Unlike the negativity of last week (sorry about that!!), my week was on the up and up! I had a lot of mixed emotions about Saturday’s half marathon and how my body was going to hold up.  But it was also a week with an extra day off work so I just took advantage of it and was productive. All is well in my world and my faith in humanity has been restored (because I’ve got that runner’s high!! ✌🏼) 22.5 miles running, 12.5 miles biking.

Mon – Bootcamp!!  With the advent of very unseasonable temps, I decided to join my girl gang again and do a bootcamp workout.  It was good to see my friends again too. We started in the dark but it was almost sunrise when we left. I’ve missed that river view.

Tues – 3.5 miles.  I’ve been worrying about my hamstring pain a lot lately and backing off on the running.  Today felt mostly good and that was positive.  Running has been uncomfortable and, if we’re being honest, painful often lately.  A bummer 😢  But I’m doing my best to take care of it! I ran outside because it was 60 degrees!  No way I’m missing that.  I wore short sleeve shirt and shorts today, but it could have been a tank top!  I love being able to bust out my reflective shorts too.  

Night ride!  12.5 miles. OK, THIS might be our last night ride of the season (I know I’ve said that already…)  but seriously, when it’s 70 degrees at night, you can’t miss that either!  We did a long ride and I didn’t fall.  Woot!

Weds – 5 mile run.  I had Veterans day off, and it was a great day.  Started off with a run in the park with my friend.  She gave me an “ah ha” moment when she said she wasn’t running again until the race.  No running until Saturday?  I’ll give it a try.

Then I went to Starbucks and got another free drink – Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino – and this one was just a credit card reward drink so no stars used! The rest of the afternoon was spent visiting my parents, raking leaves and just catching up on chores.  The perfect mix of all the things on my day off. 

Thurs – 40 mins elliptical.  I did feel a little sore (hamstrings) even with this low impact workout, but a little less than normal. I did some strength training in the evening.  Missing my son though – he was too busy with homework tonight 🙁  And does cleaning the bathroom count as cross training?  If so, I crushed it.

Fri – Rest day!  I didn’t do a darn thing today other than stand around in the cold for a few hours.  We worked at packet pickup for the race and to my surprise it was held outside!  Luckily we had some jackets with us.  It was fun to see the runners. I love this years shirts too!

Sat – Race day!! 13.2 miles (long course!) 53rd annual Churchill’s Half Marathon. How exciting that this event has happened for 53 years now!! I’ll do a race recap later this week, but I’ll sum it up with adjectives: cold, sunny, surprising, and WONDERFUL!   A real live, in person race felt amazing.  The energy kept me going and my husband did too.  Finish time was 1:57.  6th out of 27 in my age group.  I’ll take it!

Interesting event also today – my daughter is participating in a study of youth runners and we spent a few hours at the university.  They tested her strength, flexibility and also mapped her motion (just like they do in the movies!).  We also enjoyed Starbucks – 43 more free drinks left!

Sun – Rest day!!  I was feeling a little sore when I woke up, but not too bad (nowhere near how terrible I felt after that 10K a few weeks ago!).  Surprisingly, my soreness was in my quads (those hills!) and not in my glutes/hammies so that is a huge win!! (also winning? Christmas sprinkles on this morning’s donuts!)

I did 25 mins of restorative yoga.  Yoga is not my jam and it felt like it lasted longer than my race yesterday LOL!  Not sure if I felt better afterwards, but I’m hoping it was good for me.

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

26 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Race week!!”
  1. I’m so happy how well your 13.1 went yesterday!!! Gotta love that pretty mask-match to your jacket 😉 There’s a live 5K in a few weeks I’m considering doing…I don’t think I’ll be in “racing” condition yet, but I just love the atmosphere on race day 😉
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…And so it goesMy Profile

  2. Congrats on your half and what a great finish time! I know how happy you were to run a live race. Sounds like it went well. And I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling so good!

  3. CONGRATS on your half! Awesome time! And YAY for live races! I can’t wait until my next live race…which isn’t until February 2021 unfortunately. I guess I can handle two more months of non racing…I’ve done it for the last 10 months so what’s two more?

    Yes cleaning totally counts as cross training! I cleaned the bathroom and our laundry room today and I am beat! Ready for a nap haha!
    Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Recovery Week 4: 11/7-11/13My Profile

  4. Congrats on your race, and I’m glad you felt pretty good after! I can’t even remember the last time I did yoga. I always say I don’t have time yet I always find ways to make time for running.

    1. I’ll admit – yoga bores me to tears! And I limit my stretching because I don’t want to anger my hamstrings, so I look completely inflexible compared to the yoga instructors. But yay, I did the whole 25 mins!! 🌟

  5. So glad to hear your race went well.
    Peppermint mocha forever. A friend gave me her reusable cup and I have PM KCups and yeah, crack.
    We’re all allowed some frustration. Glad you had a better week

  6. I’m glad that you had a much better week 🙂 Congrats on your half marathon! It must have been so fun/exciting to do a live race in person.

    I agree that cleaning counts as cross training. Sometimes I’m more sore from cleaning than a workout, especially if I clean/organize stuff for hours!

    1. Crazy how the temps can change so much in just a few days! We missed our opportunity though – didn’t get our Christmas lights up outside like many of our neighbors did 🙂

  7. Congrats on running that half pain free! Our bodies can be so weird sometimes. I do like to rest up before a race — but I’m not an anxious runner. Although maybe I will be at my next race because it’s been so long!

    I was like you on Tuesday. No, you can’t miss that marvelous weather!

    1. It certainly was a blessing to be free of pain for the race. I guess rest really does a body good! 😉 Before the race I was thinking I really didn’t miss racing that much, but it turns out I really did. So much positive energy there.

  8. Such a fun week! I’m glad you’re feeling more positive.

    I love seeing all your Starbucks orders. Our Starbucks isn’t necessarily far, but it’s inconveniently located and always so busy. Otherwise I would be there so much more.

    Love the idea of a night ride, but I would be wrapped around a tree in ten minutes flat.

    1. My husband did hit a tree on that ride! Well, he tried to ride over a big log that was crossed over the trail, and my son got over it. When he approached it his bike stopped instead of going over… and he went over the bike head first! Luckily he was not hurt, but it was crazy to watch it happen!

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