As of post time, I’m sure everyone is still wondering what’s going to happen with the Garmin outage!   I know it affects us runners and cyclists, but there is a serious loss to those who use Garmin for aviation.  I’ve never really thought about them!  I hope they get it straightened out soon!!  [because I have to manually add this stuff up….]  Run = 28 miles, Biking = 74 miles, 40 mins elliptical this week. I did a ton of stuff this week!

Mon – running, 5 miles.  I got outside right when the sun lit up the sky.  Hello Monday!  Honestly I’ve surprised myself being able to get my workout in and get to work on time since they’ve relocated my office. I mean, I could never get to work on time when I was 8 mins from my house, but now that I have a 25 min commute, I’ve been killing it!  Being organized and giving my hair a blowout on Sunday has really streamlined my morning routine.  It’s a win!  Today’s miles were a bit slow due to minor stiffness due to the long bike ride yesterday, and the oppressive humidity! That sunrise though…

Tues – running, 2 miles – 1 hour of bootcamp workout!!  We had such a good workout at bootcamp this morning.  My friend comes up with all of our workouts and she told us she was bringing balls for us.  What, balls?  Well my friends, everyday exercises can be doubled in benefit when you add a ball!  Such as, doing arm curls while squatting?  Add a ball between your knees and you get an extra resistance workout! And OH MY, what a workout we had.  I had to take some Ibuprofen when I got to work.  Ha!!  That’s a good sign of some new muscles being used for sure.

Ladies Ride Night – 14 miles.  Week 2 of ride night and I’m keeping up with the pack.  Heck, it’s easy to go 17 mph when you’re tucked into the middle of a group 🙂  Garmin reported our top speed hit 20.4 (on flat land)!  Our average pace was 15.4 because we make several stops at road crossings.  I struggled a little bit with getting clipped in after so many stops, but that just gives me practice and hopefully soon I will be faster with that. 

Following the ride we all stopped over to the ice cream parlor across the street and enjoyed a treat.  I got an odd selection – a twist of lemon Dole Whip (yum) and Snickers yogurt (yum).  Individually they are good flavors, but together they just kind of cancelled each other out!  

Weds – Run 5.5 miles.  Just a slow run around my neighborhood.  I had to laugh when I saw the humidity was reported at 100% on my app!  Yep, that’s exactly what it felt like.  Also fun – I saw a red fox in my neighborhood!  At first I thought it was the coyote, but it was much smaller and I saw a white tip on its tail.   My husband and I did have another “microbrewery Weds date night”. You can see we like different kinds of beer!

Thurs – Run 3 miles, bike 18 miles.  I tried to go out for a longer run, but the heat just exhausted me and the run was no fun.  So I opted for a ride instead!  And my husband joined me – nice to have some company!

Fri – 2 miles bootcamp run + 10 miles long run.  Our bootcamp workout was a lot of fun again with the balls.  5:45 is getting darker and darker 🙁 Since I’m done with bootcamp at 7am, I just went for my long run to make the best use of my free time!  Stopped along the way for some pictures in the park.

Post workout I stopped at Wendy’s to try their new “Frosty-ccino” (spoiler alert, I won’t be getting it again.  Not impressed!)  When I picked up my drink at the drive-thru, the guy asked me if I did cross fit (note, I’m red faced and still sweaty!).  I told him “No, but I did a bootcamp workout at 5:45am and then ran 10 miles.”  He said, “oh, you’re really fit!  People who do crossfit look like that too.  Do you workout every day?”  I replied “Usually.  I train for marathons.”  LOL!!!  I guess my strength training is paying off!

Kayaking with the family.  Despite the mixed up 2020 we’ve been having, I still have a “summer bucket list”.  We checked off another box with some fun in the Maumee River!  We got a giant pretzel for lunch too. Yum!

Sat – 40 mins elliptical.  It’s been so long since I’ve used my elliptical!  I wanted to ride my bike in the morning, but we had mountain biking on the agenda for the afternoon.  It was nice to watch some TV. Later I moved some rocks around in the yard. I’m so happy to get this project done!!

