Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there! I hope you are enjoying your day, whatever that might look like. My mom is on vacation in Florida so I didn’t get to see her, but we did talk and they were enjoying the sunny beach today. It’s raining all day here in Ohio, so I just took the opportunity to get stuff done around the house and hang out with the family. A nice relaxing day! Looking back on my week I see I drank a lot of big coffees (without running more than 15 miles?? who am I?) and had many treats. YOLO, right? 🙂 I did manage to run 30 miles this week.

Back up to last Sunday – my husband and I went for the maiden voyage on the kayak. It was a success! Easy to set up, and easy to maneuver.

Mon – “Monday Runday!” 5.17 miles… treadmill.  Garmin said 5.17 miles, and treadmill said 5.  Calibrating my watching again!  Our mileage challenge for this month is to run 5 miles every Monday, so week 1 of Monday Runday challenge done.

Tues – 30 mins elliptical.  I mistakenly thought setting an early alarm this morning would be productive.  I was still pretty darn tired when my alarm went off.  Yesterday I had a full day of work… my “real” job, working two other contract gigs, and ended with a meeting at school.  BTW, meet the newest secretary for the band boosters!  Yay me!  I’m making sure to get the most of my son’s upcoming last two high school years and getting involved with the band since that’s his thing.  In the evening we did weights – chest and core (and lots of side planks)!

Weds – 4 miles.  The Daybreak Divas group is back!  It has been going on for a few weeks now, but I’m finally able to join in. One of my speedier friends was there and we ran together, so this may end up being a speedwork day for me!

We got together with some friends for dinner. I miss dining with friends – so glad we reconnected!

Thurs – 9 miles, long run?  I’m feeling mostly recovered from the marathon now, but a little sore from yesterday’s run.  My morning was a bit all mixed up because I started with an hour walk with my friend (we had a lot of catching up to do!), and then went for my run.  By the time the run started the sun was warmer than I expected and I had to ditch my shirt!  Then my day was kind of all out of sorts.  My schedule was all out of whack!

Fri – 5 mile run.  I decided to run by the river.  Mornings are so pretty there!  I also picked up my birthday drink from Biggby.  Yum!

We also celebrated some upcoming awards for the kids, as well as scholarships for my daughter.  I’d say we indulged a bit :). Yep, that’s a brownie and an Oreo on top of the shake.

Sat – 7 mile run.  This was only going to be a 3 miler, but when I laced up the Endorphins they felt soooo good, and the weather was beautiful, so I turned it into a 7 mile progression run! 

Sun – weights with Sydney!  The original plan was to go for a run with my daughter, but it was raining so we did a workout instead.  Photo fun – Sydney lifting me up because she was so strong after the workout.  LOL!  Afterwards she treated me to some iced coffee. 

I declared I was not doing any housework today, and I received gifts.  A great Mother’s Day!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: TMI topic… periods!  Out of the blue, after 8 months of hiatus, my period decided to arrive.  (dang it, I thought we were done with this!!) My friend mentioned that the COVID vaccines had been causing some changes in women’s periods.  I’m not sure, but due to the oddness of it, I’m going to say there is a strong chance the vaccine could be the cause!  Anyone else notice anything odd??

Q: What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

Chocolate for me!

22 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Mother’s Day edition”
  1. Oooh! What instrument does your son play? My son was heavily involved in band (graduating this year and actually going on to major in music, on trumpet) and my daughter is in sixth grade, just getting started on flute.
    No housework on Mother’s Day is the best gift in the world. I’m enjoying my lazy day (after completing a run in the morning.)
    I’ll be really interested to hear answers to the period question! I can’t chime in because I’m done with all that (phew) but I’m intrigued by the subject.
    Jenny recently posted…Weekly Rundown- It Was AwesomeMy Profile

    1. My son also plays trumpet! My daughter did play clarinet, but dropped out of band as a junior. She also bought a flute which she plays for fun. One of these days I’d like to learn the flute too.
      The period situation super weird. Out of no where, no cramps no warnings. Super odd (and super annoying!).

  2. Glad you like your kayak.

    Coffee is my favorite milkshake flavor. I like vanilla too.

