This week as a bit mixed up, due to a shortened work week, camping, activities, and a mix up on my training plan! Last week I was feeling pretty great about my workouts, which involved 2 days of speedwork and a long run with pace miles. Overall it was a tough week! So that’s where the mix up comes in. I looked at this week’s plan and noticed my long run said the same thing – 16 miles with pace miles. What? Two weeks of the same long run?? It turns out that I mistyped my workout and last week was supposed to be 18-20 miles! Well crap. What to do now?? And honestly, all of that speedwork left me feeling a bit broken by Monday. Sigh. This week I ran 38 miles, biked 57 miles, and walked a lot. I’m on week 5 (I think?) of a training plan for the Marquette marathon, but this week made me question if that race would be a good idea. Here’s what happened…

Circling back to Father’s Day last Sunday, we enjoyed a mountain bike ride in the woods followed by a mid-day beer.  I am really not a day drinker… I was ready for a nap after that! 😆

Mon – 10 easy miles.  It was a day off work thanks to Juneteenth, so I spent the morning on a longer run.  My leg and hip was feeling a bit wonky, but felt a bit better as the run progressed.

10 miles biking.  It was such a beautiful day so I decided to go for a bike ride too. And to top it off, we went to the gym for a quick strength session, but mostly for the hydro-bed massage.  Ahhhh

Tues – 3 easy miles.  Oooof!  My body was feeling a bit busted (ok, given the amount of workouts in the last day, this might not completely be a surprise).  3 miles was plenty.

Ladies Ride – 16 miles.  Another fun social ride with the ladies.  I got paired up with a very social person, so we were talking the whole time. That doesn’t alway happen! Biking feels good, and that makes me happy.  A confession: I did have to leave a band booster meeting early to get to this ride, but considering that I am no longer in the band boosters (due to graduation!), I’m not sure why I would be needed at this meeting!

Weds – Rest day, much needed.  We took a quick 2 night camping trip, so although we went on walks and bike rides, they were low effort.   

Thurs – 8 easy miles.  I ran around the campground and through all of the mayflies!  I ran through a parking lot which had about a million mayflies on the ground, and much to my surprise, about half of them were still alive!!  They started flying and I had to shoo them away from my face.  Yikes!!  

Fri – Unscheduled rest day 😐 My body was not feeling the best after my run yesterday.  Not sure what is going on with my hip/hamstring/glute, but a rest day was a better idea than running. Maybe it’s TFL pain? Maybe my hip flexors?? Not sure.

I had an early volunteering job at a multi-sport race.  There was a triathlon, duathlon, and also a “super sprint relay”.  The super sprint relay was very interesting.  It was 3 people who each did a mini triathlon – 200m of swimming, 4.5 miles of biking, and .75 miles of running.  They combined the times by passing along one timing chip.  Since the distance was short for each event people were giving it their all!   Note the finish line arch on top the hill. It was a joke! That is our big sledding hill! For my local friends, this is a RunToledo event – the Whitehouse Multi-Sport Festival. I want to participate next year!

Sat – 25 miles biking.  After my race gig, I went for a long bike ride.  Very enjoyable!  My dad wanted me to take pictures, so I sent him these.  I got a new bike jersey with Kona and Hawaii theme.  I love the bright colors!

Sun – 17 miles, long run.  Fingers crossed I was feeling good enough to go on my long run, and it worked out.  Phew!!!  Even though I had hoped on doing 18 miles, I only got 17 miles.  Mostly due to my family waiting for me to return home so we could eat donuts, and also due to just plain exhaustion!  It was humid and hot.  Very draining!  But, I figured 18 miles was going to take me 3 hours to run, and I finished my run at exactly 3 hours, so it’s fine!!  I still am not feeling 100%, so I will be extra prudent on doing PT exercises of some sort now.

18 miles would have been kind of cool because today is my son’s 18th birthday!!  The birthday adventure is mountain biking at Ray’s.  It promises to be an interesting afternoon because that place is hot in the summer… and I’m sure we won’t get home until late!  Anything for the birthday boy though 🙂

And finally… meet out newest foster, Nami!! Excuse the crusty eyes, which I’m sure will be great looking after a few more days of meds. She is an absolutely cutie pie and a sweetheart!! She is about 5 weeks old, so she’ll be with us for around 3-4 weeks.

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Do you ever get mayflies in your area?

They used to freak me out, but I could care less about them now. They can’t bite. The adults have no mouths!! It’s really odd, and interesting. Apparently a lot of them means the water (Lake Erie) is healthy.

25 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – a bit of everything”
  1. Mayflies. I had to google them (apparently we have them in CA but I don’t really think I’ve seen them around).

