks while waiting to run, and afterwards, but not during our run.

I’ve got a new plan for the rest of the summer… make a weekly date night stop at our local microbrews! We’ve got several in the area. The one I went to had a small art gallery in their building too, so we enjoyed our drinks away from the sweaty heat!

Thurs – run 5 miles.  I slept in a bit and didn’t start my run until 8am.  Oof, 76 degrees.  Too hot for me!  But I made it through, with a few stops along the trail in the shady tree spots.  That’s where I found some poison ivy with my new app Seek!  I had a terrible patch of poison ivy rash during my vacation but luckily I got a steroid shot the day we started our trip.  Even with that, it was scary ugly (it was oozing through my pants. EWWWW!) and took 2 weeks to go away.   Click on the small picture if you are brave 🙂

10 miles, biking with my son.  We are twinning with our matching mountain bikes!

15 mins swimming laps in my pool.  Yep, I made it 15 whole mins!  I really gotta give people credit who train for swimming events.  So not my jam.  And my pool water is 92 degrees!!

Fri – Workout-paloooza!  2 miles running at bootcamp, 20 miles cycling, more strength training at the gym.  Bootcamp was soooooo sweaty this morning.  74 degrees when we started!  As always, a great way to start the day.

I talked my husband into joining me on a bike ride in the morning after I got home.  As much as I love my new mountain bike, I love my road bike too!  We were quite speedy this morning, and even had a surprise rain shower along the ride, which felt amazing.  So good to cool down!

We went to the gym after the bike ride, so I got an extra strength workout.  It was really busy at the gym too.  I guess no one wanted to be outside running or working out in this heat.

Sat – 10.25 miles, long run.  Oof.  All the workouts yesterday did not set me up for a good run today, despite the temps being a little cooler (68).  I even had some new shoes to try out (new ride #2), but it didn’t make the run any better.  I stopped several times to rest in the shade.  Oh well! My new shoes are Saucony Triumph 17, and are oh so comfy! They remind me of my old Asics Nimbus.

I spent the rest of the day rehydrating! Hooray for summer!!

Sun – 28 mile bike ride. It was a pretty great morning for a bike ride. Not hot and sunny, and the roads were clear. I’m already looking forward to another ride with my husband next Sunday! Weather permitting, it will be our 50 miler ride! 😁 I might be hitting the mountain bike trails later today with my son and husband too. I’m enjoying the slight drop in temperatures today!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: I’m curious – are you still in “quarantine”? Back to work, if you worked in an office?

We are starting to have discussions about what “back to school” will be looking like around here. Nothing definite yet, but I did buy some more masks so the kids will be prepared. Sad that it’s part of the “back to school” list now 😔

Q: Does anyone run in Saucony Triumph?

It’s quite the plush ride!

26 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – new ride(s)”
  1. Your pool looks amazing! But 92? Eeek! That’s beyond bath water (and would probably set me up for a UTI, which thankfully I haven’t had once since we moved here, I think). I love to swim . . .

    I’ve been getting out at about 6:30 most mornings. And it’s in the mid 70s. So I just take it real slow & walk when I want to (although I still try to keep it to a minimum). But I don’t have to get to work. 🙂

    Sounds like a really strong week for you! Sorry about the poison ivy, but glad it’s healing up.

    1. I never thought about any issues with a UTI from the warm water! What has caused me problems a bit in the past is getting yeast infections from riding my bike a lot. I think this could be the year I don’t have an issue (knock on wood). The poison ivy was bad enough, I don’t need anything else!
      Having a darker liner in the pool also heats the water up a bit more than previous years, but it’s definitely not uncommon for the water to get that warm. Makes it feel like a Mexican resort! 😁

  2. So jealous of your pool…and your trip! Your pictures are amazing! What a cool experience…and the BEARS 🙂 We are going camping in the Boundary Waters this summer and my bucket list is to (safely) see a moose!

    That poison ivy…OMG! I’ve had my fair share of ’emergency’ stops in the woods on runs over the years and that is definitely a fear of mine!

    To answer your question, I’m still pretty much quarantined, working from home, but running with a friend or two. We’re supposed to go back to the office in September, but it might only be 2 days a week.

    Awesome job this week with your workouts, thanks for sharing!

    1. I’m glad other hikers point out the wildlife on the trails. I’m not sure I would find anything! Well, I wouldn’t have missed that bear coming right at us. haha!

  3. I like your rehydration plan! Where I live just about everything is open but masks are mandatory inside or if you can’t keep 6 ft away outside. Work is no nonsense about keeping everyone home until September. They were seeing a rise in people going to the office so they deactivated everyone’s badges to reinforce the message. I had a spell of not feeling well last week (turned out to be nothing) but it was nice that I was just able to totally quarantine and not have to worry about being absent from the office.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Everything I Never Told YouMy Profile

    1. I’m glad you didn’t end up having anything. It seems like a lot of people were going to go back to the office in July, but now have the later dates of August and September. We actually did have one case in our office, but it wasn’t anyone I came in contact, and they are now at home (maybe along with anyone who was in contact with them?). Our new office is so big I rarely see anyone other than my department any more, which is OK for now!

