Miles run this week, 46!  I’m training for the Glass City Marathon on April 23rd.  I had an interesting week, which kind of felt like a vacation week.  Instead of working my normal Mon-Tue-Wed, I got to work Mon-Wed-Fri. So just when I worked a day, I got a day off!  Nice.  I also got a few more miles in than my scheduled plan. This week focused on speedwork. And the week ended with a little getaway!

Mon – 6 miles (5 easy with 10 strides) treadmill run – I was looking forward to this run because I started watching season 3 of Emily in Paris (Netflix).  I love that show!

Lunch run – 4 more miles!  I know, I know… this wasn’t on my plan, but when I saw the temps hit 50 degrees AND I was working at home, I had to take advantage of it!  It was a blustery day, which felt really great… in at least one direction.

As it turns out, this run was really needed as I received a call from my daughter around 5:30 pm.  She was having “severe” stomach pains. The original plan was Urgent Care, but we ended up going to the Emergency Room at the hospital with hopes of being seen by a dr faster.  Of course I have spent a lot of time at the ER in the past months and I know things aren’t always fast there.  Long story short, after a few hours of intense pain coming and going, and 3 hours in the ER, it turns out it was just an upset stomach and I’ll have a sick stomach when the $600+ medical bill comes out.  But, you just never know what is going on and based on her reaction to the pain, it really could have been something bad!  Good to know all is well. I’m thankful her roommates were there to help her out and I could be with her also.

Tues –  9 miles, speedwork!  Today’s workout was 2 miles WU, 4 x 1 mile at tempo with .25 recovery, and 2 miles CD.  It warmed up quick on my run so on the way back I took off my shirt.  It felt great!  I also indulged in a big Starbucks drink after my run which I customized with chocolate shavings and red sugars.  Very festive!! 🙂

It was a nice day off work and I also enjoyed my pretty flowers and chocolate from my husband.  Happy Valentine’s day!

Weds – Rest day!

Thurs – 7 miles, ½ mile intervals.  I had a strict time limit this morning because my husband had a colonoscopy scheduled.  (oh joy!)  The workout went quite well – 8 x 4 mins on, 3 mins off.  And look at me, running outside in the dark during the winter!  40 degrees doesn’t really feel like winter. The colonoscopy also went well!

It was time to send the foster kittens back to the Humane Society.  While it is nice to have my sunroom back and clean again, we do miss them!

Fri – 4 easy miles.  More treadmill time.  We got to see the last basketball game of the season.  It was another win for the team and always fun to watch the pep band in action!  My son and friends decided to dress up in suits. Not sure why, but he sure is getting good use out of his suit!

Sat – 15.5 miles, long run.  I helped out with the 9:30-10:00 pace group run for the Glass City marathon training group.  I didn’t end up getting a group picture, but I did get to run with some friends from previous training cycles.  Goal was around 10:00-10:15 and we finished with 10:04 average.  My training plan was actually only 13 miles with 15 mins strong finish, so I just ran the last mile at a faster pace.  Goal achieved!  The wind was strong so that last mile was a challenge.

What’s on tap for the holiday weekend? Skiing! Up in Michigan enjoying the slopes. Hope you all hava a great weekend!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Does anyone else have the day off work (kids off school) on Monday?

30 thoughts on “Weekly Workouts – holidays and a getaway”
  1. Glad your daughter was ok, but I hear you on the hospital bill! Enjoy skiing. My kids have off from school but me and my husband don’t so I’ll probably take off and take them somewhere that’s good for their different ages (6, 4 and 1.5 years).

    1. Unfortunately college is still in session so this ski trip is just with my son. It’s super odd to have only one kid with us! Wish she could have joined us.

  2. So sorry to hear about your daughter! Norovirus is just the latest bug to hit hard and it is pretty brutal. Glad she’s ok. And glad to hear your colonoscopy went well.

    Enjoy the slopes! Where are you skiing at?

    1. My husband got cleared for 5 more years so that was good. Not as good as my original 10 year clearance, but it’s all good! We are up at Boyne in Michigan. The closest ski get away we have!

  3. Happy to hear it was not serious with your daughter.

    Enjoy skiing.

    Good luck with the rest of your training.

  4. Glad your daughter is ok-you have to go with your gut and these things checked. It was a lot warmer here too but not shorts warm. Nice job on your workouts this week. Looks like you are right on track w your runs. Have fun skiing!

    1. That’s the first time I’ve ever taken either of my kids to the ER. They were not as adventurous as some kids I hear about (climbing cabinets, breaking arms, etc). I guess we lucked out in that area.

