Oh man – did you ever have one of those mornings when you get off the treadmill and realize it was 59 degrees outside… in Ohio… in NOVEMBER!  And totally wish you would have braved the dark and ran outside in the morning because it’s probably the last warm day of the season??  DOH.  Oh, it was probably just me.


I did get to finish watching the season premiere of The Royals, and episode of Blackish, and an interesting House Hunters Off the Grid, so I’m looking at the bright side of it all! 🙂

But here’s a reminder so you won’t be kicking yourself because you missed it… Glass City Marathon giveaways!


Until MY giveaway to the Glass City Marathon comes up on Friday, you still have an extra opportunity to enter Dean’s giveaway if you act fast!

Enter here—->  Running in the Fat Lane

And don’t worry, there are several more weeks of giveaways on the schedule:

  • Jes – Nov.  27- Dec 3
  • Tom: Dec 4 – 10
  • Amanda: Dec 11 – 17


Q:  Any fans of the show The Royals out there?  

I thought the premiere was really good!

Q: Has the weather been great in your area?

I heard they mentioned snow on Saturday.  Gulp.


10 thoughts on “The last day of awesomeness?”
    1. I know… a total “duh” on my behalf for not getting outside. Maybe there will be just one more nice day… and hey, good for you getting out in that rain and wind. Keep it up!!!

  1. Hey, it’s not like I don’t have a uber bright headlamp you can use or anything! Should have woken me up and I would have run too. Or not.

    1. I love the characters on The Royals! All so naughty!! I missed the last part of the finale last season and I couldn’t find it online to watch. Hope you have better luck tracking the shows down because they are good (and oh so bad!!). I have never see Blacklist.

  2. Rainy here! But I LOVE the rain!!! Definitely cools the temps here in South Georgia!!!!!!

    You make me so want to enter the contest for a free entry…. but then there is the “how do I get to Ohio” problem! LOL! 😀

    With my schedule these days, I don’t ever get enough time to watch TV….. I have dancing with the stars DVR, but yet to watch and the season is almost over! UGH!

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