As if I needed a calendar to tell me, summer made it’s arrival in full force this week. It was a busy week which took me across international borders (Hi Canada! 🇨🇦 ), down to OSU (go Buckeyes!) and just kept me generally busy all around. I missed the Sunday blog link up this week, but hey, better late than never, right?! It was a good week of workouts with 34.5 miles of running, a gym visit, and 34.5 miles of biking! A dip in the pool, and some napping on a pool raft. Life is good.

Mon – 4.5 miles running, Happy Memorial day!  Today I also went to the gym with my daughter.  She tried to kill me on the Smith machine again.  Just saying. 

Most of my workout today was weeding my garden.  What a mess!

Tues – 5 miles running, negative splits: 2 miles, 2 miles, 1 mile.  This run is all about pacing.  No need to hit certain paces, but the point is to hold back on the first 2, get faster for the next two, and make a decent effort on the last mile.  Workout complete! Wearing two watches while I am participating in the health study.

Today was Sydney’s birthday, so we got to enjoy a delicious dinner out and cake.  Not sure how she can be 20 years old, but it’s true!!

Weds – 7 miles running, hills and intervals! This run felt really good.  Feeling more and more like my old self again.  My interval pace wasn’t stellar, but it does give me a solid starting point to refer back to later in my training.

We dropped Sydney off at the Windsor airport (in Canada).  Since we had to cross the border, and this was an international flight, I planned for extra time to drop her off.  To my surprise, border crossing was quick and the Windsor airport is even smaller than the Toledo airport!!  I didn’t think that could even be possible.  She is heading to France and Italy.  Lucky her!! Well, luck was really not involved because that girl planned, worked, and paid for the whole trip herself. I’m really proud of her for that!

13 miles, biking.  We did miss the group ride tonight, but my husband promised me a bike ride, and he delivered. It’s too warm for running, but biking is great!  🙂 

Thurs – Rest day!  We had to be on the road at 6am to get down to The Ohio State for college orientation.  By 8:30am we were checking into the dorm where Zach would be staying the night, and getting ready for our orientation.  It was a very full day of activities (for Zach) and lots and lots of info for both parents and students.  

On our drive to the campus we found out that the international plan we added to Sydney’s cell phone did not actually cover calls/data while she was in Europe!  (my bad, I interpreted the plan’s details wrong)  This resulted in a few hours of trying to get an eSIM installed on her phone, troubleshooting when it didn’t work the first time, and all of the drama related to not having internet service in Paris!  Drama indeed!  We eventually got it all working and the crisis was averted.  Happy kid, happy parents.  Winning!!

Fri – Rest day!  Well, except for all of the walking around OSU campus!  Phew, with 90 degree temps again, it was another tiring day.  Luckily, the day was not as long as the previous day and we walked away from campus with my son’s fall class schedule!  

Sat – 11 miles, long run.  This run started out decent, but then I quickly realized I was no match for the warm weather!  (yes, feels like 71-81 degrees is pretty much HOT to me!) I ran on the same path multiple times because it was shaded (mostly).  My plan said 16 miles, with mid 6 at race pace.  I figured 11 miles was “good enough” with no actual race pace miles done.  Oh well, adjustments needed to be made!  I took a post dip in the pool for the first time of the season.

Sun – 7 miles running.  Temps = 62 degrees.  Amazing weather!  This run felt great.  I really should have delayed my long run to this morning!  I ran a bit longer this morning because it just felt great, and I missed a few miles yesterday.

21 miles biking with my husband!  This was a really enjoyable ride on the bike path.  Along our ride we saw a turtle with a tracking device on it.  How interesting!!  I helped him across the path.  Hopefully I put him on the side of the path that he was heading LOL!!

We went to see the Barenaked Ladies at the Toledo Zoo amphitheater on Sunday night.  It was great venue, and a fun show!

Unlike last week, this week ended quite well because I found a bike rack that I think will work! We will find out on our first biking adventure which happens this week. Yay!!

How was your week? Did your summer start with a heat wave?

I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up. Check out all of their fun blogs for more inspiration!

18 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – hello summer!!”
  1. Wow, well done Sydney, hope she has a lovely time. Lots of activity and zipping around for you all – hope it’s a bit more restful this week!

  2. yes… we had a heat wave and then it disappeared… chilly this week.

    FOMO on Sydney’s trip.

    Kudos on an active week with lots of runs, workouts and biking.

  3. As much as I love summer, I do appreciate a bit of an acclimation:-) (and that didn’t happen, LOL). I guess we’ve had some heat in recent weeks, but now we have its evil twin, humidity. I love biking in the heat, though, because the breeze feels nice!

  4. What wonderfully fun and busy last few weeks you’ve had, and how fantastic for your daughter to be visiting Europe!

    Gotta love biking as an option when it’s hot!

  5. I love your area! It looks very green and beautiful. I’m looking forward to getting back on my bike when we return to Switzerland next week.
    So cool that your daughter can travel to Europe! I hope she will enjoy it.
    What kind of health study are you participating in?

    1. It’s a “cardiac risk factor” study! I’m almost done with it. It lasts 30 days and has been quite interesting taking my blood pressure readings every day. Mine readings have been great (around 105 avg)!

  6. Ack, Zach had college orientation already? I’m thinking this was just for the day and now he’s back home with you. When it’s time for him to start school for real I’ll be interested to hear how it goes for you. Easier because you’ve already been through it or harder because he’s your “baby?” I don’t have to face this for four years, but I know how fast those years will go.
    Glad your glute/hamstring is feeling better! Yep, those hot runs are hard when you’re not acclimated.
    I hope Sydney is having an amazing time. And yes- if either one of my kids found themselves in Europe with no internet, it would be an international incident for sure.

    1. Let’s just say I am trying to “harden” myself so when the shock of my son leaving us hits, maybe it won’t be so bad?? At least I hope so. Orientation was just for 2 days, but I made sure we went to one of the earliest sessions so there would be the best chance of getting all of the classes he wanted! I do feel more comfortable about it since we’ve been through this already with Sydney. I just wish he didn’t have to wait until August to audition for marching band. It’s hard to wait and wonder what will happen!

  7. Your weeks are always busy! 🙂 Now why did your daughter’s flight leave from Canada? I hope she is having a great time in Paris! One of my former coworkers’ daughter lives in Paris so she is constantly going there. I told her she needs to adopt me and take me there.

    1. The flight was cheaper out of Windsor, and the airport was pretty much the same distance as our regular Detroit. But the big savings would have been to drive to Toronto- but that’s almost 5 hours away! Maybe someday we’ll try that if the savings makes sense.

  8. I feel like we’re in a bit of weird weather limbo here too. We had a few days where it was over 80 degrees and we need the AC, and then we went right back to “normal” Spring weather, lol.

  9. Congrats on raising such an independent and responsible woman! I hope she has the best time in Europe, now that the phone situation is sorted out!

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