    No housework is the best present.

    1. I hadn’t thought of coffee flavor as a milkshake. That sounds delicious! I confess I had to really help out a lot when it came to laundry today. I just didn’t think my son was understanding the importance of doing it “how I like it”. LOL!

  3. Re the periods-I still get mine but many of my friends have had the same thing as you mentioned. Pretty sure that is pretty par for the course and not vaccine related. Just part of all of the fun stuff we get to experience as we age. Hope you had a great mother’s day. Have not had a milkshake in forever but definitely chocolate

    1. You are probably right about the unpredictable nature of our wonderful aging process! I did see a few articles that mentioned some women having heavier flow and others having a change in their cycle (even menopausal). And of course I see other studies saying the opposite. 🙂 Hopefully it’s just a one-off thing!

  4. I haven’t had a milkshake in forever but your photos just made me want one – like right now, lol.

    I hope that you had an amazing Mother’s Day!

  5. Very interesting topic about the periods/vaccine. Who knows? It could just be random and people are looking to make some connections or causality…Maybe just the joy of being vaccinated caused a body change, ha!

    Glad running is feeling good! You are such an involved mom 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day!

    1. The band boosters are a very active group, so hopefully I haven’t taken on too much responsibility – but I’m looking forward to helping them out!

    1. I should have mentioned that my friend who told me about the link hasn’t been vaccinated yet. But there were some studies mentioning a connection. I really don’t see how it would either! That was news to me.

  6. Sounds like you had a good week. I had lot’s of “fun” with perimenopause, but once I was done, I was done. 😉

    How fun to be band secretary — you’re right to make the most of these years. The time will fly!

    1. My surprise visit was a bit disappointing because I really thought I was on my way out of that! Dang. Good thing I didn’t throw all of my supplies away!

  7. Raspberry is my go-to flavor for milkshakes, malts and sundaes. Cookies & Cream is a close second choice, though 😉 Congrats, Madame Secretary! I did many years of PTO officer-ship (at the elementary school level), then upped my game to Prom Committee for 10 years (the last year was kind of pro-bono, helping/overseeing the Promenade people transition to my departure LOL). Have fun!
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Welcome to my BattlefieldMy Profile

    1. Wow, prom committee for 10 years! I was the secretary of the PTO at the elementary school, and created their yearbook two years. I really enjoyed helping out and then the opportunities seemed to disappear. I’m looking forward to getting back into it again!

    1. Well dang – our bodies are very unpredictable when heading into menopause! That’s bad timing before a race for sure. And that’s why I loved being on the pill – never any surprises like that!

  8. I didn’t have a period in April. The one in March (after the vaccine) lasted longer than usual which was weird. I asked my doctor and she told me it could be perimenopause. So the 5 miles on Mondays is just for May? Fun!!!

    1. TBH, I was a bit freaked about not having periods anymore – I know it’s natural, but it scared me a bit! And then I was super fine with it. And now? I don’t like this “maybe it will happen” situation!! 5 Mondays in May, the 5th month, so 5 miles it is! I gotta give the program director kudos for coming up with unique monthly challenges, and for being to person to stalk all of the Strava accounts to confirm we did what we said! 😆

  9. I so love that you work out with your kids! we tried to get the kids interested and my stepdaughter did run for a while but stopped again. *sigh*

    you got some great miles in – I still need to figure out how to calibrate my watch/ treadmill as well! I don’t know what to believe!

    So the thing with your period, I wouldn’t put too much into it being related to the vaccine. As far as I know that’s another one of those “theories” out there with no proof. However if you are in peri-menopause (which it sounds like you are) you can have your period come back even after 8 months! never happened to me because I also had a mirena IUD so I had to wait until a year after removal to be tested if I was in menopause. And yep, I was full-blown in it. Not having a period is for me the ONLY nice thing about menopause, most of the other stuff sucks (also TMI and I shall stop here 😀 )

  10. I heard something about the vaccine throwing off women’s cycles on a podcast I was listening to last weekend- I think it was “All work some play”. No idea if its true.
    Great job with your runs and workouts last week! Hope you had a Nice Mother’s Day!

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