I’ve decided I need to start labeling my training posts with the number of weeks left. I thought that would really freak help me out. Love to see those weeks count down, right? Ok, maybe not always. Training week 16 was “meh”. One thing I need to keep in mind, is that my plan is still just starting out. 15 weeks is a long way to go. It’s OK if I’m not hitting all of my paces quite yet.
In week 16 I had a few highs (running my first Medium Long Run midweek , 10 miles before work!), and lows (that sucky long run), and some OMGs (still can’t believe how big those donuts were. Who picked those??). Overall, the miles were run, and there was nothing spectacular – but hey, I didn’t flare up my hip injury again… So let’s move right along to training week 15!
On tap for this week is:
- Monday – 5 recovery miles. DONE This was really needed as my legs were sore. Maybe from attempted speedwork on Sunday?
- Tuesday – rest day! DONE Went to the gym for easy weights because I forgot my cross training stuff.
- Weds – 10 miles MLR, and gym for weights
- Thurs – 5 miles easy
- Friday – 15 miles. This will be done in the early AM hopefully outside with a friend. Then we hit the road for a ski trip!!
- Saturday – Skiing!!! Cross training ya’ll!
- Sunday – More skiing!!
- Monday – Since I am missing my speedwork on Sunday I will get that done on Monday. 8 miles with 10 x 100 strides.
I feel like my hip issue is improving on most days, and that’s a good thing. So I look forward to my next week of training with some anticipation. And I really look forward to my ski weekend 🙂
Speaking of snow, we finally got some snow, which caused a school delay yesterday, and today they canceled school! My kids had fun playing in the snow. My daughter decided that she should take the cat for a “walk” since the cat was very curious about what was on the ground.
I guess my cat wasn’t totally down with the white cold stuff. haha!
Q: Do you enjoy any snow sports?
Skiing, sledding, ice skating… we love them all in our family!
Q: Any hard workouts on your training plan this week?
Q: Ever try taking your cat for a walk? Did it end well??
My aunt used to have an indoor cat, but she would put a lead on it attached to the washing line, so that it could play in the garden for a bit…. It was quite a funny sight. If not a bit weird…
That’s a great week of training, you are so lucky you can go skiing.. 🙂
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Although she loves her cats, my daughter really wants a dog to walk. Can you tell? haha!
That reminds me, I need to wax the skis for the trip. That is another thing I need to teach the kids to do!
I so LOVE sledding in the snow!!! Next year, I am hoping to take my son up north …. he has NEVER seen snow in real life !!! He would have a ball!
Only hard work out this week is figuring out how to get in weekend miles with me working on Saturday!! Email out to the coach to figure this one out
Hope coach didn’t say get up EXTRA EXTRA early to run! You will get it done, I’m sure of that. Or, if not, it’s really not going to matter that much. Your training is going awesome!
We had a snow “squall” last night. It was beautiful. But no delays or cancellations. I like the delays better because we don’t have to make those up. 🙂 I bought harnesses and leashes for my cats and they were like “eff this”.
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Our other cats wanted nothing to do with a leash, and they would just lay like a rock on the ground in protest. Sydney has tried to make sure the cat is used to the harness, so she started when she first got her. As of yet she hasn’t been begging at the door to go for a walk, but at least she doesn’t reject it. yet.
It looks like a great week of training. I have not enjoyed the snow and cold lately. I went to college in Upstate, NY and honestly that was enough snow forever for me.
That’s funny – I can imagine getting sick of snow when you get a ton!! As for training, I have a long way to go, but if’ I’m not getting *more* injured, it’s a winning week 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog!