If you are reading this post, hoorah!  My hosting is still working.  I’ve had some technical issues lately and my access was suspended at one point during the week (oh the horror!!) and the site was down.  Still more investigation needed, but hopefully the problem will be solved soon.  Apparently hosting companies aren’t so excited when your site exceeds it’s resource limits.  Repeatedly.  Oops!! 

But let’s talk about workouts! I have been doubling down on my “rebuilding” efforts.  I am doing my new PT exercises every other day (20 mins of fun!) and I also bought the FloatRun Harness.  You may have seen it in action over with Jenny at RunnersFly.  I know I have some pretty whack running form so I figured it sure couldn’t hurt.  Despite it being a super simple piece of elastic the concept is pretty solid and it has made me very mindful of my arm swing.  I have been stumped on how to put it on properly for the first days I’ve used it! 😂 Eventually I figured it out, but really, how many ways can you wear a loop of elastic?? (as it turns out, many different “wrong” ways!)

Mon – 4 miles.  Here I am modeling my FloatRun Harness.  It’s going good so far!  

I went to the gym for a longer strength session because I have the day off work.  My PT said I shouldn’t be afraid of the Smith Machine, so here I am!  I will admit I am intimidated by it.  It seems to be the most popular piece of equipment at the gym so I’m glad there are several at Planet Fitness.  All was going well so I kept adding weight to it, feeling pretty badass.

Let’s talk gym etiquette.  Yes, I did take a workout selfie.  But this dude… he used almost all of the weights and was making a video as he did his sets.  Thankfully there are multiple sets of weights because I needed to use some of those weights!

Tues – 4 miles.  Again, knocking out some morning miles outside.  And hey, guess whose legs are sore due to that Smith Machine?  Who saw that coming?  Haha  There was a fun seasonal decoration in my neighborhood.  Love it!

Weds – park walk with Mom.  It was actually a nice day for a walk. Soon it might be a bit too cold to enjoy this lunchtime break!  I really needed this walk because my legs were yelling even louder from Monday’s workout and standing around at work didn’t help.  Yikes.

We went to see the men’s game at the University of Toledo. They have a new screen.  WOW. So bright!!

Thurs – 4 miles, treadmill.  Alan will be replacing the deck of our treadmill soon.  An easy fix – not bad considering it has over 20K miles on it now!

Today was going to be a road trip day to Hocking Hills, but Alan woke up feeling sick and it was raining, so that was not happening!  No worries, I’ve got plenty of other things to do. My day still included picking up our son from college for a weekend visit.  Woohoo!!!!  He hasn’t been home since August.  It is great to see him again.  When I arrived in Columbus I took a short walk at a metropark to stretch my legs.  Then it was back in the car for another 2.5 hours.  Well, more like 2 hrs and 55 mins because we were so busy chatting that I forgot to look at my Waze app and we drove off route.  LOL!!

Fri – 4 miles.  I was told by my son that the harness looks dorky.  Maybe I need to stick to wearing dark shirts 😂  I have been keeping up with my PT exercises and I’ve already seen some improvements in my pains as well as having fatigued legs from split squats!

Sat – 4.25 miles  Had to get a run in today because breakfast was a bit sugar filled 🙂  I love our donut mornings!  Included was the Reese’s Iced Capp from Tim Hortons.  Good news, the peppermint mocha is back too! 

I have been enjoying the return of loudness to my house.  Both kids are home for the weekend and it’s wonderful.  The weather was perfect for hanging outdoor xmas decorations so we knocked that out.  [Won’t be turning them on regularly until Thanksgiving!] Then enjoyed taco time.  Followed by a ping pong tournament.  I love my family time.  Best part – my son will be home again in just 10 days for Thanksgiving!!

Guess who was a big helper?

Sun – PT exercises, a neighborhood walk and then back in the car again for drive time to Ohio State.  Speaking of our teen kitten Sam, look at how big he is now! “Intake” picture from the shelter and this week’s picture. Awwwww! He’s a big kitty now! It’s interesting how his colors have changed.

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Have you been enjoying some seasonal treats?

I tried something new – the Salted Caramel Frosty from Wendys! I liked it! The color was odd because it was caramel (yellowish!), but the taste was good.

21 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – enjoy the loudness”
  1. Ooh! I’ll be interested to hear how you like the harness after you’ve used it for a while. I still haven’t decided. It’s definitely making me more mindful of where my arms are going. But when I look at videos, I’m still crossing my left arm over the midline. So it turns out I still have to work on it, while I was hoping the harness would just do all the work and fix it for me (ha ha.)
    Sam got so big!!! They really do grow fast. I like that Christmas/Thanksgiving decoration in your neighborhood. AND, you’re making me miss my son- luckily he’ll be home in a week!

    1. Yay, Thanksgiving happening soon! Hopefully your son will be home for winter break too? My daughter’s break is a week longer than my son’s. Bummer it’s shorter. I have so many things I want to do!
      I hear ya on the quick fix. I’m not sure it will fix my cross swing either but I’m will to give it a try!

  2. I will admit that pool running has helped me with my arm swing, believe it or not. The arm swing in pool running is back and forth–you really can’t swing across the front– and that has helped a lot. I have noticed in my selfie videos that I do occasionally cross over the midline. I may consider the harness-I’m interested to hear what you think of it after using it a while!

    Sam is such a pretty boy!!!

    1. I can see how pool running would help. I would have never thought of that though! The harness is supposed to help with cadence also, due to arm swing, so we will see how that goes. PT says I should increase my current 170 cadence higher to around 180.

  3. First of all, Sam is GORGEOUS. Wow!

    Sounds like a good week, overall! That’s always reassuring! I really need to get my gym mojo back. So far, if I can get there once a week, I feel like I’ve done something, and I need to be better than that.

    I don’t see the problem with taking a discreet gym selfie, but I hate when people dominate an area for recording. There are other people around who need to use the space! I really try to be patient with people but it’s hard.

    Jenn recently posted…All The Chaos The Season BringsMy Profile

    1. I didn’t notice the phone recording when I first went over to get the weights. I thought he was just being a bit rude hogging all of the weights. Which, he kinda was! Two gym visits a week would be ideal for me, but most times I’m only getting one. I need to make it a higher priority!

  4. Ouch about the hosting issues! I’ve had the same problem recently, although I didn’t get suspended but “only” got a 508 error (or perhaps it’s the same thing, just sounds less dramatic) for a few hours. The thing is we have business hosting and they brag about being able to host 50 websites and I have 6 and only uploaded some products to an online shop. I haven’t had any issues since then, although cpanel says I reached the limit most days, for doing normal things. Well, anyway, I’m glad your site is up and running again!
    Smith machines are some clever pieces of machinery! I’m glad you’ve been exploring it.
    I’m curious about the Floatrun harness, what exactky does it do?
    Sam has really become a big boy!
    Susanne recently posted…Weekly fitness recap – going with the flowMy Profile

    1. The FloatRun harness just keeps you mindful about your arm form. If you are swinging too far, the elastic would be stretched out, which you would notice. Good arm form = good posture = efficient running dynamics = good cadence… it’s all related! And hopefully less aches and injuries. Well at least that’s the theory!
      Yep – I consider my blog to be super simple and I’ve never had any other hosting complaints. But my current provider says I’m hitting Fault limits and I don’t know why. I told them I don’t make any money from my blog so I’m not interested in spending more money on upgrading. Of course they have been telling me this for months and I didn’t think they would really do anything about it. I was wrong 😆

  5. It sounds like a great week. LOL on the turkey/Santa decoration. Our neighbors had their yard lights put up professionally but don’t have the lights turned on yet — they are pretty so I don’t mind.

    I have enjoyed an apple cider donut and PSL — those are seasonal treats for sure!

    1. We’ve had a few neighbors with lighting companies this year. One looks super amazing so they have had their lights on ever since then. For the money they probably spent on it I suppose I would keep them lit as much as I could also! It’s the best light display in the neighborhood for sure.

  6. Thanks. You always remind me abut the Wendy’s frosty. I love them as you know. Haven’t had the Starbucks peppermint mocha yet… maybe after Thanksgiving.

    I probably could use that harness. Has it worked, you think?

    I’m afraid to put up a tree with my monster cat.

    1. We have been wondering how our xmas tree will work out with Sam. Luna was still climbing up the tree last year so maybe we’ll have two of them wreaking havoc on it this year!! It will be interesting for sure.
      So the caramel Frosty gave me eggnog vibes when I looked at it. But it indeed did taste like delicious caramel. It’s a winner for me!

  7. Good job on giving the Smith machine a try. I’ve actually been thinking about replacing my basic squat rack with one, but just haven’t spent the time researching good home versions. They’re a great option for when you don’t have a spotter.

    I love the Thanksgiving yard decor at your neighbors’ house. I stopped by Trader Joe’s last week specifically to pick up their chocolate peppermint loaf mix. Last year I waited until after Thanksgiving and they were sold out. 🙁

    Sam has gone from being an adorable kitten to a very regal looking cat. He’s quite handsome!
    Debbie recently posted…Weekly RunDown: November 10 – 16 / Celebrating Another Birthday My Favorite WayMy Profile

    1. We don’t have a Trader Joe’s nearby, but there is one in Columbus and we almost stopped by there today. It’s one of our “big town” trip kind of places (like IKEA, haha!). I think we might make a trip to the closest one (45 mins away) soon because I’ve seen some pretty cool things there for the holidays.
      I think the harness has made me aware of my bad habits, but it will take some time to reinforce the correct form. 6 weeks was recommended, so we’ll see!

  8. That Santa and turkey yard decoration is too funny! I’m really surprised seeing SO many Christmas decs up already, especially since Thanksgiving is “late” this year. I’ve barely even begun thinking about decorating (mainly because with my new space, everything is gonna be different and it’s easier to NOT think about how I’m gonna swing it, LOL). Sam has really gotten big! His coloring does look quite different…is that common?

    1. It is common for Siamese coloring to change. It has to do with a reaction to temperatures which is why their ears, face, tail and feet are dark! His coloring is Seal Point.

    1. The harness is barely noticeable when arms are in the right position. It doesn’t rub. There is a tag on it, but I’ve taken care to make sure that is not the part along my neck!

  9. Oooh I’m also interested in hearing how you like the harness – does it feel constricting or irritating? LOL to your son saying it looks dorky. Glad you’re able to enjoy some outdoor time, and a walk with your mom sounds so nice. Agree – weather is going to prohibit all the outside time soon in Ohio!

    1. The harness doesn’t feel restrictive, but it does feel odd when I first start running. Just not being used to that arm swing. But once I get going it I don’t even notice it!

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