It’s almost Thanksgiving. Yay!! I am looking forward to having my family all together for a short time soon. My workouts have been a bit lackluster lately. This week I’ve been plagued by some lower back soreness.  Well, not even soreness, more like tightness.  It’s annoying.  It’s not always triggered by running but also by strength training.  I’ve [mostly] kept up with most of my PT exercises which were supposed to help, but it’s still hanging around.  Very annoying!  I’ve also been doing a lot of stretches to help it out. It doesn’t bother me when I’m running but afterwards (sitting especially) angers my back a bit. I did run 21 miles this week, ending with a fun event – and a turkey! Here’s what went down this week (watch out, I’ve got a few rants in here. 😩 )

Mon – 4 miles, treadmill.  A sweaty run in the morning.  

At lunchtime my Mom bailed on me so she could get her yardwork done.  No problem, I went for a walk on my own.  See that blue line on the park path? It’s the marathon marking through the park from 3 years ago! Oops.  Worth noting here… I signed up for the 2025 Glass City Marathon!  I’ll be seeing that line again on the race course in April.  And for some motivation, I spent my reward points at Athleta and scored Rainier tights and a top for free.  Yay!!

Tues – 3 miles treadmill.  I was looking forward to running outside this morning when I saw it was going to be 55 degrees, but then rain moved in.  I don’t mind getting wet but I didn’t want to mess up my hair 😉  Using the treadmill also gave me no excuses to get my PT exercise done.

I went to the University of Toledo for a study today.  The study is a Running Injury study focused on calf injuries.  I am part of the control group for the uninjured runners (I’ve never had injured calves… but maybe I shouldn’t put that out there in the universe!)  There were a lot of measurements taken, ultrasounds, exercises and some running.  I was outfitted with 47 reflective points and my motion was captured while I ran.  All in all an interesting session.  I won’t be getting  any feedback on my form or anything like that.  It was merely for the study data.

Weds – 1.5 mile walk, just an easy walk today.  Two notable things from today’s walk… I now own a pair of tights that aren’t black!  This is a big one for me.  I’m a plain Jane black tights gal. But no more, I’m branching out. Gotta love a Goodwill find!

1st Rant Alert!: Here’s something that has been annoying me for a week now… there is a large amount of glass in the road in front of a neighbors house.  Look at it – there’s several large pieces!  Why would they not clean it up?  Can they really not see it??  I’m shocked it didn’t already slice their car tires.

Thurs – 6 miles running.  OMG, it snowed today!!  It was just a dusting but yay!  So exciting. 

I went back to the university for a follow up session for the running study.  Then I had a super busy day of working on Christmas projects today.  I make several items from Shutterfly and this year I am on top of it!  We also stopped out at the brewery who provided the post race drinks for the Churchills half marathon.  They were giving out a free drink coupon for race participants.

Fri – Gym visit.  I met Alan at the gym early this morning (my first early morning workout there!)  It was a good workout!  Also nice to use massage chairs afterwards.   

Sat – 5 miles running. Nothing much to say about this run, but it was good to start my day with this!  But I did forget to wear the FloatRun harness.  It’s not a habit yet.

2nd Rant Alert! – Today I had a run in I had with an awful person.  As I pulled up to a traffic light today there was a car next to me tossing trash out their window.  I’m talking multiple fast food bags and drink cups. When I got next to them one piece actually hit my car window! We were both stopped at the light and I furiously rolled down my window and yelled at them. “What is wrong with you??  Who do you think is going to pick that garbage up??”  What was even more shocking was that it was a lady and her young child was tossing the garbage out.  I was livid.  She said “You can pick it up!”  Then a few angry words were shouted and then I took off.  OMG.  I don’t know what would make people think it’s OK to even toss a small piece of paper on the ground let alone a huge amount of junk.  It just reminds me that some people are just big stupid jerks.

On a really good note, my husband wins the “best guy” award today.  He fixed a plumbing problem my mom was having and installed a new faucet as a bonus!  My mom was very thankful and grateful for his skills.  As always, home repair takes longer than you think it will and he ended up working on that sink for 4 hours today!

