Maybe it’s the gray haze Ohio has been under, recovering from a cold, or getting hit with some family issues, but I was highly unmotivated this week. Feeling a bit blah. I do enjoy cold weather, but I want it to be snowy and not gray and lifeless! “All the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray…” yeh, you can relate, right? I have been following the Joy to the Run training plan from Another Mother Run and did follow most of the days with 21 miles of running. I even did yoga (gasp!). And most importantly was that I must have jinxed my Dad when I mentioned his good health last week because seemingly out of nowhere my Dad was ordered to go back to the hospital. He was fine at our Thanksgiving dinner but things went downhill since then.
Mon – 3.5 miles, treadmill. No pictures of my basement, but… fun story! I drive down a residential road to get to my office. On one occasion I have seen a deer in the front yard of a house. This morning I thought about that deer and decided I would slow down and look around for deer. Sure enough – not ONE, but THREE deer crossed in front of my car! Yep, pretty sure I willed those deer to appear with my powers. 😉
Tues – 3.5 miles treadmill. Today’s Joy to the Run workout was 1 minute on/off intervals. I got to watch my new favorite show on HBO. The title really makes me cringe (let’s just say it involves College Girls), but it’s a super funny show. Great characters. Also, slowing down and paying attention paid off again… I saw 2 deer on that same road! I am a bit scared for them because it’s a residential area in the middle of very busy roads, so hopefully they stay safe.

At night we toured a mansion at our metropark. A beautiful house which it even more amazing with Christmas decorations!

Weds – 15 mins elliptical, 20 mins yoga. Not sure about the look on my face, but I guess that just shows my excitement about doing yoga. haha!

Band concert night! The opening act was the high school jazz band, who really got into the holiday spirt.

Thurs – 5 miles, ladder workout. Another speed workout which turned out pretty good. I needed a win today because my Dad was admitted to the hospital last night and I visited him during the day. He’s quite dehydrated and wasn’t drinking or eating properly, and sleeping a lot. He’s just out of sorts. It’s amazing how much can be affected when your kidneys aren’t doing their thing.

Fri – 5 miles. Feeling a bit worn out still. I also went to PF again and did upper body and then hung out in the massage/hydromassage chairs. Ah! Spent another day visiting my Dad in the hospital. Things are improving as far as his levels go, but I still think he’s acting odd.

Sat – Rest day! Well, mostly I was just feeling lazy and decided to sleep in. I think my cold is almost completely gone but just feeling blah about running today. Ah, so it goes. I did drive to Cleveland (2 hours away) so my son could ride at Ray’s Indoor MTB park. I opted to just hang out and work on my computer! I wasn’t the only Mom doing it 😉

Ray’s has become more accessible now that we’ve got an EV.

