As I mentioned last week, I decided to cut back on the running this week following a very uncomfortable session of sitting at the football game, which reminded me how awful my hamstrings were feeling! I cut back on the running, but had BIG plans for biking. Here’s how my week turned out: running = 20 miles, biking = 133 miles !!!
A quick recap of last Sunday afternoon – mountain biking! Sunday is typically the day to hit the trails because my daughter is working, so it’s just me and the guys. After a few falls on the trails on past rides, I had become a little scared to go on a lot of the features. But this week I got brave and practiced in the skills park. Riding on this was a major breakthrough for me. I did it a whole bunch of times too! Granted, five year olds were also going on it, but for me, a 52 year old Mom who knows that I can break my arm or worse from a fall off these things, it was a BIG deal!

Mon – 1.5 miles running, bootcamp. Bootcamp on a Monday?? Yep, we changed the day from Tues. How is bootcamp on Monday? Just as tiring as you might expect. And dark. And cold. I think I was still asleep by the time I left the workout. Haha! But there were pretty stars to look at 🙂

Tues – 1 mile run, 30 mins elliptical. I got all geared up to run, and after a half a mile, I decided it wasn’t feeling as good as it should, so I just went back home. Hopped on my elliptical and watched some TV! Made my good choice for the day.

Weds – 4 miles run. Feeling a bit better today. I took 2 days off, why wouldn’t I be completely better now, right? LOL. The fact that it was 50 degrees (and not sub-50) was enough motivation to get moving.

PM, 20 miles biking – it felt like a summer day so I had to get a ride in. Even got to wear a tank top!

Thurs – 5 miles running. When the temps are 56, I cannot resist a run! It did not disappoint either. It’s starting to look like fall on my trail!

Afterwards, I got to play with our foster kitten Marci 🙂

PM 5 miles, Track night! I subcoached for the 10:30-11:00 (goal race pace) group tonight. We had 3 x mile repeats. It was a good run.

Fri – 101.4 MILES of BIKING. Sorry for yelling, but that’s just how excited I was about this one. Alan and I did a century ride. We postponed it from last week due to less than desirable weather. The weather was pretty good- starting out at 53 degrees and ending around 82. We had 6 hrs 27 mins on the bike. I actually felt way better than I thought I would after biking so far. Besides my sits bones, my shoulders were in the most pain. We celebrated by going out for burgers.
Sat – Rest day! We had to wake up at 5:45am to get to a cross country meet. After yesterday’s ride, it was tough!! My daughter ran well, and the girl’s varsity team took 1st place again. They are doing great this season!

At night we were treated to the marching band performing. They put a show on for the band family because they aren’t allowed to march at the football games this year. Regardless of the lack of time on the field, they did a really good job! On a side note, it felt wonderful to sit on the bleachers again with no hamstring pain, compared to the last time.

Sun – 3 mile run, 12 miles biking. A lot of mountain biking! We went to a new trail today and it was challenging. Heck, sitting on a bike seat was challenging 😆. After riding a bit everything felt fine. Kinda like a recovery run! But with a lot of hills.

