Just when I thought I was sailing into a fun summer, I got slammed with it hard this week.  My week went from good, to horrible, and is ending a bit better. Fitness wise I ran almost 38 miles, and I biked 55 miles.  But let me break it down day by day…

Mon – Happy Memorial day!  It is also my daughter’s 19th birthday!  You may notice she is looking a little red.  She was the only one in the family to have sunburn from our trip to Cedar Point yesterday!  She really did put sunscreen on, but she got burnt 🙁  

Workout wise, I took advantage of the holiday and did my speedwork.  8.36 miles.  Yep, I stopped when I got home, no worries on the distance!  It was toasty outside and I was thankful to have a clean pool to jump into post run.  A good workout! Enjoyed a visit to Starbucks to claim the birthday drink 🙂

Tues – all hell broke loose.  Just as I was getting dressed for a morning run, I got a call from my Mom.  She was very upset.  My Dad had emergency knee surgery earlier in May and this morning he was not acting right.  Would not listen.  He had problems talking. Was angry with my Mom.  She thought he was having a stroke!  She called 911 and they took him by ambulance to the ER.  I spent the day in the ER with my Mom and Dad.  My Dad was finally admitted to the hospital after having many Drs working on him.  We had no idea what was going on, but learned it was not a stroke.  Note, my family just visited with him on Monday and he only seemed very slightly odd.

And, while at the ER I got a call from my daughter.  Her face was swollen, her throat was sore and she is covered in a spotty rash from head to toe.  She had been diagnosed with strep last week, and now this? Time to visit the Dr!

Weds – another long day at the hospital with my Mom.  This was a terrible day.  My Dad’s condition had worsened and he was not able to open his eyes or respond to us.  I figured he was going to be all better when I got there. He was just twitching in his bed.  I can’t even describe how horrible we were feeling seeing him like this.  He had visits from several Drs and the problem was starting to look like a kidney failure.  He was put on another antibiotic.  

Speaking of antibiotics, my daughter found out she has mono!  Taken off the antibiotic for strep and put on a steroid.  Yikes.

Ladies Ride night – 14 miles.  The first ride night of the season.  A nice distraction from the hospital situation.

Thurs – 7 miles running, before the hospital.  Another much needed break and a time to clear my head.  When I got to the hospital it was very exciting to learn my Dad could answer simple one word responses to questions.  He knew my name.  He could grip my hand!!  He was still unable to move his head, but his eyes were open a little.  The new antibiotic must agree with him.  His vital signs and levels were looking better.  This was a very positive day even though it was a small change.

The path was covered with flower buds! Looked like sawdust.

Friday – 13.1 mile long run!  I decided if I woke up early I would go for my long run.  I woke at 5:15, before my alarm went off, so it was long run day!  I was feeling very positive and this run was great.  The goal of this run was to have the last two miles “finish strong”, which was tempo pace.  Nailed it!  This positivity flowed into my hospital visit and I was greeted by my Dad watching TV with my mom!  He was having conversations and could sit up in bed!  This was amazing and so wonderful!! By the time I left he was in a grouchy mood because he wanted to go home, and was super thirsty (has not been allowed to drink anything yet).   I know it’s no fun to be stuck in the hospital, but this was a great sign that he was feeling a lot better!!  We are still waiting for test results which will take 3 days to learn if the new antibiotic is working on the infection in his knee, so he’ll be stuck in the hospital until then 🙁

Saturday – 11 miles, mountain biking.  It was a beautiful day so we spent the afternoon riding the trails at DTE Foundation trail.  It’s too bad this trail is almost 1 ½ hour from our house because it’s a lot of fun.  With the temps in the 60’s, the weather was perfect!

Sunday – 30 miles, cycling.  Sunday mornings are made for riding.  Low traffic and great weather again.  I guess I only stopped to take a picture at the least interesting part of my ride. haha!

On tap for later, visiting my Dad at the hospital again.  Hopefully more positive gains to be seen! To keep up our spirits, let’s look at some pictures of Bekah this week. She only has about a week left at our house. We will miss her!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Have you ever had any experiences like this with reactions to antibiotics or medicine?

What a nightmare.

21 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – the really horrible week”
  1. OMG, that is way too much for any one week! Sending healing vibes to your Dad. How scary that has to have been for you all. And sending healing vibes to your daughter, too! That seems unfair for her to get mono with school over (although it’s not over here) and her birthday, too.

    I am amazed at how much fitness you still got in. I’m sure it really helped. Fingers crossed for the recovery process for your Dad & daughter & hugs. Lovely Bekah.

    1. My daughter’s summer really hasn’t had the best start! Luckily she hasn’t been held back too much with mono. I figured she would be really tired, but she wasn’t bad. My Dad is now home. Hopefully he’ll be a good patient under my mom’s care! 🙂

  2. Omg. What a week hope both your dad and daughter are on the mend.

    I’m sure it helped to be active physically.

  3. Wow- that really is a nightmare. The situation with your Dad sounds so scary- glad to hear things are looking better. And your daughter has mono??? I hope she and your dad are both feeling better now.
    Your runs sounds amazing though! So nice to have that in an otherwise stressful week. And Bekah… she looks like she’s doing amazing! It will be sad to see her go. Is she getting adopted?
    Good luck with it all this week!

    1. Bekah will be going back to the Humane Society and ready for adoption (getting fixed!). With any luck she won’t be waiting long at all for her new home. I could just hold her all day – she’s so soft and fuzzy!

  4. Oh, Lisa! I’m so sorry for all the turmoil with your father’s condition and your daughter’s discomfort(s). Yikes, at last things seem to be on the upswing. The little kitty looks adorable 😉

  5. Yikes, what a horrible and scary week. I’m sending prayers for your dad and I hope that your daughter will have a speedy recovery from mono. It’s a pretty frustrating virus to deal with.

    Thank goodness for running and kittens!

    1. Running and kittens do help 🙂 Hopefully my Dad will recover completely at home with my Mom. My daughter’s rash was really bad. I was starting to think, what does Monkeypox look like??…

    1. My daughter is feeling really good now. A bit itchy, but otherwise she is good. She’s a little heldback with the sports restrictions and wishes she could do more!

  6. Wow, that was a rough week. Is your daughter feeling better now?

    As I read your post, I recalled a friend having a similar experience with her Dad, where really odd, worrisome behavior ended up stemming from a UTI or kidney infection.

    Glad you were able to get in some rides and runs to counteract all that stress.

    1. Yes! – UTI and kidneys cause similar issues. I’m still a bit irked that the situation wasn’t explained to us more. My mom and I were really distraught seeing my Dad like that and maybe if we would have asked better questions they would have told us that they thought it was a drug reaction. We had far worse ideas about it.
      My daughter is feeling much better! phew!

  7. I’m so sorry to hear about everything you endured this week – sending you a huge virtual hug! That must have been such a scary experience with your dad. I am so happy to hear that he is feeling better and hope he continues to make progress every day. I hope that your daughter is feeling better too.

    1. Thanks, I appreciate the concern. It was a tough week for sure! I’m very thankful they are both feeling much, much better! Never take anything for granted.

  8. Oh, my goodness! What a nightmare! I hope everyone is on the mend!

    I’m glad you had kittens and miles to help carry you through! Sending hugs!

    1. Thanks, it was such a scary week with my Dad. I’m glad I live close enough that I could be there for my Mom. My daughter is doing fine, and my Dad does have a way to go in his recovery but is heading in the right direction!

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