As another week has blown past I’m sitting at less then one week until the Erie Marathon. The Erie Marathon is on Presque Isle in Pennsylvania on Sept 11. My wish for less humid weather hasn’t quite come to fruition yet and the early forecast for race day shows rain! I guess that could be worse as the park is mostly shaded. Time will tell! Nothing left to do at this point other than to cross my fingers for a great race 🙂 This week I ran almost 30 miles and biked 25. We’ve got 6 new foster kittens (yes 6!) but I’ll get to that later. It’s been an up and down week for my Dad, but ended on a high note with him being released to a rehab/care center. Yay!

Mon – Rest day.  Actually my plan said “Fun workout”, but no workout was done and today was the farthest thing from “fun”.  My day was packed non stop from when I left the door at 7:45 am and I didn’t get home until 8:30 pm.  Work (frustrating day!), hospital visit (really depressing sad day!), tech support help at friend’s house (technology struggles, imagine that!), and a band booster meeting (this wasn’t on my calendar, I was unprepared!!.  Let’s just say, I was just glad when this day was done.

Tues – 8 miles, w/ mid 4 at tempo pace.  I targeted 8:30 for my tempo pace and pretty much hit that, so this is a win!  A storm last night knocked down a lot of branches on my path. Yet another sweaty run.  Sigh.  This humidity can stop at any time!!  Overall my day was much more positive and productive.

14 miles biking – it was the last Ladies Ride night of the year.  Whomp whomp!  But we did get to enjoy some beautiful weather and Taco Tuesday!  You could feel Fall is in the air.  The post-ride party had delicious tacos and drinks.  It was a great way to wrap up the season.

Weds – Rest day!  My body is feeling the aches lately so a rest day was a good thing.  My visit with dad at the hospital was more positive today, so that was good to see.

Thurs – 6 easy miles with sprints.  This was a bit random – when I got done with 5 miles I sprinted for 15 seconds and then rested for 15 seconds.  It was a good run!  I saw a cat chasing a mouse in the dark and was able to take a picture of the scared little mouse along the street.

We had a super busy day.  First we volunteered at the golf tournament.  This LPGA tournament used to be in July and the school kids helped out.  The band boosters get a good donation for helping out, so I made sure we helped out especially since is our last year doing it!  “Green Team” isn’t necessarily a glamorous job title, but we do get to zip around behind the scenes and watch the golfers.  It was a good day!

Then I visited my Dad and he was just getting ready to be transferred to a rehab facility!  This is wonderful news!!

AND then, we dropped off our foster kittens (boo!) but picked up SIX kittens who were in need of a foster!  The shelter really needed a foster home for them so taking them was a big help.  Gotta say, once again, ADORABLE! There were actually 12 kittens that needed a home. Not sure if it really was the same litter or what, but we only took 6 of them. I mean, we’re not crazy people 😂 (yet). They are around 4 or 5 weeks old. 2 girls (torties) and 4 boys (orange, black, 2 tigers)! They started out a little crusty eyed, but they are looking almost all better now!

Fri – 3 easy miles.  I was rewarded with a beautiful sunrise this morning! I also fit a quick 11 mile ride in the afternoon. It was a bit of a stress reliever!

Football Friday!! It was another win for our team! We got a fun surprise – our son was selected as one of the Marchers of the Week! They select 3 each week. He also got selected a couple of years ago but we weren’t there to see it (they don’t tell the parents in advance!). He puts a lot of work into marching band so it’s nice to receive this recognition.

Sat – 12 miles, long run. This run turned into 12 race pace miles, avg 8:59. It wasn’t planned. For my long runs I usually just run how I feel, not paying a whole lot of attention to my pace if there isn’t a goal. I also played a lot of “guess what pace I’m running” and I was pleasantly surprised when the answer was most often faster than I thought! I’ll also blame the faster pace on wearing my race shoes. Yep, Endorphin Pros making me speedy. This was my race day dress rehearsal. Testing out some race clothes and gear.

We spent the afternoon at the Fulton County fair. It was a hot one!

Sun – REST! Looking forward to a productive day of getting stuff done. Maybe all of the things I have been avoiding since marathon training started. haha! (and feeding and cleaning up after kittens. That happens a lot now!!)

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Would you rather have a hot or rainy marathon?