  5. Ugh on the ER visit, but it really is better that she wasn’t in worse condition!

    I am guessing your skiing will be colder than ours was — enjoy!

    The foster kitty is so cute. I am sure you will miss it — but I’m sure there will be more. 🙂

  6. Wow! That sounds like a great week- other than the trip to the ER. I’m glad your daughter is okay, but you were smart to take it seriously. I have a friend whose daughter had stomach pains and it turned out to be appendicitis. So you don’t want to fool around with that. I’m also glad your daughter is close enough to be able to call you when things like this happen. (Well, glad for you but also envious.)
    I love your festive Starbucks drink, and great job on the speedwork and long run. Have fun skiing!!!
    (one more thing- I miss the kittens! I hope you get more soon!)

    1. We were all thinking appendicitis originally. My mom had hers removed and she reminded me that the pain is usually just on one side. But still, it is worrisome! We did learn a lot though – like how we should know where the nearest urgent care is. Important stuff to know!

  7. I’m glad your daughter is ok and your husband too. But 600 dollars, yikes! How do Americans in need of more care manage with their medical bills and still have money to live? I can’t even imagine.
    Anyway, I’m impressed with your runs this week and I’m also impressed that you wear a t-shirt and shorts with 50F. But that’s another story. 😀 We had 55F this week and then I felt three (Dri-Fit type) layers was a bit too much!

    1. I didn’t realize we have a $600 copay until I researched my insurance the next day. Ugh. I haven’t seen a claim yet, so maybe, just maybe, it won’t be but I doubt it. Our insurance pretty much just covers the basics. But, it’s cheap and so far it hasn’t been an issue.

  8. I’m glad your daughter is ok! You can’t put a price tag on health (although it feels like it sometimes, what with all the increasing prices!).

    Sounds like you had a great week.

    Enjoy your skiing!

  9. I feel ya on the hospital bill. I was thinking the same thing about my bill. Somethings you just have to get checked out. I am glad that it was nothing serious. I work Tue, Wed, Fri. I do not three in a row. That day off in between is just what I need to regroup. Glad you got out to run while the weather was nice.

    1. It was an interesting break working MWF, but I really need to have back to back days to keep continuity in my projects. I felt like I needed to review everything each morning when I got back to work because I forgot what I had been working on! And, it’s nice having a 4 day weekend every week 🙂

  10. I’m so glad your daughter is okay. There are plenty of serious things it could have been so it’s good that you now have peace of mind that she’s okay.

    Have fun on your ski trip! I hope snow conditions are fantastic for you. I’m usually extra busy on the Monday holidays because my clients are off work and want to fit in a workout session.

    1. Monday holidays are a little tricky for me because I would have to work on Thursday in order to get my 3 days of work in for the week. Lately, I’ve just been working 2 days and considering it a holiday for me too! I like to have my Thursdays to do whatever I want.

  11. Oh, your poor daughter. You can’t mess around with the stomach – appendicitis is a terrifying possibility. Of course, I don’t want to see our latest batch of hospital bills, sO i understand.

    Will you get more kittens?

    A and I have off tomorrow. Mr PugRunner will probably work.

    1. My mom showed me my Dad’s hospital bills. They were $$$$$! Luckily they have great insurance and didn’t pay much. We have super basic insurance so I know I’ll be getting a big bill for that ER visit. But, it’s worth it for the peace of mind (just kind of silly it was an upset stomach! LOL!). We will be getting more foster kittens this year, but I think we will wait until summer or fall. Maybe 🙂 Kittens are the best!

  12. Glad to hear that it wasn’t anything too serious with your daughter, but totally hear you on the hospital bill. I won’t go into a tirade about healthcare expenses in this country because I could probably type a book, but it’s just so ridiculous!

    1. Healthcare expenses are ridiculous! Our insurance coverage is so basic since we’ve never had many expenses, so when the unexpected happen, it’s costly. I’m very happy she was fine 🙂

  13. Phew! Glad your daughter is ok. I’d have immediately suspected appendicitis so I’d have taken her in as well. Yay for a clear colonoscopy. That’s always a good thing. Have fun skiing! My older daughter just came back from a ski trip in the Appalachians. Hubby and I worked all day Monday but our 17 yr old was off school and making her way back from Disney.

    1. A skip trip in the Appalachians? Fun! We’ve never skied out East, other than western New York. I wish we had more, and bigger, mountains that are close by. We do love our ski trips!

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