Another busy week in the books. I would be finishing up the 4th week of the training plan that I’m subcoaching for, but I’ve been a little challenged by the speedwork, so I’m just doing my own thing. And this week, that thing has been CYCLING! Miles run = 23, miles biked = 90! If you’re only here for the pictures, you’ve picked a good week to stop by. I’ve got a ton!!! 🙂 enjoy.

Mon -6.2 miles running.  Imagine my surprise when I headed back to my house thinking I ran 6 miles, and it was only 5 miles!  Do you ever do that??  Running around my neighborhood got me a little confused on the mileage, but I circled around again to make it my 10K for Monday.

Monday was also the first day “back to school” – which technically was a virtual day for my kids. They will go to school in class only 2 days a week, virtual the other 3 days. I made a sign for my daughter. It made me a little weepy every time I saw that picture of her from kindergarten!!

We celebrated BTS with some killer milkshakes. This is a terrible picture, but look at these things… shakes with huge cookies and brownies on top! They were crazy.

Tues – bootcamp, 1.5 miles running.  Super dark bootcamp morning, but still the same great group!  In fact ALL of us made it to the workout.  Due to vacations, work, and life, we haven’t all been together in awhile.  The Girl Gang was in full force! And we saw a bunch of big spiders crawling too close for comfort (for some of us, I like spiders…) which gave me a big laugh when my friend shrieked 🙂

Ladies Ride Night – 14 miles biking.  This was our last weekday ride.  We are losing daylight!  It was a slower, casual ride all together.  I’ll miss this one.  I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to ride with a group. 

We didn’t get the news that the guys ride was starting a bit sooner though… and poor Alan missed them!  But he ended up with a 20 mph average ride going out to find them!  Nope, he never caught up with them.  He did get one heck of a workout in though!

Weds – 3.5 miles running.  Yep, 3.5 miles was enough for today!  In addition to the warm temps and high humidity, my nemesis, aka “angry hamstrings” have been making an appearance again and my running has not felt great.  Whomp whomp.  The common trigger of speedwork is most likely the culprit and I need to do something to address it again (PT, cutting back on something).  Oh well, I know the routine. But on a positive note, I got to be super coordinated at work today… not only did I make that dress years ago (back in the day I used to sew a lot!), I made a mask out of the remnants! It gave me a good laugh to be rocking that combo.

Thurs – 76 MILES OF CYCLING!  Yep, you read that right.  I wanted to go on a “long ride” before the season ended, and Alan and I did it.  The weather was really good too.  It took us just a little over 4.5 hours to complete this and got an average speed of 16.5 mph.  I was super happy with this.  Outside of some sort butt bones (ok, they are called sit bones), we were both feeling really good.

We celebrated over a late lunch.

Fri – 4 miles running.  This would have been a bootcamp day, but with the new school schedule I’m not doing that anymore.  But I was able to sneak in 4 miles after school drop off.  I wasn’t going to run, but I could not pass up the perfect weather!  My paces have been so much better with the temps dropping, and my hamstrings were feeling no pain.  Go figure.  Wasn’t it just a few days ago I was on the struggle bus?? 

Alan and I had another date day (due to the kids being at school) and went to Cedar Point. They are getting ready for the Halloween season.

Alan cracks me up on this ride photo!

Sat –  5 miles running.  The weather was amazing.  52 degrees and crisp.  I was a bit slow getting out of bed, so my planned 6 miles turned into 5 miles, but it was great! (here’s another great shot off my camera roll LOL!)

We took a road trip to the Cuyahoga Valley National park and did some hiking.  We went on two trails, but unfortunately my husband rolled his ankle, so that ended the hiking for the day.  Not to mention my kids were “sooooooo tired” because I woke them up at 7:30am.  LOL!! I guess this first week of waking up early and going to school has taken its toll.

Sun – 3 easy miles.  I had ambitious plans to get up and run 10 miles, but my body had different plans.  It was impossible to avoid the bed magnet, so I slept in until almost 8:30 (!!!) and got donuts and coffee instead.  Upon reaching home though, I had a burst of energy and was feeling good enough to bust out 3 miles around my neighborhood before indulging in the donuts.  It’s all good 🙂

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Hope you are all enjoying a fun holiday weekend, and get to have the day off tomorrow. Happy Labor Day!

Q:  Are you freaked out by spiders?

Nope, but if it was a millipede, ewwwwwwww!  I can’t stand those!

Q: Cyclists – have you been able to get in a long ride this year?

