I hope you were able to enjoy some family time this week, whatever that might have looked like in 2020. My week slipped by fast.  I was really busy at work, and at home and I didn’t get to comment on as many blogs as I would have liked to!  19 miles run, and 8 more miles to go to reach 1,500 miles for the year.  It’s going to happen! I’m planning on some down time so I can be prepared for coaching and to get back at marathon training in January.

Mon – 30 mins elliptical, PT exercises.  Just a quick morning workout.  In the evening, an upper body workout with my son.

Tues – 6 miles, Christmas lights run!  Typically we’d be meeting up with friends to do a running/xmas lights/pizza/night, but of course, 2020, so my husband and I did our own!  

Afterwards I decided to make some treats for my coworkers and was busy until 11:30pm doing that.  This needs to be mentioned because, wow, when was the last time I was awake that late on a “work night”?  Haha!!  

Weds – Full body strength workout with my son.  Complete with Christmas socks.

Thurs – 3.1 miles, Christmas Eve run.  I originally had plans to join friends for an annual run, but we’ve had some division in the group since the running club election and I would like to just avoid any drama.  We also wanted to avoid the wind, so we ran along the river.  Starbucks treats were involved too.

Fri – Rest day – Merry Christmas! I debated making up my missing 2 miles from yesterday, but knew it would be better to rest up for tomorrow’s workout instead.  Having teenagers is pretty nice because we get to sleep in instead of getting up at 6am to open gifts when they were younger!  My parents came over for dinner, so it was good to see them again. Gift highlights were a beautiful painting from my daughter of a picture we had taken in the Grand Tetons. She is taking a college art class and is really enjoying it.

An Atari gaming console for my husband.

Reflective Athleta Rainier tights!

And a huge map of the US to hold pictures from our travels!  This will keep me busy picking out the right pictures for each state we have visited! The pictures are easy to create on their website. Cool stuff!

Sat – 10 miles, long run.  Decided that “feels like 9” temp was not for me, so I ran on my treadmill instead.  This run actually felt good.  Then I treated my kids to free Starbucks and we enjoyed some leftover Christmas coffee cake.  Yum, yum, yum!  Note: my treadmill distance was spot on with my footpod. Woot!

Sun – Rest day!  Although I did not run or lift weights, we did go on a fun adventure to Ray’s Mountain Bike Park!  I’ll recap that later this week but this is what it looks like inside (well, just part of the place – it’s huge!).  Fun!!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Do you have any New Years Eve plans?

We will be skiing!

Q: Did you get any new running gear for Christmas?

I figured the reflective tights will come in handy in case our indoor track sessions get shut down and we have to run outside at night!

24 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Christmas edition”
  1. Looks like you had an awesome Christmas, and I love the gifts that you received, especially the painting. Your daughter is very talented!

    No NYE plans for me, but I always stay home anyway so nothing new for me, lol.

    1. This has been her first semester taking college classes (she’s a high school senior) and I wondered how they were going to do the art classes. It worked out well because they sent all of the supplies home. Now she has a nice collection of supplies to play around with!

  2. I love love LOVE those reflective tights! The daughter’s painting is beautiful as well. I’d love a US map like that with the pics…I’m gonna look for that! The kids got me some running/workout gear, so I was quite happy with that 😉

    1. I was really surprised by the US map! I had seen it before, but never discussed it with my husband. It will be a fun challenge to pick out the best pictures. Some of the states are odd shaped or small.

  3. Love the Rainier tights! They might be my “tight of the year!” Glad you had a nice Christmas, and so nice you and your husband can run together!

    1. The bike park was something we just learned about, but it’s been around since 2004. It was really, really cool! I really liked it. I’ll post about it later!

    1. The tights are supposed to be warm. I haven’t tried them yet, but I don’t even notice the reflective pattern on them (which is surprising!). If our track night gets canceled, we’ll be running in a parking area which potentially could have some cars. Safety first, right? 🙂

  4. Santa was good to you! I love the Rainier tights, but I don’t have the reflective ones. Luckily I don’t really need them, since I rarely run in the dark.

    Your daughter’s painting is great. I used to paint. I think about it, but like many things, that’s as far as it gets.

    I’m never up to 11:30. Never! Not even on NYE, which we have zero plans for.

  5. Wow, love all the Christmas decoration pics and your daughter’s painting is amazing. I will be running on New Year’s Eve, I am in awe of your 1500 though I have done over 1100 and want to get my last 100 mile month in for the year but it’s a bit tight! No running gear for Christmas but my husband always adds money onto a spreadsheet for me to have spent on me through the year so I can’t imagine none of that will go on kit!
    Liz Dexter recently posted…Book reviews – two light Christmas reads from Jane Linfoot and Cressida McLaughlin #amreading #bookbloggerMy Profile

  6. I’ve had the reflective Ranier tights for a couple of months now and I love them! I was gifted the olive green ones as well and they’re getting tons of use so far.
    Love that painting. What a thoughtful gift! I’ve never seen a mountain bike park. Looks so cool! Enjoy your ski trip!

    1. Good to hear your shining review of the reflective tights! LOL, I crack myself up :). The park was news to us too. It’s a great family place. I really liked it!

  7. Oh dear, what a bummer that there’s division in your running group due to club elections. I don’t blame you for steering clear for a while.

    That indoor mountain bike adventure place looks way more intimidating than the outdoors place you’ve shared pictures from… And speaking of pictures, how cool is that US travel map? What a great idea!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: December 20 – 26 / Pacing Myself, and not Just When RunningMy Profile

    1. The club situation really does suck. It had calmed down at bit, and then someone started back at it on FB. I should have just ignored it, but I got sucked in. I was super anxious about going to the group run. It was just too soon. I just posted about the bike park. It was intimidating, but luckily there were a ton of different level things to ride on. We all had fun!

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