Sometimes I get a good feeling.  I get a feeling that I never had before… (Flo Rida) Ironically that was the song playing on my Shuffle *after* I finished my run today.  Yep, after.  Because for the love of running, it certainly was not a description of my run today.  My 18 mile long run today was quite the opposite.  Blah!!  I was hoping to have a fabulous long run today.  First half would be slow, keeping HR down around a 9:30 pace.  The pace back would be 9:00.  That would be easy right?  Holding back early would help me kick it negative split style on the return.  So much easier than said!

Dang it, my splits were all over the place and they certainly don’t show the 10 times I must have stopped to rest and stopped my watch.  I even stopped my run right at the 18 mile mark even though I still had about .25 miles to get to my house.  I walked home!  That’s how you know I’m spent. 🙁  (note, my turnaround was at 10 miles.  See the difference in speed?  haha)

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The only explanation I have for this turnout was that I had sore glutes pretty much the whole run.  I haven’t stretched, foam rolled or done any PT exercises in a week.  Was that my downfall?  Or was it my trip to the gym on Weds doing weight machines for my legs that I haven’t done forever (oh so sore for days!!).  It is quite the mystery.

I’m going to keep this all in mind for next week because I’m running a 25K race as a marathon warm up of a sort.  Although I’m not going to try to race it really, I would like to run the entire thing at marathon pace as a prediction of where I stand now in my training.

Fun things I saw on my run today:  1 wooly bear caterpillar (was he lost, isn’t that a Fall thing?), 4 deer, and lots and lots of guys fishing for walleyes!  You know it’s spring in Maumee when the river is filled with fisherman!!

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The fisherman are either in boats, or standing in the river.

I had to change my outfit as soon as I headed out today because I was too warm.  I swapped out my tights and long sleeve for knickers and t-shirt/arm warmers.  Good choice!

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Glass City Marathon 2014 swag!!

I was a bit concerned that my new knickers (that’s what Athleta calls them… knee capris?) had a weird look in the back due to the fabric pattern.  So, I took this shot to make sure it was all good.  Yep, I wouldn’t mind that view on my run.  HAHA!!

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Honestly though, during a race you really get to know someone’s calves/back end.  Well, at least for people like me who aren’t in first place 🙂  One time I even complimented a woman on her good looking calves as I passed her!

Stay tuned for those much anticipated pictures from my vacation.  But for now, enjoy your weekend runs.  Time for me to finish laundry, unpacking, menu planning, and figuring out what I’m running next week!


Q: How often do you weight train during a week?  Do you avoid any workouts because they leave you too sore?

Q: Have you ever run a 25K race?  

Not me.  For some reason 25K freaks me out.  They should just call it 15 some miles…


4 thoughts on “Oh man, not another one of those!”
  1. 25k at race pace will be a great training run for you to gear up for your marathon! I am excited for you!

    I love calf muscles. I do not have any. My calves are so soft. It has to be genetic because you’d think I’d be able to get mine at least a little but toned right? Nope.

    Well since you compliment women’s calf muscles and don’t think it’s weird, I think it is entirely appropriate to tell you you look quite nice from the back!!! 😉
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Friday 5My Profile

    1. That chick had chiseled calves! Me, not so much either. Hey, thanks for the compliment!!
      It will be quite interesting – I can’t run at all right now following my run today (too sore!), but next Saturday I have that 25K, *and* a St. Patrick’s Day fun run on the same day. Might just be in the back with the walkers for that fun run!!

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