    Sounds like you had a good week overall with some long runs/miles and a good amount of recovery/rest. I hope your hip is ok?

    Happy birthday to your son! Love the cake.
    And I want to steal your foster kitty. So cute!

  2. I don’t know if we have mayflies.

    Happy 28th to your son.

    Hope you are recovering well.

    That’s a lot of miles. It makes me nervous for Nov.

    What a cute kitten.

    1. I am learning that a lot of people don’t have mayflies! I think I will need to back off and get on a plan for Chicago and not do Marquette Marathon (Sept). My body isn’t agreeing with it right now!

  3. I don’t think we have mayflies here — and I’m glad!

    Happy birthday to your son! I’m glad your 17 miler went well and hope you have fun at the bike park.

    Your foster kitty is a cutie!

    1. So far Nami has been the perfect houseguest! Our kittens tend to get a bit rambunctious as they get older (7 or 8 weeks) so we’ll have to see if the same happens to her! Kittens will be kittens 🙂

  4. We’ve been having a plague of midges here which you just end up having stuck down your bra somehow and on your face.

    I missed my Sunday run entirely as I was stuck in the house after a lock malfunctioned on our front door – we had one lock but I was nervous of going out with just the one on, when indoors we have a big bolt we can use so it’s fine. I was home alone as Matthew was taking his mum away for a couple of nights for a respite trip (she’s carer for his dad). It was so muggy here I didn’t really mind.

    Well done for getting 17 in, that’s really good work. And lovely kitty – what big ears she has!

  5. I don’t think we have mayflies here. Looks like you did a great job balancing family events and training. Happy birthday to your son

    1. I think this was the first birthday for my son that we’ve been home for. We are usually on vacation, so it really was a special birthday for him! But being in Hawaii or out West is pretty good too 😉

  6. You mean you’re not going to be in band boosters forever??? What?? Just kidding!

    Nami is the cutest! I hope her eyes clear up soon.

    Happy birthday to your son. Heat and humidity are the name of the game here so I empathize.

    Looks like lots of fun this week!

    1. The fact that I wore my cycling jersey to the booster meeting was a dead giveaway that I was cutting out early. LOL! I did leave the secretary job to a very capable person, so I have no doubt she will do great in that position. Heck, she’ll probably do better than I did!

  7. Like Darlene, I’m not sure about the Mayflies but I don’t think we get them. Not biting is good, but I swear gnats drive me completely bonkers and they don’t bite!

    Sorry about your mix up with the training, but seriously, I don’t think it’s that big a deal. Hope your hip feels better. That’s a bigger deal! Happy Birthday to your son!

  8. I’ve actually never heard of mayflies so I had to google them!

    Another busy week for you this week but it looks like you had a lot of fun, and happy birthday to your son!

  9. NAMI!!! I love her! It must be nice to have one sweet little kitten for a change- I think last time you had some very rambunctious ones.
    Sounds like you had a good week- hopefully the hip area calms down this week. I would think all the biking you’re doing would be good for it. Oh and btw your arms are looking very muscular- your trips to the gym are paying off!

  10. Great week of workouts and fun activities! And wow on all those mayflies. We don’t have them here and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in real life.

    1. I guess mayflies are a regional thing. Who knew?! At least they don’t bite, but they are a bit gross because sometimes there are a lot of them (dead ones!).

  11. I feel you on the band boosters thing! I hung around for a bonus year on the prom committee after the youngest was out of HS. I felt guilty just leaving since no one was in line to take it over (I did the decorations for the Promenade…had been doing it 10 years when I finally walked away). Cute little kitty! You had a busy week… yes, a little exhaustion seems normal, LOL

    1. The new booster secretary seems very capable. I think she will do great! I thought the meeting was just going to be a “handing the power over” kind of meeting, and then it started into a regular meeting. Sorry, gotta go!

  12. Happy Birthday to your son! I don’t think we have Mayflies here. We had the inlaws’ 60 wedding anniversary party though and my BIL’s yard was filled with some sort of annoying gnat. They didn’t bite but they were everywhere. Nice job on the 18 miler! Nami is adorable!

  13. you do so much! hopefully nothing major going on with your TFL or anywhere else for that matter. happy birthday to your son! and what a sweet kitty, I love her <3 I do not think we have mayflies here but I don't think i'd like them very much!

  14. I’m just here for the kitten pics 🙂 Jk. but they are always such cutie pies. You’re a great foster mom!

    Well done on the hot and humid 17 miler. Happy birthday to your son! Sounds like a really fun week Lisa.

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