12 miles of mountain biking!  My husband just got his new mountain bike, so we are all equipped to handle the trails now.  We love our bikes!  This week my big accomplishment was going over this wooden obstacle.  Honestly, I get a bit anxious just looking at it again.  I can’t believe I didn’t fall off of it!!! I don’t know why riding in a straight line over wooden planks is so hard, but it is nerve wracking in my opinion!

Sun – 30 mile bike ride.  I saw the weather forecast was going to be amazing for cycling, so I opted for a ride instead of a run.  I love the emptiness of the roads on a Sunday morning! It is my hilly route, and I got a top speed of 26.7 mph going down a hill. So fun!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Also, you might want to read all about our adventure in Glacier National Park (found HERE). There were bikes, rain, BEARS!, and a girl went way outside her comfort zone!! It’s a good one! 🙂

Q:  Have you ever exercised with small balls?

Great news, she found them at the grocery store for $1 !  How about that for affordable gym equipment 🙂

37 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – who’s got balls?”
  1. I’m curious about the details with the balls in the workout. Maybe you could share more info?

    How fun that you and your hubby can ride together. I see a lot of bikers on my runs but I have to say that when it’s wet, they really trash the trails! I guess it’s fun when your on a bike to go throught the mud, lol.

    1. Our bike trail is closed when it’s wet. It’s strictly a bike trail too, with directions (clockwise some days, etc) so no chance of sneaking up and taking out a trail runner! I like that part. For the balls – it’s just a play ball. I give my friend a lot of credit – she comes up with these great workouts every week. We did a lot of holding the ball between our knees for core/glute stabilization while doing arm work. Also laying on it for chest flys, holding it during ab work. Just adding to regular workout gave it an extra dimension of difficulty!

  2. I must have missed a few details…are those balls weighted? I need to go searching for them! I do all of my workouts at home, so these would be a great addition to my “equipment” supply 😉 I reached a top speed of 30.1 last week on a downhill…but it was my heavy mountain bike and it was one of those killer hills on the bike path. I love all the variety of your workouts, especially those bootcamp workouts!

    1. Nope, just plain “kids play balls”! My friend must have done some searching on workouts with balls because we added them to quite a few of our exercises. Like a Russian Twist but put the ball between your knees when they are raised for more core stabilization and glute resistance. Sneaky stuff like that!

    1. It sure was an active week. My friend is a pro at keeping the workouts fresh! I figured we were just going to roll on the balls or something. LOL!

  3. I don’t really use my Garmin watch anymore (typically use my Apple watch for all my workouts) but I’ve SO many tweets and post on Facebook about it. Some people are being quite ridiculous over it (someone wrote they were going to sue Garmin – lol), but thankfully it seems like most runners get that it’s not the end of the world. I actually didn’t even think about the aviation aspect of it – that’s really serious! Hopefully they can get things resolves soon.

    I love that you’re still checking things off you bucket list this summer! What a great way to get out of the house and have some fun!

    1. I read an article recently about a large company that decided to just pay the ransom when it happened to their company. It will be interesting to see what Garmin decides to do!

  4. Your park looks amazing!

    I hadn’t thought about aviation when it happened, either. I do wish they would at least update their message, because check back shortly definitely mean 3 days . . .

    Snickers & lemon do not sound like a great combo! My husband got some soft serve at Burger King yesterday (he was out picking up my lunch, NOT Burger King). I had a few spoonfuls. 🙂

    I’m already plotting our next daytrip. Unfortunately this week, when the weather looks good after Tuesday, we both have appointments. Friday we have to pick up our veggie box. We’ll see what happens!

    1. I’m not sure if those flavors of ice cream were meant to be twisted together, or they just happened to be loaded in the same machine. I would buy them separately again, but not together! I’m going to have a tough week – I have to work Mon-Fri instead of Mon-Weds. It will be brutal working 5 days!!

  5. In times like these everyone needs balls! I have to admit that I did not know that Garmin was in aviation before this week. I think a good rule of thumb is that it’s always a good idea to have more than one kind of beer at a time but not ice cream flavors. Although if it’s an option I always feel like I have to get more than one.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Running Gear RoundupMy Profile

    1. I didn’t realize they were so involved in aviation either, until this happened! Why do people have to be such jerks and hack into companies like that? It’s surprising all the ways people try to trick our bank employees to give up information or let them into our systems. You have to really stay alert and be smart about cyber security.

