It was the last week of “real training” for GCM. This upcoming week will be just keeping the legs ready and not getting injured or sick! The Glass City events will be in person (as well as a virtual option if you’d like). Changes have been made for COVID protocols. The races are capped at marathon (1,500 runners), half marathon (2,500), 5 person relay (1,250 people/250 teams) and 5K (2,000). The full and half marathon are sold out. The full and half marathon will start at 6:30am. They are starting at different locations at the University of Toledo. The relay gets mixed in to the full and has exchange points where there is minimal crowding. The water stops will have small bottles of water (I will have a water belt). In order to get your bib for the live event, you must either have your vaccination for 2 weeks prior to pickup, or show a negative test results. They will have rapid testing available at packet pickup, and for local runners there are free take home rapid tests available at our library locations. I will be helping at packet pickup this year as well at the small vendor area for Dave’s Running Shop.
My last week of training has been 36 miles of running and 20 miles of biking.
Mon – 5 easy miles, treadmill. This run felt good! One thing to note is that after my long run in my new Endorphin Pros I had a tight right calf. Not really a pain, but definitely tight. I didn’t notice anything when I was running today, but afterwards I feel the tightness again (although I ran in different shoes). I will be carefully stretching and monitoring this new issue! It’s always something, right? And for good measure I wore flats instead of heels to work.
Tues – 8.5 miles, pace miles. It’s been so great that my boss has let me come in to work later so I can get these longer runs done outside! This morning was a beautiful sunny spring day. I was nervous about this run – mostly worried that I would have some pains, but it really turned out well. I’m trying to keep my pace within a 8:50-8:55 range, and I think I did well. I think that’s solid pacing I could potentially hold on to for 20 miles and who knows about that last 10K of the marathon! It’s always a crapshoot! (and sadly my last marathon was a sh*t show… but let’s not go there! haha!)

Weds – Rest day! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a rest day on Weds. I’m not complaining!! I’m swamped with work right now. Not including my coaching gig, I’ve got 3 other companies/projects I’m working with this week. Nothing more fun than working a day job and coming home to work a night job too! When it rains, it pours. I did a fun back/biceps workout with my son. Always a good time!
Thurs – 5.5 miles, track night! It was a cold night. As much as I’ll miss our group track nights, this is a workout I would have never done on my own. I don’t care much for fast speedwork this close to the race, so I tried to keep it under control. Luckily two other members of the group ran with me while the rest of them were cranking out some speedy paces. 12 x 400 with 2 min rest was the workout. We started close to 8:30 for the 400s and got down to 7:41 for our last one. And yes, my glutes/hammies were feeling it afterwards. Ugh.
Fri – 5 easy miles. I met up with my friend for a run. I’m excited to see how she does at Glass City. We’ve been friends for a long time now and we used to run our long runs together. She is in the 8:30-9:00 min training group though (and I coach the 9:30-10:00 group). However, we’ve both had the same goal for years – BQ (sub 3:55 marathon). We both ended up getting 4:10 at the 2019 GCM although we didn’t run together. Ironic because while we did not meet our race goal time, it was a big PR for her! I know she can have a good race and make her goal this year. Fingers crossed for both of us!

Later in the day I enjoyed a hair appointment and some retail therapy. A girl always needs more pairs of shoes, right? 😉
Sat – 12 miles, long run. Our last long run for this training cycle. I had all the feels this morning when I decided to make it a dress rehearsal. We ran at the University of Toledo where the race will be held. I wore my racing tank top and even put on some arm sleeves. I was excited!! We even got this fun picture in just one try!

We had a good run – but the best part was a conversation I had. A guy from another training group approached me and introduced himself as “that guy from the 25K race” (last month). He recognized me in my racing jersey and said he was the one who was “leapfrogging” me for most of the race. He thanked me for being a solid pacer and that he kept going faster and slower but I was right on pace. He said I was encouraging him to keep going and even to kick it at the finish to get in front of me 🙂 Also, that race was a PR for him! Ironically, that was the day another guy joked that “my pacing sucks” because I was going to be happy with a 9:15 but ended up closer to 8:45. Geeeezzz!! His appreciation really made my day!! You just never know when you are going to be an inspiration for someone.
Sun – 20 mile bike ride. I thought riding in 40 degrees might be a little too cold, but it was just fine. It was nice to see all of the spring flowers along the way and my husband joined me too. We’re actually going to a family party today – the first in over a year. Very exciting!

Other fun stuff, we now have a super cool drone! It’s fun toy for my husband. The images from this are AMAZING! It flies far out of sight and then you just push a button to “return to home” and it comes back and lands itself! You can control it from 10K away! wow!!

Well this it. Next time I post I will have run another marathon. I think it’s my 16th? Or maybe my 15th? I’ve lost track! Fingers crossed for an awesome race day for all of the Glass City runners.
Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Good luck in your race! It seems like you had a really good training cycle. Have fun!
I don’t want to jinx it, but it has been a good training cycle! We’ll see what race day brings.
Good luck at your race! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Thanks! I’m getting very excited and anxious for race day!
Alright, I’m very excited for you! Maybe I haven’t been paying attention correctly but I didn’t realize you’re shooting for a BQ. GOOD LUCK! Your training has been solid, but as we all know, a certain amount of luck is still needed for the marathon. Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Jenny recently posted…Weekly Rundown- A Few New Things
Another BQ is always something I think of as “best day” goal. These days I’d have to go a lot under my qualifying time to make it into Boston, so that’s probably not going to happen, but getting a sub 4 I think is a good potential. I’ve run some times recently that were similar to my paces 5 years ago – which is a lot better than I’ve run in the past few years. Who knows. I’m just going to do my best!
I’m very excited for you for your marathon! Sub 3:55 seems totally obtainable, but YES, that last 10k is always a crapshoot…I coach as well and have seen so many athletes run so well through 20 and it seems like the race is made or broken in that last 10k! But you have trained very well and consistent and I have confidence you can do it. Wouldn’t it be great if you and your friend both got it? Fingers crossed!
The drone pics are really cool!
I hope that you have a great marathon! There’s always phantom pains right before, right?
Have fun at the party! The drone pics are cool (but the noise they make kinda drives me insane).
WOOT WOOT! The final taper week!!!!! Isn’t it crazy to look back and realize all that you’ve accomplished (and all those miles)! Best of luck to you! Sounds like the COVID protocols are awesome 😉
So exciting! Good luck next week!!!! You will crush the 26.2. Mad props to Toledo for making the race happen.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: It’s Good to be Wrong
Best of luck with your race! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Hair looks great and retail therapy is always fun. Good luck on your race this weekend. Look forward to hearing all about it
I can’t believe the last full week of training has come and gone!! that is nuts! how are you feeling? Strong? Nervous? Both? haha! I’m so glad the 25K guy gave you a boost. It’s so awesome to get feedback like that!
It’s the final countdown! I’m so excited for you and I think you’re going to do great. Have a great race. My FIL will be tickled to know that a marathon starts where he used to teach law school. Haha!
The half marathon start line is right next to the law building actually!
So excited for you! You sounds totally ready, and I can’t wait to hear all about it! Best of luck to you!
That drone seems pretty cool.
Looks like another great week for you. I am excited about your race. You have worked so hard training for it.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: The night before a race or long run
Good luck at your marathon! I hope you have the perfect day all the way around!
How fun to have a drone. Our neighbor has one, but really has to be careful with how high it flies because of our proximity to Dulles International Airport. 😬
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…2021 Courage Day 5K Race Recap
Go well for your race, and I love the feedback from that guy – how nice of him to take the time.