This week I showcased my Churchill’s half marathon race shirts.  The weather was decent this week and (surprisingly!) I’m still running outside in the mornings.  We’ll see how long that continues.  This is usually the time I take it indoors to my treadmill.  26.5 miles of running this week, which includes the race!

Two more pictures from our one day camping trip to Pokagon on Sunday.  I’m sure all of the beautiful fall leaves have probably blown off the trees there by now!

Mon – 4 miles, 2-3 at HMP.  This was a bit of slog but I got it done!  Today’s race shirt was from 2012.  They had a clean design, but the logo hadn’t been created yet.  The shirt was just unisex, so a bit baggy.  This year the race was still held in the spring!  It used to be in March and was a tune up race for the Glass City Marathon.  Although the weather is a bit iffy here in Ohio in March, it always seemed to be a good weekend when Churchill’s happened!

Tues – 4 miles.  This was supposed to be an “easy run” but I felt like kicking it up a little. Still not as speedy as I hoped for, but a bit better feeling than yesterday. Oddly, different routes but it ended up being the same exact distance each day (4.11 miles) and almost the same avg pace!!  Odd things happen in the dark mornings I guess!  This shirt was from the year Churchill’s was held in the spring, and then changed to the fall.  Therefore it was the 46.5th race!

Also, it was time to say goodbye to our foster kittens.  They really improved during their visit.  We almost didn’t get this pair because they were all greasy and recovering from an upper respiratory infection, and I didn’t want our cats to have issues.  But it all turned out just fine and they are a spunky pair. Hopefully they will be adopted right away, and go to the same home!

Weds –  Rest day!  Today was a great day because I was feeling caught up at work, I took a lunch hour, I only worked a little overtime, and I got to take a walk while it was still light outside after work!  That is a great feeling!  AND…. oh hey, we got more foster kittens again!!  This is the motherload of cuties.  Five 5 week olds.  OMG.  One is super shy and will need a lot of attention to get acclimated, but the others are spunky buddies.  Love them!!

Thurs – 3.5 miles. A nice run around the neighborhood again. This is the shirt from my first Churchill’s half 10 years ago! Back when “women’s cut” wasn’t a thing in race shirts around here. My shirt is baggy and a bit big, but it works. It was 50 degrees out!

We switched gears and got to see Zach perform in concert band tonight (instead of marching band). It’s been 19 months since their last concert!

Fri – 1.5 miles. Testing out my race outfit (well, most of it as you will see!). Spent more of the day relaxing in my race shirt from last year. 2020 was different, and our shirts were also. This short sleeve cotton shirt is one of my favorites though. So comfy! I also kicked off the Starbucks holiday drink season with a caramel brulee frappuccinio. Starbucks Visa cardholders get 2 free drinks every weekend. You’ll be seeing a lot of Starbucks in my hands!!

Sat –  13.2 Race day!!  Overall it was a great race day.  The weather looked very questionable when we woke up and I had no interest in running.  Windy, dark, cold, with little rain drops (snow?) flying around.  Luckily, everything was much better in the daylight and we stayed dry.  The temps were in the 30s and I even ended up take off my gloves.   My outfit was a hot mess though.  Somehow I never tested out my tights with my water belt and I spent the entire race tugging at it trying to keep it in place.  And, at the last minute I decided to wear a short sleeve shirt under my quarter zip.  The short sleeve shirt spent the entire race trying to creep up to my chest.  Ugh!!!  But enough about my clothing fails….

The big event was that my daughter ran her first half marathon!  And my husband was feeling Ok enough to tail her so he got to run near her (she didn’t want us to run with her!).  I got to see her too because she passed me around mile 5. LOL!  This was all pretty funny because she was adamant that I was going to be the first family member across the finish line.  She finished in 1:52 (!!).  Alan finished in 1:52 and I finished in 1:56.   She had a good experience and said she would run another one!  But not soon.  🙂 [no, we weren’t trying to match our outfits. She actually borrowed the top and headband from me!]

Sun – Cross training (aka, cleaning the house!). I am feeling really good and can still walk down stairs! I mention that because I was sore for 4 days after Columbus half! I’m going to the gym and might workout with my son. The possibilities are endless now that racing season is over!

For all of the cat lovers out there, here’s how my week is going… My cat wanted all the attention this week…

And the kittens were super interested in what I was doing with my laptop this morning!!

Stop back later this week for my race recap. It will answer the question “what is going on here?”. haha! And thanks for making it this far into this extra long post. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

31 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Race week!!”
  1. Congrats on a great race, everyone! Those new kitties are so cute! Looking forward to the race recap! I seldom wear fuel belts anymore because not any will stay out. They either ride up or spin around (usually both).

