As I look back on my past week I’m thankful for good health of both myself and my family, and for good friends! I hope you were able to enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends too. The holiday season is upon us now. More than ever it’s important for me to keep moving. I did join Another Mother Runner again this year for their holiday plan, but that doesn’t start until Dec 1st. In the meantime I’m just running a few miles and trying to do some weights and stretching. Running = 21.5 miles this week.

Mon – 4 miles, treadmill.  Up and at ‘em on a Monday!  

Tues – 40 mins elliptical.  I’m getting to be good friends with my elliptical machine again! Also weights with Zach!  We got swole with another Caroline Girvan video.

Weds – 6 miles, running.  I had the day off so I went for a “longer” run today.  Nothing exciting to report about this one!

Our daughter came home for an extended stay for Thanksgiving! We went to zoo to see the lights. It was great weather!

Thurs – Turkey Trot 5K.  Happy Thanksgiving!  In the 11th annual version of our family turkey trot, we joined a group of friends.  Our family run tradition started with just my daughter and myself, and other the years we’ve mostly all ran together – depending on who was not injured!

We had breakfast along the river at the park.  It was a big turnout, especially considering the weather. I’m glad my kids joined us because it’s a hard sell getting my kids out of bed early to run in the cold rain!! 🙂

Later in the day we hosted family at our house for Thanksgiving dinner.  My aunt joined us this year so the kids got sent to the kids table.  Just hearing them goofing around was priceless.

We also got to play some games. Fun family time!

Fri – Obe Fitness cardio workout.  This morning I tried a “Endurance” workout on the Obe app.  It was a good cross training workout.  I’m still not a big fan of those kind of repetitive workouts, but it was better than nothing!  Ironic that I enjoy “boring” workouts like running but I really lose interest in these type of workouts!

I think this was the first time in 20 years that I had to work on Black Friday!  It wasn’t too bad because my office was dead and I got a lot of work done.

Sat –  5 miles running.  Started my day with a run. Then, more drive time with my son, who was treated to a holiday Starbucks drink (of course!).  If all goes well, he’ll have his license by the end of the year!  But hopefully I’ll still get to drive him places 🙂

Then we watched Ohio State get crushed by Michigan (booo!) while we decorated the house for Christmas.

Sun – 3.25 miles running. Time to finish up decorating, hang outdoor Christmas lights, and we are going to see the Nutcracker!

I’ll leave you with some kitten pictures. They will be heading back to the Humane Society on Wednesday. I’ll miss them, but I’ll also be happy to reclaim my house again! They have recently been allowed to run around the house and they are NUTS. 😂

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Did you get to run in a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving?

Q: Did you go out shopping on Black Friday?

31 thoughts on “Weekly Workouts – so thankful”
  1. Thank you for sharing the kittens with us! Sounds like you had a fun week with the fam.

    My parents couldn’t wait til I could drive & they didn’t have to ferry me around anymore. Not kidding! I had my license at 17 & inherited a clunker from my sister.

    A family Turkey Trot sounds like a great tradition. A few of the younger relatives do run (way faster than me), but no one in my age group.

    1. It will be more convenient for my son to drive, but I’ll miss the solo time we have together! He’s had his temps for almost a year, so the clock is ticking. I don’t want to pay to renew it 🙂

  2. Looks like a great week, and oodles of family time 😉 Nice turkey trotting! I still have not won the kids over on rising and running (or even just walking, LOL) on Thanksgiving morning. One year, I did get our youngest to come along and take pics…but that was just once out of the 10 years we’ve been doing the Trot.

    1. I think the first thing my daughter said when she heard it was raining was “I’m not going to run!!”, but after I told her I wasn’t going to force her to run [insert guilt trip here] she changed her mind. LOL!!!!

