So let’s talk about what’s NEW with me…


NEW coach!

NEW training plan!

NEW efforts at eliminating glute pain

NEW goal race!

Coach… Now, let me clarify.  I didn’t “fire” my husband as a coach… although he may tell you otherwise! 🙂  We discussed my interest in giving something new a try, and we decided that hiring a coach would be a good change of pace! (haha, pun intended!) In fact, “former coach” Alan said the coaching was my birthday gift!

This is Coach Chris.  On the weekends when he’s not racing, he’s a pacing machine.  Wish I could run a 3:30 marathon, carry a stick, and still smile like that! Actually I’d just take the 3:30… regardless if I was smiling or not.


Training plan… I had taken an interest in the Hansons marathon method.  With everyone who I knew who tried it getting great results from the plan (Allison, Colby, Chris), I thought it might be time to give it a try for myself.  You know “If all of your friends jumped off a cliff…”.  Then, I remembered my friend Chris who had raved about the Hansons plan, and is also a RCAA coach.  The connection was made, and now he’s my coach!  If you live in Rochester, NY you may have seen him at a race.  He usually paces the 3:30 or 3:40 group.  He also ran a 2:51 in Boston this year, which was a 7 min PR.  He’s speedy! Just saying. 😉

Kicking that glute pain in the butt… After giving my issue much contemplation, I actually did all of the things I thought might help my situation.  First, I got a deep tissue massage (ouch!).  Then I went to see my Dr.  He suggested I go to PT to get exercises to help out.  I had a feeling he would recommend that.  The PT person I saw is a “running” therapist.  She recorded me running on the treadmill and analyzed my form.  VERY interesting!  I’ll tell you more about that in another post.  I have new confidence that a combination of correcting running form issues, with exercises and stretching will tackle my issue!

New goal race… after not acheiving my goal at Glass City, it’s time to reassess and move along.  I’ve decided to head back to Erie PA and run the Erie marathon on Presque Isle, Sept 11th.  I’ve ran it twice (2014 & 2015), and BQ’d at both so I’m looking for a repeat performance.  I love the course, and Alan will be pacing me!!  Woot!! Let’s be honest, I need someone to keep me going when the going gets tough!

So there you have it for now.  I think that’s enough change!  Days 1 & 2 have been completed on my new training plan… Day 1, rest, and Day 2, easy 6 miles.  Yep, nailed those 😉    I look forward to seeing what this Fall brings!


Q:  Have you ever had a coach?  What did you think was most beneficial?

Q: Have you ever had your running gait analysed?

Q:  What’s new with you??

13 thoughts on “LOTS of new stuff around here!”
  1. Kind of ironic that you mentioned gait analysis since I have recently made an appointment with a running coach/PT in Denver to give me an opinion on my form. Why Denver when I live in Chicago? Well…. the short answer is that I will be in Denver over Memorial Day weekend to run the BolderBoulder 10K. I will go see him on Thursday, do the videotaping, and then get some recommendations. I go back to see him the following Tuesday and get more video to see if I was able to implement any of his suggestions. Hoping this will get me back to running consistently and injury-free. I loved the Hanson Plan but it was tough. I tried it twice and got injured both times about halfway through. Follow the plan and don’t try to improve on it by running more or faster than they prescribe. My running partner was able to complete the plan after I was hurt and it resulted in his one and only BQ.

    1. I can already feel a difference in the way I run when I am thinking/implementing the changes I discussed with the PT. I hope you find some beneficial changes you can make too! I thought the analysis was really interesting!
      Bolder Boulder is huge!! It looks like a great race. Sure beats some of the scenery we have around here in Ohio 🙂
      I have a bit of a concern with the shorter long run in Hansons at this point, but I did not like going out for 18+ runs. Trust the plan, right? I will keep that in mind about staying within the recommended paces and distances. I’m hoping to be a success story!

      1. When they say “cumulative fatigue” they aren’t kidding. Even though your long runs will only be 16, it will feel like the LAST 16 of a marathon.

  2. YES, I have a coach that I have been working with for the last 6 months…. and I continue to work with him! He is FABULOUS!!!!!! Tough, but fabulous!!! And Brilliant!!! He trained his wife who qualified for the Olympic trials a few years back!!! He is the one who wrote my training plan for my first ever marathon! And, although I didn’t fully understand the plan, it did help me achieve my goal at the time and I actually did better than anticipated!! He has now switch up my training in hopes to make me a bit more speedy….. we shall see! I have no race goals at the present time, still trying to set a goal………. but, I have time since all my upcoming races are 5 months out.

    I have never had my gait analyzed, but I know I must run tensed up in my neck and shoulders…. especially when nervous….. trying to break that!

    I need to see a PT, my right hamstring is giving me a fit…. rolling helps, but it tightens when I increase pace or run hills. I talked with the coach yesterday and he gave me exercises to do ……. it is feeling better……. so, maybe it is on the mend! I hope so because it is SUPER annoying!

    1. Boo on hamstring issues! I hope it goes away soon. That is so cool that you have a great resource like your coach! I think you are going to really do great on getting more speed with those track workouts you’ve been doing.
      I also knew that I am scrunched up in my shoulders when I run, and she really helped me with that. It feels so much better too!

  3. I have a coach as well and I can tell you it makes a huge different! I was incredibly lucky, my coach -who she offered to just help me out OMG – is the Greek record holder woman for the marathon Maria Polizou! She is so awesome!!!

    1. Oh wow! Ok, my coach isn’t THAT fast. That’s really awesome you have that resource available to you. Hoping we both reach our goals with a little help from those coaches!!

  4. I am excited for all the positive NEW-NESS in your life! 🙂 I will be excited to follow along with your training as we are going to be doing a very similar plan I am sure! Has Chris altered Hansons for you at all? What will your goal time for Erie be? Today is my first day of Hanson and it is REST hahaha. Tomorrow is my easy 6.
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    1. This will be exciting to see how we both fare with Hansons! My goal time is 3:50 (like is always is… I just have not quite yet made it there!!). It’s taking me a while to figure out how much time I need for the warm up stuff and the slower runs. Good thing school will be out soon and I won’t have to be in charge of making school lunches for the kids (needing to be done running at an early time). Coach will be modifying the plan as needed – if I need to cut back on the mileage. 6 days of running will be different for me, hoping for no overuse injuries!! He did move my days around to make Friday my long run day.

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