    1. Yep, the sun is just rising at 5:45am around here. In fact, at my last bootcamp I didn’t even recognize one of the girls because it was dark and I thought it was a new friend that someone brought along! LOL! And then when the sun comes up I get to see if my workout clothes really do match. Often times they don’t. 😉

  6. I use to do a bootcamp years ago and often the instructor incorporated balls – they can make simple moves more challenging!

    Looks like you had a great week!

  7. Wow! That was a busy week!

    I would love to see a fox. We never get anything good like that here.

    Garmin is in a bad way. I hope they are able to get everything back.

    1. It sure was busy! When I looked back at my post, I thought the ball workout was the week before! It seemed like a really long time ago.
      I wish I would have been faster with my phone and got a picture of the fox. It was quite pretty! The coyote has been making appearances around here lately, but I don’t think I’ve seen a fox before.

  8. the ball exercises look fun. Congrats on streamlining the morning. I have no idea how I’m going to make it all work with less daylight and commute when we go back, but maybe I’ll pick up some tips

    1. Things I have changed in order to get to work on time… 1) make my lunch the night before (I always take salads). 2) pick out my outfit the night before 3) instead of eating breakfast as I get ready for work, take a microwave Jimmy Dean muffin sandwich for breakfast and eat it in the car as I drive to work! 4) make sure I don’t have to wash my hair before work. Wear a ponytail if necessary! With all of that stuff in place, I can get ready and out the door within 30 mins, so it’s been working out quite well! You can do it! 🙂

      1. Nicely done! I definitely eat breakfast between the train and the office so I have that part squared away. We’ll see how that goes if I transition to walking to work daily

  9. Wow, you sure packed in a lot of fun this week! That first sunrise pic is gorgeous. As in the scenery from your other runs/rides. I’m so scared of mountain biking. I’m even nervous on a pretty tame local trail. I’m scare of falling over I guess.

    1. I did fall over on my last ride – but it was just when I was standing still! I stepped down on my peddle and didn’t realize my chain had fallen off (because I tipped over when I stopped! doh!). Anyhow, my shin went down hard on my bike and I spent quite a bit of time trying not to cry out some foul words when I was in pain LOL! Yep, I do my own stunts 😉

    1. It was a pretty funny conversation with the Wendy’s employee. It made my day 🙂 The group rides were really out of my comfort zone – both with new people, and riding so close together – but I’m so glad I am doing it!

  10. How Devine – What A Fantastic Post – Pleased Your Involved With The Gals On Bikes Gathering – Excellent Workouts And Runs – Incredible Sunrise And Who’s Up For More Ice Cream – Righteous TREK Bikes There – Free Your Mind And Your Bike Will Follow


    1. Thanks! We are very fortunate to have access to such nice trails where I live – for both road bikes and mountain bikes. We have been having a lot of fun with the bikes!

  11. That sunrise is gorgeous!

    I took a class using a ball about the size of the one you’re using at a fitness convention years ago. I still have it and use it occasionally. I remember being super sore after the class.

    You’re getting lots of mileage in on your bike – I am, too! I am picking up my new road bike on Thursday and can’t wait. Even though my gravel grinder is only two years old, I need a lighter bike to keep up with my Saturday morning friends. This morning I jumped on the back of a peloton of seven guys I’d never met who pulled me along for about five miles and completely out of my comfort zone. We were climbing the whole time at about 17 MPH and they gave me one heck of a workout! I finally fell behind because I just couldn’t hang on any more. BTW, I would be super nervous about riding across that wooden bridge.

    Have a great week!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: July 19 – 25 / Thunder, Lightning, and Endless Rain EditionMy Profile

    1. You’re getting a new bike?? Fun!! My road bike could definitely be upgraded to be faster, but I’m not interested in doing that yet. I do have envy of those speedsters though! Sounds like a great ride you did.

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