Sun – 4 miles, treadmill. Always a positive start to the day but I’m still feeling out of energy. I hope my energy/mojo comes back soon! My Dad might get out of the hospital today, but I’m still concerned about the odds of the issues reoccurring once he is home. So please send some positive vibes that this will get straightened out. But on a positive note, we are having a family fun roadtrip day! Which started with donuts and iced coffee. yum!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: Does anyone have any snow yet??
Q: Have you seen any new Christmas movies?
We just watched A Christmas Story Christmas. I didn’t like it!
Oh, I’m sorry about your dad- that is stressful. I hope he gets out of the hospital today.
You just described my mood, every year from the age of 13-32, from the months of November-May. Yep, the skies are gray up in the midwest! I couldn’t take it, but hopefully this is just a short phase for you. Getting over a cold and worrying about your dad are probably getting you down. Also… maybe you need some foster kittens to cheer you up!
Enjoy the roadtrip- it sounds fun!
Especially stressful is listening to my parents arguing all of the time. Grumpy Dad = less than congenial Dad. Ugh.
Hopefully the gray clouds are actually snow clouds!
I’m sorry about your dad Lisa. That’s really stressful and I hope he makes a full recovery. I know all about ailing parents. Its tough.
There’s been a lot of gray here in London, but I won’t lie- I am not missing the snow and cold of Minnesota at all! I think we’re going to wait until summer to make a visit back, esp. with lots of family visiting us instead.
Colds can linger and the fatigue can too! plus the stress of your dad probably doesn’t help. Cut yourself a little slack and listen to your body! You’re go go go all the time 🙂
I think waiting for a summer visit back sounds like a smart idea! Will you get snow where you live now? My daughter is planning a trip to Paris and Italy so I’m learning about Europe, but right now I’m pretty clueless!
So sorry to hear about your father. Hopefully, thing will continue to improve for him. I saw a new Hallmark Christmas movie last night (while I was knitting, LOL), but watched Elf Friday night (again, while knitting).
I have watched a couple Hallmark type movies, but honestly they are about 90 mins too long for me 😂 We could knock out that plot in 60 mins or less and I’d be happy! Haha
Oh no… sorry about your dad.
A few holiday movies… more to come.
Yes, it snowed today and it’s still snowing.. Hopefully not much will stick.
A snowy Sunday does sound really enjoyable. I could bake, wrap presents… I’ve got a lot to do!
I’m so sorry about your Dad. That could definitely be part of the off week. I hope he gets out and STAYS out!
We are getting a full day of snow today. I have a dr’s appointment tomorrow and am not looking forward to shoveling first . . . I also wanted to run. Luckily just a short recovery run.
I watched The Holiday and so far that’s it. I was going to watch While You Were Sleeping last night, but in the end chose a non-Christmas movie.
I got a free trial subscription to Apple TV so we will be watching Spirited. With Ryan Reynolds it has to be good! Waiting to watch movies until my daughter is home for winter break.
I’m so sorry to here that your dad isn’t doing well. I sure hope he feels better or at least holds his own for a while!
We have the grays here too. We had snow here earlier this week, but most of it is gone. Up in Wisco, they had more and I did a trail run in it. Hard work!
Thanks. I really wish I felt confident about my Dad going home and not having this issue again, but I’m not. Hopefully I’m wrong!
Trail running in the winter is really tough because of the ground freezing! At least I think so. I’m always concerned about twisting an ankle or being clumsy.
So sorry Lisa – it sounds like you had a rough week. I know how hard it can be to feel out of energy, especially when your parent isn’t feeling great. Sending your dad all the positive vibes and I hope everything improves soon.
It has been a struggle to find joy lately. Thanks for the positive thoughts!!
So sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully he will be d owing better this week. The gray weather can feel super depressing. I watched a couple of holiday movies on the plane-Someting from Tiffany’s was kind of cute. I also watched the Lindsey Lohan on it was cheesy but cute. Hope you have a better week!
I can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen the sun!! Crazy! The gloom can stop any time now.
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope things improve for him this week. I know how stressful it is when our parents are not well.
It’s been very gray here and I’m finding my motivation waning as well. I hope this week is a good one for you!
Thanks. Unfortunately the week hasn’t been much better for my dad (or my Mom who is in charge of taking care of him!). Fingers crossed maybe next week will be!
I’m sorry to hear about your dad. We are dealing with some health issues with my husband and it’s just draining and exhausting. I can see why your mojo has taken a hike.
We had our winter concert last week as well, and it was so great.
it will probably never snow here. I miss it.
Jenn recently posted…week 102: hide & seek with winter
I’m so sorry you are having the problems with your husband! I hope you get it all figured out and he’s feeling better. For sure it is very draining. My dad has been so cranky and not feeling well. It’s hard to be patient with him when he’s angry like that. Not his usual self!
So sorry about your dad. UTIs and dehydration can easily lead to symptoms of delirium, which I’m sure you know, and it can be really scary. Dealing with mother in law with similar worries now, she is diabetic and got really dehydrated in the summer, leading to a hospital trip. She’s asked for a water filter for Christmas (!) so is doing a bit better in that respect now.
We’ve been struggling to get my dad to drink more fluids, especially since he’s been sleeping a lot. The problems just seem to snowball and get worse. 🙁
So sorry about your dad. I’m sending healing vibes his way. We are SO grey here too. We have a light dusting of snow and it’s in the single digits but still. Ugh. We haven’t watched any holiday movies yet but we did see Ticket to Paradise and it was awful! Haha! So cheesy.
Oh no, don’t tell me that about Ticket to Paradise! It’s on my “to watch” list! I figured it was a chick flick so maybe it will be a treadmill movie for me 🙂