Mommy and the monster walks
Remember that 10 miler I was concerned about today? It was no big deal. This is no big deal. (to paraphrase Katy Perry!) Since my targeted marathon pace is 8:50,…
Remember that 10 miler I was concerned about today? It was no big deal. This is no big deal. (to paraphrase Katy Perry!) Since my targeted marathon pace is 8:50,…
I wasn’t sure what was going to be my topic for today, but I think this picture of my shoes post workout this morning foreshadowed my day… Those 5 miles…
I was going to tell you all about my renewed faith and inspiration with running outside today and how great it was to run with other people, but instead, my…
I ventured off to the trails around my house for today’s run. I laced up my new Bocos and geared up. I knew this would be a much slower run…