And by that I mean, no regularly scheduled Hansons talk today… I have more exciting things to talk about today.
Oh yes, we did bring home three little kittens.
You might know that my daughter and I are volunteers at the Humane Society. We discussed being foster parents of kittens last year, but the timing didn’t work out. But this year we were all set to go. These kittens are in need of some fattening up, and growing up, until they can be placed in their forever homes.
Don’t worry, I know two of them look a little scruffy, but we think they just need some brushing and they will be good to go.
Heck, maybe we’ll even get brave and give them a bath!
So far my cats are mildly interested in them, but still hiss at them. The kittens weigh right around one pound each and are 5 weeks old. They can be adopted when they are two pounds. We’re thinking we will have them about 4 weeks. We haven’t quite figured out what to name them yet. From my scientific research (YouTube!), I have determined that they are all girls. Not sure why we didn’t ask what sex they are when we got them from the Humane Society! I guess we were just excited to take them home!
Well, that’s my big news for the week. How about you?? Anything new with you?
Have you ever given a bath to a kitten? Did it turn out well? 🙂
Yes and no. Many years ago, my son brought home a kitten that had been left in a cardboard box at a Walgreen’s store. It was covered in fleas. My wife (ex now) wouldn’t allow it in the house until it had a flea bath. I drew the short straw or maybe the only straw and was elected to bathe the kitten. He wasn’t too keen on the idea. My advice would be to wear thick leather gloves.
I’m already looking pretty scratched just from their “snuggling” 🙂 I has forgotten just how sharp those tiny little claws are.
THOSE ARE MAINE COONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My babies are maine coons. They grew up to be very BIG BOYS. Maine Coons are the best because they are so sociable, friendly, smart, and vocal. 🙂 I think you should keep the kitties!
I used to give Chrissy and Jelly baths when they were kittens. It was hard. I put on my snow suit and winter jacket and got in the tub with them. (It was so I wouldn’t get scratched.) You know now I learned as long as they are cleaning themselves, they don’t need to be bathed! The only time we bathe the cats is when Chrissy gets poop on his butt. Jelly never gets poop on his butt because he is perfect.
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Friday 5!
Hmmm, I wonder if they are Maine Coons. We were going to get some “hissy” kittens that need socializing. These are pretty friendly.
That cat bath sounds pretty intense!!!
That’s so sweet that you are fostering. I would love to foster but Cecil is not a good host. When my mom’s cat comes to stay with us while she’s on vacation it’s a stressful time for all involved!
You might try pet cleaning clothes if the bath situation is too scary. They’re basically pre-moistened wipes that you can use to “wash” a cat’s fur. The kitties can’t really feel that the wipes are moistened so there’s no stress involved. Along with brushing I bet that would do the trick!
Kristina Running recently posted…Running Deep
We just went for it… the little kittens really didn’t mind that much. We made it fast. So glad we did! Clean little kittens 🙂
I read somewhere that Maine Coon cats are fascinated by water and have been known to jump in for a swim. Maybe a bath won’t be so bad.
Man, I admire you fostering those kittens and volunteering at the humane society! I don’t think I could do it! I would end up bring all the animals home!!! So great that your daughter helps too!!!!
The kitties are so much fun. A little messy too, but we’re making it work. Still, my cats aren’t friends with them yet!
My cat Shaddy is a bit smaller one with same colors black & white, its only a year or two old. I got it off the street when i was jogging in the morning. Now its my great, funny friend which makes me happy & relaxed. It likes to taste my toast when ever I have it in the morning …but I know its not a healthiest cat snack, but it’s so hard to say no…
That’s so cute that your cat snacks on your toast! They really do make great pets. We will miss our foster kittens when they go back. They’ve been having a fun time playing around with each other.