28 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – longest ride ever!!”
  1. Sounds like you’re adapting to the kids being back in school well. I just have to deal with my husband when it comes to trying to pry someone out of the house early (although really Lola is a problem, she doesn’t want to eat breakfast early).

    Congrats on your long ride! Hope your hamstrings stay happy.

  2. I agree, millipedes are creepy! Spiders don’t bother me as long as they respect the 6-ft social distance. My longest ride is a 47-miler (two months ago), not sure I’ll have an opportunity to do anything comparable in 2020…but never say never. Awesome job on that 76-miler!!!

  3. wow that is some great cycling mileage! Nice job you too. I would have to work up to that distance. The longest I have gone is 65 miles. I find it’s really hard to fuel for those long distances

    1. Oh yes, I could have done better on the fueling. I had a snack at 25 miles, and then at 50 miles I told my husband that we had to stop immediately to have another snack or it would not end well! We found a bit of shade in someone’s front yard 🙂 By the time we were almost home, my stomach was growling really bad!

    1. Thanks! Gotta get those rides in before it’s too chilly out! I think school is going well. Much more time for the school/teachers to prepare than the abrupt end of school in the spring.

    1. My daughter has a pretty nice arrangement this year. She has an “amended” schedule so she doesn’t have class for the first two periods. No need for her to wake up super early! We’re still trying to figure out the best time to get every one on a schedule and not sleeping in late on those virtual days.

  4. Glad you got that pain free run in on the perfect weather day! You needed it. I’ve got 10 planned for today and like you, I slept way longer than I expected. I’m currently drinking my coffee and planning to head out in about an hour.

    Great bike miles for you! My bike just looks at me sadly…he always plays second fiddle to my running shoes!

    I don’t love spiders but I’m not afraid of them! They are building their webs in coming in the house now in preparation for fall. I admit to a sick satisfaction in sucking them up in the vaccuum….
    Wendy recently posted…I Got LostMy Profile

    1. Hey, good for you for getting out there! If I miss my morning time to run, it’s a pretty good chance that I’m just not going out. I need some real motivation for me to run later in the morning or day.

    1. We really do have a great running and biking community here! Now I have a whole new set of friends – cycling friends! I think the bike shop’s secret plan for having group rides is paying off… I have bike envy and am thinking about upgrading next year. LOL!!! Must stop looking at other people’s bikes.

  5. Great week of miles for you both on foot and on wheels! The early morning darkness bums me out. I don’t mind spiders at all. A millipede on the other hand, no thanks. Hope your kiddos have a great school year. I so wish we were doing hybrid study here. The isolation is brutal. I know what you mean about those kindergarten pics! Sniff!

    1. We were going to start out with only virtual but luckily the school board voted for hybrid. I agree, the socialization is important. My kids will only see half of their friends though because they split the class up by last name. But still, at least they will see some friends!

  6. What a solid week of fitness! I’m also glad you got out of your comfort zone and started riding with a group too because you’ve really enjoyed it! My kids are still at the age where they get up earlier than us (well over the weekends!). During the week there’s still a lot of moaning before school.

    1. The point that the kids switch over from early morning to late morning sleepers seems to happen fast. I don’t remember an in between time! My daughter slept in until 2pm one day when I was at work. yikes!

  7. Happy back to school for your crew! I hope it goes smoothly. Those milkshakes look divine.

    You have been getting in so many running AND cycling miles. That’s truly amazing.

    1. The milkshakes were just crazy! I had a peanut butter one that was soooo good! My husband didn’t want his own, so we “shared”. It was more of a 90/10 share I’d say. The large size was no challenge for me!

  8. EEK. I hate spiders too. But worse for snakes.

    Great week – both for running and biking.

    I just starting riding my bike…but just don’t have the time for many miles. Hopefully once boating ends, I’ll ride longer on Sundays.

    I can run long on Sat but rest on Friday and Sunday helps.

  9. What A Fabulous Photo Of Your Hubby At The Brewery – Drag On The Ankle And Sit Bone Issue – Good On You For Almost Cracking A 100 Mile Week On The Bike – We Have Lost 19 Minutes Of Daylight This Week – Yikes – Very Pleased With All The Photos – And The Mask Over The Face, Classic – Have A Wonderful weekend With The Family – Stay Strong – And Ride It Like You Stole It

    Not Bragging, Just Answering The Question, 98.3 Miles On An August First Ride
    The Padre recently posted…Living VicariouslyMy Profile

    1. That is a solid long ride distance for sure!! Nice! Luckily my husband’s ankle didn’t bother him for more than a few days. It could have been so much worse! He actually bruised his hand from the fall more than his ankle.

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