  4. What a pretty new bike! Of course, I’m all about the color (though I’m sure the “bike” aspect will be spectacular LOL). In my bike ride post (from Friday) I mentioned that I am considering getting a road bike…so that will be an interesting conquest. What kind of shoes are your Sauconey Triumphs…neutrals? stability? I had a pair of Saucony shoes one time that weren’t a good fit for me…they may have been Triumphs (?). I’m happy with my Brooks Adrenalines (stability), but am always on the lookout for other brands since updated models sometimes change the fit.

    1. I have just learned that the Triumph is a neutral shoe! I wanted a more cushioned shoe for my long runs (well, what passes as a long run these days!). I have been wearing my Brooks tester shoes, and they have over 500 miles on them. I really like them, but that model isn’t supposed to come out until 2021. I heard the Triumph is the more cushioned shoe along the Saucony Kinvara fit, so that’s why I picked those. I’m shocked it how cushioned they are! So far so good!

  5. Glad that your first week back after vacation went well! I’m back to work tomorrow after my staycation this week and I’m not happy about it, lol.

    I like your idea for weekly date nights at your local microbrews – it’s nice to get back to some normalcy after so many months!

    1. The microbrew date is a really good idea because I work Mon-Weds, so going out on Weds night makes my weekend seem extra long! Kinda like a weekly vacation.

  6. I’d love a pool! I grew up with one and it was so nice. Of course, a lake would do too…that is the long term plan, anyways.

    Love the new bike! Glad you were able to get one!

    Curious how easily you made the transition to Saucony after wearing Asics, since Saucony are zero drop? I tried them and they gave me shin splints.

    1. I actually have been running Newton (4mm) forever, and have switched over to Kinvara (4mm), so it wasn’t a big deal. I did have to transition from the Asics to the Newtons a little bit at a time because my calves were very tight if I wore them too long. Now I can wear a lot of different brands without much issues. I used to be really loyal to my Newtons, but I’m really expanding my horizons now and want *all* the shoes! I’m liking a bit more cushion these days.

    1. My husband and I both had pools growing up, so it was a given that we’d get one in our house. I’m so glad we got it cleaned up fast because it was green when we got back from vacation and the weather has been so hot!!

  7. Enjoy your new bike! I am all about biking these days. Ooh your pool is so warm ours is about 85 right now and it feels good. wow almost seems like you are kind of back to normal there. I am still very leery of eating in a restaurant or going to the gym. Stay well and thanks for linking

  8. There’s an app that IDs poison ivy? Amazing
    Still working from home. 17 weeks now, I think? But we’re in phase 3 which means personal care is open. Work wise a lot of my folks open in phase 4, but we’ll still be WFH
    Glad re-entry has been gentle

    1. The app is called Seek, and it’s from National Geographic. It has a huge database of plants and you can use it offline. Just point the camera at a plant and it identifies it! It’s really amazing, especially that it doesn’t need to be connected to the internet to give you information. We looked up all sorts of flowers and plants on our hikes. Oh, and it also identifies “scat” (haha, poop!).

  9. Looks like a great week of workouts, especially after just getting back from vacation! Many things have opened up here but the recommendation is still to stay home if you can, and I’m still working from home. No decisions about school yet.

    1. I don’t envy the decision makers in regards to school plans. There’s going to be a lot of tough decisions to make, and I’m sure they will change as we work through it all. I just want football games, marching band and cross country to happen!! I don’t ask for much.

  10. LOVE your bike! That color!

    Cases are spiking dramatically here in Florida, so we are staying super close to home for now, It’s a disaster. We go back to school on August 10. Our family is applying for a virtual option because we aren’t ready for 5 days a week in a brick and mortar situation. Ugh.
    Jenn recently posted…week 27: sliding down the backside of julyMy Profile

    1. I just filled out my school survey on what we feel comfortable with. An online option was available, but I’d like to see my kids go to school. It will be interesting to see what they come up with. It’s a tough decision for parents 🙁
      Thanks, I do love my bike color! My regular bike shop only had the bike in black, so I was super happy to find this one at another shop locally. Woot!!

  11. Your pool looks glorious! It’s been so hot I’ll bet its getting lots of use. I recently loaded up on masks as well. I suspect our district will offer a hybrid of all-remote learning and in-school, socially-distanced learning. But it’ll all shutdown immediately in the event of an outbreak. Should be interesting. And now I’m jonesing for my mountain bike. When I got my road bike, my hubby took my mountain bike to the Salvation Arm unbeknownst to me. I still have not forgiven him!

  12. Daybreak Divas- love it! We call ourselves the Vampire Runners because we run when it’s still dark. 😉

    I’ve run in the Triumphs before and liked them. Recently I’ve been kind of obsessed with the light weight trainers most brands are coming out with, like the Saucony Endorphin series, Brooks Hyperion Tempo and Asics Novablast. High cushion, minimal weight.

  13. I’m back in Saucony Guides, the ISO 2, and loving them, after I felt out of love with them at the Guide 10 and went to Omnis and Hurricanes for a bit.

    We are in lockdown ourselves here still, dialling it back a few stages from what we’re currently permitted. Most shops, pubs, hairdressers are open but we’re wearing masks in shops from 24 July (we’ve been wearing masks in shops since the beginning; it’s interesting seeing people going through all the stages of getting used to them). We’re not going anywhere except the supermarket once a week, getting a delivery once every few weeks on bulk items and a fresh salad veg and fruit box once every 10 days. No hairdressers or offices, though my husband’s office is working its way back to being open in stages.
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Book review- Paul Magrs – “All the Rage” #magrsathon @paulmagrsMy Profile

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