Before I get into the workout details, I’ve got some great news… my Dad is back home again! It’s been a long road – 8 hours of surgery to remove his infected knee replacement and put a rod in his leg. 10 days of recovery at the hospital (he was really whacked out from the meds). 23 days in a rehab facility. And finally, back home! He is doing really well and getting along pretty well with his leg, which now doesn’t bend. He is super happy to be back home!

As for my workouts this week, I’ve been testing the waters a bit to see how my body has recovered after Erie marathon. I’m 2 weeks out now and feeling about 95% better. I ran 28 miles this week, walked a few miles and did 2 strength workouts (yay!). However, I made a lot of commitments this week which has left me feeling exhausted today. By Sunday night I was glad to just be sitting on my couch and glad the week was over!

Last Sunday – 16 miles, biking.  We took a ride with lunch in the middle.  Tater tots, my fav!!!

Mon – 2.5 miles, treadmill walking.  The morning started out with thunderstorms so I got to walk on the treadmill and watch TV.  I’ve actually missed my TV time!

Tues – 5.25 miles running. I wasn’t planning on going this far, but when I saw the sunlight ahead I wanted to take a picture. I got logged in to work (WFH day) with just a minute to spare 😉

Weds – Rest day! No exercise, we did meet up with friends for pizza and beer. Half price pizza night, what a deal!

Thurs – 7 mile run, 30 mins weights, short kayak trip! I had to take advantage of my day off and the sunny weather.

Even though the weather was a bit brisk, the quarry water felt quite warm. It was a short but pretty kayak trip.

Fri – 2.5 miles running. It was cold! 43 degrees and I should have worn gloves. This run kinda felt sucky. My hips were feeling sore and out of sorts. I had a work meeting scheduled and I hoped a run would set a good tone for the day.

I decided to blow off my later commitments for the day and we went to Cedar Point again! It was a great choice because the weather was perfect and the wait lines were short. We also met up with a friend and rode a few coasters with her. She loved it because it’s been years since she’s gone on one. Of course we took her on our big favorites.

Back home from Cedar Point, I took a short nap (yes, me! It’s a rarity for me!) and then headed out for a night at the football game. Our team won again and the band was great too 🙂

Sat – 10.7 miles, long run. I didn’t plan on running today, but when I work up feeling better I had to take advantage of it! And, 55 degrees. Can’t pass that up! I went straight from my run, to see the marching band in a parade (well, with a stop at Starbucks along the way!).

After the parade I helped my friend set up a printer on her home network. There were technical difficulties and it took 2 1/2 hours. Sigh. Frustrating technical problems are super draining mentally! Then I was a volunteer for a band event at the school – the Showcase of Bands! I got to be a host for a visiting band. It was a fun to see what happens before the show starts. It was a big band – 137 members! I was at the school from 4pm to 10pm.

There were 8 bands in total who each performed their half time shows and then it ended with a massed band performance. That’s a lot of marchers on the field!!

Sun – 30 mins strength training. I did some PT exercises and also a Caroline Girvan full body workout. Trying to start my day off right! After that, time to visit my Dad (as shown above!). After visiting my parents, I spent the afternoon hanging out at the high school. I signed up as a chaperone for the kids decorating the halls for homecoming! It sounded like a fun gig, but it turned out to be a very long time of just hanging out doing nothing and feeling like an undercover cop! I mean, I just walked around and around the building making sure everything was going OK. I didn’t help anyone and my feet got very tired with all of the walking! Since no shenanigans were happening, I snuck out and ended up getting home an hour early. I needed a break!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

I’ll end this post with a cute picture of one of the demanding foster kittens. They really let you know when it’s time to feed them!

Hope you are having a great week! I hope I get to reset this upcoming week!

Q: Did you get a dose of some cool fall temps this week?

I actually wore a puffer coat at the football game Friday night!

22 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – feeling drained”
  1. Yes. We turned on our fireplace. But running temps were still ok. No gloves yet.

    So happy to hear about your Dad.

    Still you got in a lot of running.

    Thanks for your kitten pix. Love them.

  2. It’s been cool here too and on Friday, the hubs finally turned the furnace on! Sometimes the calendar means nothing, right? It does make for nice runs, tho.

    Glad to see your dad is home. Crazy that he can’t bend his leg! Does that bother him?

    You had a busy week! Are you training for anything? Or just building back up again?

    1. So my Dad’s leg… originally he just wanted it amputated to get rid of the infection for good. But my mom thought it would be better to try to the rod in his leg, so they went that route instead. It is very odd to have a non-bending leg, but with the PT he seems to be managing OK. It’s yet to be seen if he will be able to drive (it’s his left leg) due to the space in the car. The car seat has been the biggest challenge so far. They are searching for a car with more leg room to accommodate him!