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: What is your favorite meal after a long run/ride?
Burgers and beer always hit the spot for me!
Q: What is your favorite running temp?
OMG Marci is such a cutie – look at that sweet face!
Congratulations on your century ride – that’s amazing! 🙂
It has been great having Marci around. Such a cutie indeed!! I’m sure she will get adopted right away when she is ready.
Burgers and beer sound like a great option to me too!
Holy cow, that’s a lot of biking! Impressive.
Biking has been really good for my body. I’m so happy for these achievements this year.
I’m all about a good burger (and fries with ranch dressing) after a long run or bike ride…but lately I’ve been OCD’ing on pulled pork BBQ. Huge congrats on that century ride!!!!! That’s incredible. And to think…it took me all week to get those kinds of miles LOL
ha – I know, 100 miles was quite a build up for me though. It was a good experience. I think we will make it an annual event! Fries with ranch dressing is delish 🙂
Wow 101 miles on the bike! That’s amazing! I love a good burger and fries after a workout too. Congrats to your daughter on her meet!
Thanks! The girls XC team is doing really, really well this year. I think one of the girls will head to states individually, and maybe the team will have a good chance at it too. Exciting stuff!
Congrats on the century! Brag all you want! That is something I’ve always wanted to do. Amazing!
Wendy recently posted…Life’s Short. Run Fast.
Thanks! It was a great day to do it and we didn’t have any mechanical issues, which made it all even better!
sorry your hamstring is bothering you again! Wow impressive on the 100 miles and that pace is pretty darn fast. Brag away!
Thanks! I never thought I’d be riding 100 miles in a day. The hamstrings will just be a pain for me forever I think. But, with the rest, they were feeling pretty decent by the end of the week. And luckily that ride didn’t make it worse!
Happy Monday – May This Week Treat You And The Family Very Well – Holy Smokes, Congrats On The 100 Miler And Under 7 Hours Is No Joke – Were You Two Able To Ride Non Stop Or Were There Breaks For Food, Water, etc – Did Mr Alan Stay With You The Whole Time – How Many Hours Did You Sleep Afterwards – For Me Unfortunately, Not Able To Consume Solid Foods After About Mile Number 60 Or So – I Refuel With Protein Shakes And High Calorie Crab Scoops In My Water Bottles – Afterwards, Fruit Smoothies With Added Protein Powder And A Nap – The Meal The Night Before Is More Important When Longer Rides Are On The Docket – I Only Wish I Could Enjoy A Cold Brew And Pizza Afterwards – But Again, Congrats On Clicking Off 100 Miles – Also, I Am Very Pleased You Are Listening To Your Body And Backing Off The Running Pace As Needed – Good On You – Fantastic Job On The Skills Course – What Most Of Us Riders Don’t Realize Is How Our Tiny Stabilizing Muscles Benefit From Those Agility Courses – Plus, They Add To Our Confidence And Coordination Awareness – Continue Practicing Riding Those Ramps And Smile Often – Stay Strong And Be Well
The Padre recently posted…Currents of Gold in Them There Hills
Thanks! To clarify, the 6 1/2 hours was time on the bike. My watch is set to automatically pause when stopped, so with all of the road crossings for traffic, and food breaks, the total time was 7.5 hours. We took a food or GU break at 25 miles, and had small lunch stop at 50 and 75 miles. When I got to 95 miles I was feeling a bit woozy, so I ate another GU and that fixed it. I am really sensitive to keeping my blood sugar level high, but my husband isn’t bothered by it so much. He was with me the whole way, and served as the route guide too! I thought we had a good pace considering those aren’t tri bikes!
Great week for you!
A went mountain biking with his Scouts troop on Saturday. I wasn’t along for the chaos, but apparently, he flipped over his handlebars and ended up with some nasty scrapes and bruises. It’s a good thing he had his helmet.
Getting on those raised paths makes me really anxious. After flipping over my handlebars twice out there, I would never let my son ride without a helmet! Luckily everyone wears them, so it’s not an issue. Sorry about your son’s fall. Hopefully that didn’t taint his interest it doing it again. It really is a lot of fun, but definitely a skill that gets better with time.
Wow! Congrats on your century ride! You are one tough mamma, for sure. And congrats to your daughter, too!
Sounds like all that riding actually did your hamstrings good.
I often have a stromboli or calzone post long run/race. Of course there hasn’t been a whole lot of long runs for me this year, but there have been a few calzones. I also really like monte cristos!
Stromboli and calzones both sound delicious! I have never had a monte cristo sandwich, but I have always wanted to. I need to get on that!
Today I completed 200km of running – my highest ever for the month AND we’ve just finished having burgers to celebrate!! Well done to your daughter for running well. So glad she’s into the sport too!
Glad to hear your daughter did well, congrats to her! And way to go on the century ride! I’m always amazed by people who can do that! It’s so far and such a long time to be on a bike.
I’ve seen mountain biking paths on the trails that we sometimes run and its crazy. They are definitely wild!
Those temps sound perfect and I definitely wouldn’t be able to resist a run either!
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Girls Weekend 2020, Destin Trip
OMG! Congrats on that century ride! I cannot imagine riding a bike for that many miles and for that many hours.
Marci is so adorable. If you lived closer I would go to your house to play with her.
I also like a burger, fries, and beer after a long run.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: Running mistakes I’ve made or keep on making
Congrats on your century ride!!! That’s on my bucket list and the Seagull Century is a possible girls’ road trip for next summer.
Burgers and fries always hit the spot after a long ride or run!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…28-Mile Down to the River: Lake Anne to the Potomac Tour
Thanks! I’d like to make it an annual event. Join in with a group hopefully next time! Your idea sounds really fun too!