Our routine is getting to be, well, pretty routine!  It starts with some chilly weather.  And then a 2 hour school delay.  And eventually, another school cancellation!  Those lucky kids.  A few years ago we had such mild winters and now we’re getting hammered.  Good to be a kid.  Definitely making some good memories of when they never had school 🙂

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Today was the only early morning run I had this week.  Getting up at 5:10 am seemed so early, especially because I wasn’t in the habit of going to bed early this week!  But it was actually an awesome morning because I had an 8 mile run with the last two miles as .1 mile strides.  I am enjoying doing the speedwork this training cycle because it makes me feel fast.  On the other hand, the hills make me feel exhausted and out of shape!

My strides started at 5k pace (8:00) and went progressive to 6:54.  Next time I need to start them faster so I can really push myself into that sub 7:00 mile range!  They say you can only get faster by running faster, so push it every now and then!

After running, and while I was still thinking I had a few hours before work due to school delay, I also got to do an ab workout.  You know the one… 8 min abs.

And then, I tried a new video of foam rolling for runners.  I got my foam roller as a gift a few years ago and I’ve used it on problem areas only.  But I finally took the time to search for a more “all body” rolling video and I’m glad I did.  I found this one…

Let me just start with.. ouch!  Man, that hurts to foam roll on many of those body parts!  And then… ahhhhh!  When I got done those parts were feeling really good.  Now I understand 🙂  She did mention in the video that it gets “easier” and will feel less painful when you do it more often.  I’m sold.  I need to start including some foam rolling time after all of my hard workouts.

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Soon, it was 7:45 and I got news that the school was closed for the day.  Oh no!  I have to take a shower and leave for work in a half hour!  Thank God for ponytails!  I made it on time with not a minute to spare.

In addition to it being beer and pizza night with the hubby, having a great workout, and getting foam rolled, the other awesome thing that happened to me today was that my daughter shared this super sweet Valentine treat with me.  Loving it.

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Hope you had an awesome day today too!  Due to super cold temps tomorrow, I will be running my 20 miler on the treadmill.  I could have rescheduled it for another day this weekend, which was supposed to be warmer, but I really dislike going out for long runs on the weekend.  They take up so much time!  Seems faster on my day off 🙂

Q:  Would you rather… run 20 miles on a treadmill, or run it on an inconvenient day?

A:  Ha, that’s a trick question because I’m probably the only one who would say treadmill 🙂

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