Rainy!! Note to self, bring lots of body glide just in case…

20 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – the final countdown!”
  1. Definitely a rainy one over a hot one, but neither is super fun! Usually I’m happy if it shows rain a week out, because you know it’s going to change! Fingers crossed for you.

    Wow, 6 kittens! The cuteness!

    Glad your Dad was released to rehab. That’s still stressful, I know, we’ve been there more times than I’d like to remember. Hopefully he’s home soon!

    1. It’s been especially challenging for him because he never got his COVID booster, so now he is stuck in his room. I was going to take him to get his shot today, but the pharmacies are switching over to a new booster so they aren’t giving out shots right now. Ugh. So, he’s stuck in his room for a bit more. It’s a bit lonely and boring. But, at least he’s out of the hospital and not hooked up to a bunch of machines!

      1. Poor guy. :(. My mom was in rehab last Summer, and they had some cases (before boosters, thankfully after the vaccine) & then wouldn’t allow visitors at all, or only for a very short amount of time. It was so hard. But she made it through! Sending some healing vibes to your Dad. It really sucks but it’s temporary.

  2. I love the Erie Marathon mainly because I got my first BQ there and it is usually good for TWO Bostons. The day before the race it absolutely poured rain all day. So much rain that some of the parking areas were flooded and the race had to be delayed while they got that sorted out but on race day it was clear and cool. Hope you get good weather and have a great race. I had much rather run in rain than heat. Rain is annoying like we had at Boston in 2015 but heat can be dangerous.

    1. The rain at Boston 2015 did keep me from having my full race day experience 🙂 I know I won’t be getting a 2023 qualifier, but the 2024 does give me an age break, so fingers crossed!! I can’t believe this will be my 5th year running Erie!

  3. GAHHHHH! I’ll be right there to pick up that orange tabby!!! My son and I want an orange tabby so badly, but my husband says no to a third cat (but we’re slowly wearing him down, muahahaha…)
    i would rather have a rainy marathon than a hot one. But, a lot could change in your weather forecast between now and then so you never know. Sounds like you’re ready to have a great race if the weather cooperates.
    So glad your dad is feeling better, and congrats to your son!

    1. I’ve named the orange one Bobby. He reminded me of Bobby Brady for some reason!! He’s a bit of a troublemaker but oh so cute. I was never a fan of orange cats but this one has changed me. My favorite is the black one. He has a super fuzzy head and is kind of clueless!
      It was a great surprise when my son got the recognition. I asked him before the game and he told me he hadn’t been a good marcher that week. He said he was goofing around, so I didn’t expect it. haha!!

    1. I asked my husband if he wanted 3 kittens or 6. I was surprised he agreed to a group of 6! They are so fun though. Thanks, I sure hope the weather gets all figured out by race day!

  4. Glad your dad is out and ooohh those kitties! The naughty torties! And rain, definitely. I don’t think I’ve had a rainy marathon, to be honest. But my first one was hotter than expected, I got a weird tan from the leggings I’d cut off and my buff round my head, and it made me panic!

  5. Tough. I guess rain but it’s not fun as I have run too many big races in the rain. Hope the forecast changes snd you have nice weather.

    All the mice I see are the ones my car kills.

    Those kittens. Such cuteness.

    Sending healing thoughts to your Dad

  6. Glad to hear your dad is now in rehab.

    I think I’d rather race in the rain vs. the heat. I hope the weather cooperates for you. Best of luck with your race!

  7. That’s very encouraging news about your dad! Well, I’d have to choose hot over rain, LOL, but I’ve persevered through both. What sweet little kitties! I’m horribly allergic, but cannot deny their cuteness 😉

  8. Fantastic long run Lisa! Excited for your marathon. I hope the weather holds up!

    OMG, those kittens…6 is lot, I can’t imagine taking on 12!

    I’m glad your dad is being transferred to a rehab facility- I must have missed a post if you shared what’s happening, but I know how stressful all of that can be and am thinking of you.

    1. 12 is a huge litter! I’m sure these 6 will be quite a handful soon but right now they are just adorable 🥰
      Thanks – my Dad had his knee replacement hardware removed. It took him 10 days to finally get back to normal from all of the drugs. He was really out of it for a while, which was super scary to see.

  9. Another great, but busy, week for you! This Summer flew by – I cannot believe that your marathon is coming up in just a few days! Hoping that you have amazing weather for your race!

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