Sun – 5K, the Toledo Roadrunners club Turkey Trot prediction run! The goal is to come closest to your predicted time. The 10 closest predictions take home a turkey! This is a technology free run – even though some people are wearing watches (like us!), you are not allowed to look at the watch or listen to the mile alerts, etc from a tracking app. It’s easy to keep a watch covered in the winter, so no problem there! Alan and I ran together. Guess what? Alan’s predicted time was only 3 seconds away from his actual finish time! We now have an extra turkey in our fridge. How fun!!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: How many turkeys will you be making at your house?

A: Confession – we have two at our house and will be enjoying one at my Mom’s house on Thanksgiving! Alan love turkey.

13 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – almost turkey time!”
  1. Wow! I am with you on all the ranting! Both are bad, but I think throwing garbage out the car window — and hitting your car!!! — is the worst. WTF indeed.

    My Mom had a glass disaster when she had a tree company grinding out a stump in her front yard that sent something flying into her glass storm door, which shattered into a gazillion tiny pieces. I found some in her side yard around the corner.

    Congrats on the turkey — that’s a fun way to win a prize.

    1. That glass door incident sounds crazy! I can image what a mess that would be. The sad thing about the trash is that the lady probably just laughed about me being angry. I’m sure I didn’t make her think twice about how terrible she was being and teaching her kid to do things like that.

  2. Congrats to Alan on winning that turkey! This will be the first year in forever that I won’t be roasting a turkey since we’ll be having dinner with family.

    I would be ranting, too, if I encountered either of the two things you mentioned. I just don’t understand the thinking of the people in either situation.

    How exciting that you registered for the Glass City Marathon!
    Debbie recently posted…Weekly RunDown: November 17 – 23 / Taking Advantage of the Fall Weather While it LastsMy Profile

    1. I’m really hoping 2025 will bring some healthy running for me! I am not looking to break any record at Glass City but I’d like to get a little faster times than my last two marathons!

  3. Ha, Alan definitely wins “best guy” award- he fied your mom’s plumbing issue AND won a turkey! That’s an impressive week.
    Sorry about your back issue. I have something similar, although it’s been pretty good lately. It doesn’t affect my running, but my low back gets really achy. I think you said yours is more stiff. Strength training definitely doesn’t help, which is annoying. I feel like I should get rewarded for strength training, not punished.
    That story about the woman and her kid throwing trash out the window is unbelievable. People around here can be pretty inconsiderate, but I’ve never encountered THAT! It was definiteley worth a rant.

    1. I think if my Mom hadn’t been in the car with me I would have really let it rip “&**$%#*!!” Yes, just unbelievable.
      I didn’t even think to give Alan something to lay on while he was working on the sink. 4 hours on tiles like that is not comfortable, but luckily he wasn’t feeling too bad the next day! We are so lucky to have a guy like him around to fix everyone’s stuff!

  4. Congrats to your hubs on winning the turkey and he is sweet to help out your mom. Hope you all have a fab thanksgiving and that your back feels better

  5. I am with you on the rude people–I see a lot of trash on the roads around here and I always wonder why people think it’s ok to throw trash out like it’s nothing. But even worse are the poop bags I see in the woods–like it’s no big deal. People are the worst.

    Ok, rant over–I scored those exact same Rainier tights at 40% off and also got the matching gloves. Those tights are never on sale, so I had to buy them! They are my absolute favorite running tights!

  6. I can’t imagine throwing so much as a gum wrapper out of a car wrapper let alone bags of fast food trash. I think I’d have been tempted to call the police. Wow. Rainer tights are the best! Congrats to Alan on winning the turkey. That’s an amazing prediction. I’ve actually got one turkey here and per my younger daughter’s request a spiral honey ham as well. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Congrats on winning that Turkey. We are ordering out for our dinner (don’t ask…)

    That study sounds interesting I couldn’t be part. Looking forward to hearing about it.

    Hope your back gets better…mine hurts randomly.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Wow, he came within three seconds of his predicted finish time? That’s incredible! Was he the closest, or did anyone actually predict their finish correctly? I am always amazed at the rudeness of people, and how inconsiderate some can be. It’s really sad the role models they are to their kids.

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