Oh my.  What a %##^&* busy week it’s been.  When I haven’t been posting, I’ve been reading emails that something (a computer) has been trying to hack into my WordPress account for a good 48 hours or so.  Really?  Is that necessary?

Today’s workout:  I dug through the stack of workouts in the basement to find my 8 mile w/ 1/2 mile interval sheet and ran them all faster than I did last time.  Yeah me!

2015-03-19 05.25.46

St. Patty’s day was celebrated by one lucky child of mine getting a green rook at the chess match!  But he lost his match, so that made it all better.

2015-03-17 17.11.15

I was trying to stay “good” and eat some healthy food (kind of) and then this was opened at my house.  #nocontrol

2015-03-16 19.07.46

And at work, yet another daily potluck occurred.  How could I resist when colorful sprinkles were involved?

2015-03-18 16.09.14

We got a super heartfelt condolence card from the vet.  They are such nice people.

2015-03-16 19.19.44

In addition to trying to rid my house of those “cute” ladybug imposters,  Siri reminded me of the most important thing ever… (actually, Alan was playing around with my Siri and gave it the command)

2015-03-16 08.12.24

I spent last night playing bunco and being really bad – drinking *2* beers and eating all of the chocolate treats in sight!  Not a great combo, but I did enjoy it while it was happening.  Bunco was a great night of hanging with some awesome ladies from my neighbor.   I met 2 new people, and saw others I haven’t seen in a long time!  Here’s the money shot… (haha)

2015-03-18 21.19.54

Even after partying, I found a few minutes to get some PT time in.  Gotta work it hard until Boston!!

2015-03-18 22.11.06

Tonight, I’m looking forward to just relaxing with “pizza and beer date night” after a long work week which left me quite frazzled and longing to be permanently rooted in my own desk space next week.  I’ve heard the desktops still might not be done in the early week, but hopefully by the time I get there on Tuesday we will be all set.  I was going to report that my “temporary job relocation” at Job B had ended, but here’s the sad story…  at 4:55 I packed up my small group of personal items (lip balm, hand lotion, bag of trail mix, water cup, post-it notes, iPhone cable, blue pen, red pen & highlighter) and said good bye to my “boss”, he informed me that I was supposed to go back there for one more week!!!!!!!  uggh.  So close to super happiness at the end of my work week, and yet, so far.

Carb loading tonight!!  big 20 miler in the morning.

2015-03-19 21.11.26

Q:  Favorite vegetable?

A: I like a lot of vegetables.  Mostly the “common” ones.  My favorite are green beans!

Q:  Do any bugs “bug” you at your house?

A:  I could do without those Asian beetles, and mosquitoes in the summer!


7 thoughts on “Thursday, so glad to see you!!”
    1. I know! It went on for almost 2 days. Glad it stopped, and that I was notified of it.
      Going out for 20 miles now. Or two 10 mile runs, as I like to think 🙂

  1. Love me some veggies!
    We don’t have bugs (at the moment), but we have bats! 😉
    Your last-day-at-location-B story is hilarious – from my pov. LOL

    1. I was doing a happy dance one second, then it turned into “are you kidding me???” Then my shoulders dropped and and I slumped home 🙁
      Oh well. Just ONE more week.

    1. It’s that new bacon wrapped one from Little Caesars. It was good, but unfortunately it was not hot at all when I picked it up. Not so much “hot and ready”!

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