  3. Ran a 10K up in Frisco, CO, a week ago and it was 35* at the start! Caught me a little off guard and glad there was a pair of gloves in the bottom of my backpack. Still too early for Fall leaves which was the main point of going but still a very scenic course. Started at 9700’ and dropped to 9100’ which made it seem easy.

    1. I have been waiting for the leaves to turn colors so my son can get some good senior pictures. I think it might happen very quick so we’ll have to be flexible on our plans!
      35 is cold! I would be caught off guard too!

  4. So happy your Dad is back home (I’ll bet he is too).

    Heck, I don’t run 28 miles even when training . . . but I’m not training for marathons either. 🙂

    We were just discussing your foster kittens this morning, and how hard it must be when you lose one (we were looking for the Siamese kittens which we haven’t seen in a while, wondering if they were fosters).

    1. It is so sad when we lose a kitten. I still don’t understand how they can seem healthy but then just stop eating. I will say I’ve gotten a little thicker skin on that, but still, a very sad day when it happens. I’m barely sad when they go back to the Humane Society though because I know they find a new home right away!

  5. Yay! Your dad looks GREAT! So glad he’s home and doing well.
    Yes, it does sound like a long week for you. i love that Showcase of the Bands. I’m always complaining that i love watching college football but they never show the halftime shows! We have a fantasy that there should be a sports channel dedicated to showing all the marching bands. Or, I guess I need to go to a game in person.
    Omg that kitten photo is hilarious. Our “kitten” (who is now 2 1/2) used to meow like that. They are demanding, for sure!
    Hope you get some rest this week.

    1. Funny story – we never watch football on TV (ok, just twice a year – the Super Bowl and when OSU plays UofM!). There was a Univ of Toledo game vs Ohio State (it was a big deal!!) and we were really looking forward to the half time show. I had no idea they didn’t show it!! What a bummer!
      The kittens are getting better – they have started eating dry food, which is readily available, so no as demanding anymore!! yay!

  6. Look at those little sharp teeth! I love you running further than intended to catch the sun at the end of the road – at this time of year I quite often end up dashing faster than expected to catch the sunrise over the lake – and usually forget it shows up later than it does down our road so I have to go round and round the lake! Glad to see your dad’s doing OK.

    1. I bet my boss would understand – “I had to see the sunrise!!”. He does follow me on Strava though so no sneaking past my start time too much. Luckily he hasn’t called me on it yet!

  7. Such fabulous news regarding your father!!!! My run, this morning, was a brisk one! My app said (last night) that it would be in the low-50’s…but it was actually in the mid-40’s. No wonder my hands never warmed up! That’s a lot of bands and so many marchers…but I bet it made for a great evening of performances.

  8. Yes! The chill is most definitely on here too. I wore a windbreaker over a sweatshirt for a Saturday morning Field Hockey tournament and I wish I’d brought my puffer coat! Brrr!
    The band event looks like it was lots of fun. Good on you for volunteering for the Homecoming prep. It’s Homecoming week here too and the theme is DISCO! Can’t believe my daughter doesn’t want me to chaperone! haha!
    Your poor dad! Glad he’s feeling better!

    1. I have never chaperoned the school dances. I figured the kids need their space to really have fun. And, I would not be a happy camper having to stay up past 10pm. haha!! Our school theme this year is the decades and the seniors have the 80’s. I did see a lot of disco decorations from the 70’s decade in the school!

  9. That is such great news about your dad! I know that had to be a very stressful time for you and your family. So happy to hear that he is back home and doing well. Continued prayers for his recovery!

    The first “official” day of Fall was quite chilly here too! It was super windy and only around 50 degrees that morning when I woke up.

    1. Thanks, my Dad is so happy to be home and I’m so happy that he seems “normal” again! We were getting pretty worried about him. I don’t think he even remembers his bad days at the hospital!

  10. Kittens!

    Look at that band!

    Thanks to the rain, we really haven’t seen our band perform in full, with uniforms and props. Ugh. We were supposed to host our home show this weekend (the first of the season), but with Hurricane Ian, I’m guessing we may have to postpone.

    Such great news about your Dad! And I’m so glad you are feeling well after Erie!

    1. That’s a shame your band hasn’t been able to play completely yet! Our kids are getting very excited about the fall weather. Can you imagine marching around in those uniforms in the heat?! I don’t know how they do it. Kudos to them!

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