  3. Looks like a fun week for you–it’s great to have everyone home, isn’t it? I also worked on Black Friday–healthcare never closes, lol. It was very busy. But I don’t shop on Black Friday, so no big deal…

    1. My bank building shares space with an arthritis dr’s office and none of them were in on Friday! But you are correct, most healthcare offices are open. I do love the excitement of getting up early and scoring a great deal.

  4. Yes, I did get to run a Turkey Trot and no, I didn’t shop because I worked on Black Friday. I can’t believe you get your kids to do the run with you! My kids just can’t believe that we PAY MONEY to get up while it’s still dark on Thanksgiving morning and go somewhere to run. As always, they were still sound asleep when we got back from the race this year.
    Sounds like you had a great week! Hard to say goodbye to the college kids, but they’ll be back soon! Probably not quite as hard to say goodbye to the kittens- I can see how they would wreak havoc. I’m hoping you get some more : )

    1. The kittens are a lot like Gremlins these days. They rest a lot, but then pop up and run around crazy!!! And nibble and scratch. Ugh. I wish they’d snuggle more. haha

  5. I didn’t mind driving my kids around, but I know they were glad when they didn’t have to rely on me. I’m sure he’ll want you to treat him to Starbucks for a while yet. 😉

    Playing games is my favorite part of holiday gatherings — that and pie. 😉

  6. I don’t usually go to the stores on Black Friday, but I do shop online. This year I only took advantage of a sale on the collagen powder that I use. I just wasn’t impressed with any of the sales to be honest!

  7. Ohhh kittens! How sweet. I’m very allergic or we’d definitely have cats in our household.

    I live in Canada, so we celebrate Thanksgiving in October but I’m getting a huge boost of gratitude living vicariously through my American family and friends!

    1. The foster kittens have been very interesting. I had to break a few bad habits, but overall they are cuties. It’s hard to stay mad at them for just being kittens!

  8. Looks like a fun holiday weekend! I haven’t seen a kids’ table in quite some time. So funny! My youngest daughter got her license in July and I am LOVING not having to be her chauffer!

    1. My son is a bit more talkative when he’s stuck in the car with me, so I don’t mind the alone time at all! He hasn’t been very motivated to get his license.

  9. I love your family tradition of running in a turkey trot. Is it an official race or one you created with your friends? I ran in the turkey trot that I normally run with my whole family, but this year I was the only one (the newlyweds were still in Florida and my other son and his wife walked with the baby in their neighborhood turkey trot). Lots of my friends were there, though, so that was fun!

    I don’t go out on Black Friday and instead spend the day decorating our house for Christmas. It’s been my tradition for years.

    I can only imagine the mischief those three little kittens can get into, but I bet you’ll miss them!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Dear Running…My Profile

    1. It’s 5 kittens – so yep, LOTS of mischief!! They get super wound up and crazy, and then they have to rest and recharge. I do like the cute recharge time a lot!! It’s just a family turkey trot. It started with a run around the neighborhood with my oldest, and then the family eventually joined in. Since we got invited to a friend’s run and breakfast, we just combined the two events!
      Black Friday has always been our decorating day too. Bummer I had to work this year!

  10. Oh the kitties have grown! It’s our two’s Gotcha Day today and we have been trying to take a nice photo of them with predictable results.

    I did online shopping on Black Friday as we needed a new fridge/freezer and I’ve needed a new phone for a couple of months. No impulse buying here!

    1. I did buy a pair of running shoes on Cyber Monday and some other items (calendars, photo books). I couldn’t resist the clearance prices on the Saucony Endorphin shoes! Now I’m set for quite awhile.

    1. Not to brag, but our zoo (Toledo Zoo) has been voted the best zoo with holiday lights in the country for several years now in some national poll! It is a very impressive display, and lots of fun activities.

  11. Kittens! Nutcracker! Zoo! I love it all!

    I ran at home on Thanksgiving. It wasn’t my favorite, but it worked out.

    I stayed home all day on Black Friday. I didn’t even do much shopping.

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