Happy weekend! As of today there are 7 more days until my last scheduled “big race” of the year. The Churchill’s half marathon! And honestly, I’m glad it’s my last 🙂 Looking forward to running some even shorter distances, or just whatever I want to run. Here is what I had going on this past week:
Monday: 5 miles treadmill – Halloween! I had to burn some calories to offset the massive amount of candy I was sure to consume that night. Indeed, I ate too much and wasn’t feeling so great by the time bedtime came around. 🙁
Two funny things found in my lunch bag at work this week… this great note from my husband, and a small collection of treats in my bag… because you just never know when you need to stuff a bunch of candy in your mouth. Just saying.
Tuesday: Rest day. Yeah! Needed this. Still feeling a bit crappy, but I think it’s a sinus headache (and maybe a bit of a sugar hangover…). Napped with kittens. Was enjoying them purring in unison!!

Wednesday: 5 miles treadmill – ladder workout! I liked this workout. Did a mile warm up then did fast intervals of 5 mins fast, 2 min recovery, 4 mins fast, 2 mins recovery, .. 3, 2, 1. Ended with a cool down. It was a interesting, and challenging, interval running session. You should try this sometime!
Thursday: 3.1 mile run around my neighborhood. I have just enough time to get a 5K in after the school bus pickup, and even though it’s dark out, I enjoy getting outside for a run. And I get to sleep in!
Check out this awesome reflective top that I got this week… I am staying safe this winter!! (you can get the top here at Old Navy)
Friday: Cycling XT day! Alan and I got to enjoy the beautiful Fall day and went for a 20 mile ride. It was around 45 degrees and I wasn’t sure how to dress. So, I layered up, wore a hat, wore some gloves, and fleece lined tights over my bike shorts. Alan said it my be blasphemy to wear a Boston Marathon jacket for biking, but I disagreed. For the most part I did a good job at getting the proper warmth.
Prior to that, I went to the gym in the morning and did some weight machines. I love getting my workout out of the way so early. And there’s no waiting for equipment so early in the morning…
Saturday: 12 mile long run. Ran with some friends from the She Runs This Town Group. My schedule said 8 miles, but I am easily talked into running farther with friends so I opted for 12. The first 8 were easy miles, but we picked up for the last 4 miles and it was quite challenging. It wasn’t even as fast as I hoped, and it still kicked my butt. Like I said, I’m glad I won’t feel the need to push the pace soon! Still, I enjoyed having some company for this run and just look at the beautiful scenery!!

And, my running partner shares the same love of donuts that I do. Ahhhhh, post run treats.
That wraps up my week. Looking forward to a lazy Saturday evening and a couple more days with the kittens. They are, for real, going back to the Humane Society on Monday morning. We will miss those little cuties. 🙂
Q: How has your week been? Running/cycling much?
Q: Do you have a secret candy stash? (don’t worry, I won’t tell!)
Q: Would you rather do weight machines or free weights?
This weather has been unbelievable! Already November and we are still running in shorts! I ran an 8-miler this morning called the Hot Cider Hustle with some friends from the running club. Course is a figure-8 on through a forest preserve and the fall leaves are still really scenic. I keep reading articles about how much better free weights are than machines, but I still like the leg press and the hamstring curl machines. I mix in some free weights just for variety.
I picture chaos with a figure 8… in a funny way! Any collisions??
Come to think of it, I guess it was more of a figure P than an 8. We went out straight for the first few miles and then turned right and circled back around to the original trail. Never actually crossed paths with other runners, but I did run a 10K in Chicago a few years ago that had an 8 course and it WAS mass confusion with runners going the wrong way, runners coming right at you, and runners nearly tripping over others cutting across. The race director was vilified on social media after that fiasco.
It’s not blasphemy to wear the Boston jacket while biking! It shows serious runners value cross training. 🙂 I love your reflective top! I wish I had all those kitties to sleep on me. 🙂
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Weekly Workouts!
My neighbors make me nervous driving in the morning. In an effort to not face plant again I’m not running on the sidewalks so I’m hoping that makes me stand out on the road!!
Resting with all those kitties on you!!! I would be jealous except I remember how sharp kitten claws are when kittens get tired and start kneading you! haha Do you think you’ll come home with a new batch of kittens this afternoon? 🙂
Kristina Running recently posted…A1A Marathon & Half Marathon Discount Code
No, we have a trip planned soon and it wouldn’t work out to have any more right now. I’m feeling pretty blue – missing them already. I know they won’t be there when I get home 🙁 🙁
Oh my gosh – shoe phone stand is too funny!
I love your reflective top. I may have to pick up one of those since it is getting dark so early now. I love that Old Navy has some decent workout gear without costing an arm and a leg.
Thanks for sharing!
Megan @ Lazy Runner Girl recently posted…Weekend Recap and Radomness
I agree – and Old Navy is starting to incorporate some of the higher priced Athleta touches in some of their items (zipper pockets, etc) which is even better!