    1. I really love my water belt. However there are only a few bottoms that I can’t use the belt with. I totally forgot I had this issue with these tights! The whole race kept thinking I should take it off and hide it in someone’s front yard, and return later to get it!

  2. Congrats on the Half, and how cool that your daughter ran it — and had a great time (in all senses of the word). Those kittens are SO cute — but you know that. 😉

    I bet that old race shirt is 100% cotton too, right? I have some Army Ten Miler shirts like that, but I also bought the tech shirts — instead of an $ upgrade option it was an $$ add-on for many years.

    1. No, actually all of the race shirts I have from Churchill’s (other than last year) have been technical shirts! I think my husband has one that is a little older that was long sleeve cotton though. The current race director has always insisted on a nice race shirt, so they used Nike shirts. This is the first year he changed to a different brand to avoid distribution issues. I was skeptical, but they turned out to be a nice shirt that fit well. I am a sucker for a good race shirt!

  3. I am always up for kitten cuteness. 🙂 If only our spare room wasn’t my Yoga room!

    Congrats to the whole (almost) family for running the half. That is very cool.

    If I’ve trained well & run well, I usually don’t have DOMs . . . but I still enjoy my recovery. 🙂

  4. Congratulations you guys! Your daughter did amazing! I can’t wait for the race recap.
    You know you’re killing me. you’re fostering FIVE kittens??? i love them all, but I’ll be right there to pick up the one with the black and orange face. Which one is the shy one?
    Hope you’re enjoying your day of house cleaning! I should be doing that form of cross training, instead of sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. Ah, well.

    1. It’s like my kittens keep multiplying just to tease you! haha! The shy one is the tuxedo. He is starting to come around. Up until today he would bolt under the couch if you looked at him! He is now realizing that petting is very enjoyable :). Five kittens is a handful. I have given up on putting them back in their cage at night and they get free rein of the room they live in. Which has also meant extra laundry due to some cat messes!

  5. Congratulations on another great half and to your daughter too! How fun that she was able to participate. A full family of runners 🙂

    Those kittens…you have your hands full lady!

    1. Thanks! I’m really happy she had a good experience with her race. She even had friends who ran so it wasn’t just us “talking to all of our runner friends” at the finish area.
      The kitties are a handful, but overall pretty good so far. At least they entertain each other!

  6. Well done all on your race, and I loved you could wear so many of the shirts in the run-up! Those kitties are super cute, the tabbies with the white paws remind me of pics we have from our Percy’s foster mum from when he was a baby (we got them at 8 months so they were young but not baby cats), though they do all look very similar to each other!

    1. The kittens are so darn cute, but one is being a bit of a handful. I can’t figure out which one, but one is making mess and causing me to do a lot of laundry. 😩 Hopefully the naughtiness will stop soon!

  7. This is the best. I love the idea of wearing your race skirts the week prior.

    And congrats to your daughter. You all had great times. What a perfect family event. More to come?

    My weather yesterday was similar. I was warm when the sun was out. And my clothes were annoying…in the same way as yours… ugh.

    Keep those cute kitten pix coming!!!!!!!!

    1. My daughter had a good experience, but said she wasn’t going to do another half any time soon. But hey, don’t we all say that after a race? ha! We shall see!

    1. I think she really surprised herself on her pace. I knew she would do well, and she didn’t even stop to walk at all. I’m proud of her working so hard at it!

  8. You and your family are incredibly nice to foster kittens. How do you keep from adopting them all? Maybe your black cat is a little jealous of the kittens and that’s why he/she wants extra attention?

    Congrats to your daughter on her great race (and to you and Alan as well)!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…A Birthday Letter to MyselfMy Profile

    1. Right now I could give all the kittens back because one continues to avoid the litter box! well, OK, I guess they can stay longer 🙂 I forget how challenging it is to have so many kittens. 1 or 2 kittens is a very manageable foster commitment. I’ll try to remember that next time. haha!

  9. So many fun things! Kittens! Concerts! Half marathons! Starbucks! I don’t know what to be most excited about! What a fabulous week! I’m getting Starbucks tomorrow tooo!

  10. Congrats to all of you, and especially your daughter! Nice job for a first-time half marathoner! You must be so proud of her!

    Will you foster more kitties over the winter? And speaking of winter, you surprised me when you said you take to the treadmill in the cold weather! Do you run outside at all in the cold?
    Wendy recently posted…Digging DeepMy Profile

    1. I did run a lot outside in the cold last year. It’s really just the early morning runs that I do on the treadmill mostly. It’s way more enjoyable to be watching a TV instead of running in my dark neighborhood!
      Nope, the kitten season pretty much ends when November hits. I doubt we’ll have any more after this.

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