Training for the Glass City Marathon, week 4, is done. Nothing too exciting this week.  Almost all treadmill miles, and one day of indoor track.  Did not venture outside at all. I really should have! I like to get at least one outdoor run during my week, but sometimes is just doesn’t happen.

Monday – Rest day!  After skiing for the weekend, I decided not to run today.  Did arm workout and full PT exercises instead. Also, Luna really missed us! She followed me everywhere, and watched me workout. awwww!

Tuesday – Track night!  4.75 miles. I filled in as a sub coach at the indoor track again this week.  It was an icy night, so track night wasn’t super busy, at least for my group. Everyone ran with the faster coaches, so my workout was a bit of a bust. We ran an interval workout of 4 x 800 meters, 4 x 400 m, with 1 min rest.  I did get some laps run, and talked to some friends.

Wednesday – 4 easy miles.  I watched Celebrity Big Brother.  So far I’m liking the new houseguests, with a few exceptions.  Love the comedians in the group!

My kids had school cancelled due to the icy weather. Extra morning time for me! I even go to do a full stretching routine after my treadmill run.  That felt great! This is my “praise the Lord, let there be a school cancellation” pose. hahaha!

If you wear Newton shoes you are familiar with finding rocks in your lugs. Look at what I found in my shoe this morning.  It’s a Lego piece! It made it through my run, and I didn’t even notice it.  It got lodged in there when I snuck into my son’s room to turn off his morning alarm (so he didn’t wake up because he didn’t  have school!). That’s what happens when your floor is a mess.

Thursday – 7 miles, intervals.  1 mile warm up, 2 miles @ 8:30, 1 mile each, 2 miles @ 8:30, 1 mile easy.  Phew!!! I got pretty worn out by the end of this workout, and I was exhausted!  Did I pick the wrong pace?? It’s working me pretty hard.

Friday – 3 miles, easy.  Made this a little progressive too.

Saturday – 11.3 miles, long run.  I was cold and dreary outside, so I decided to run on the treadmill… aka, my safe zone.  Things went well until about half way through, when I was getting a little run down (haha, punny).  By the last mile, I was feeling downright tired! Not my best run. Made me a bit bummed that even this distance is challenging! Makes me once again wonder if I’m doing the right thing with the pace I picked. Ugh. I know it’s early in the plan, and I know I need to trust the training… but still. I’m not looking forward to the long runs like I used to a few years ago.

Sunday –  Rest day! Yeah!  Time to recharge for next week.  Fingers crossed Week 5 will be a better week.

To end on an up note, this is a picture from a work party I went to recently. I’m in the white/black dress. It’s my “Look at me casually drinking and gambling!” pose. 🙂 We were playing for fake money, so it was all fun. Fun to get dressed up too!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m having fun meeting new bloggers. Stop back for my next post and I’ll announce the winner of my giveaway!

Need more inspiration? Check out these other blogs in the Weekly Wrap hosted by HoHo Runs and Wendy (Taking the long way home). Thanks for hosting!!

Q: Do you know how to play Craps?

Q: Do you have any Legos in your house? Did you play with them when you were a kid?

My son has a large collection of them. I think I’ve only put together one set with him! I don’t really like following directions for building sets!!

Q: Have you ever run at an indoor track?

I was shocked my nose was still dripping like crazy indoors. I’ve got runny nose issues, no matter where I run.

7 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – is it a good idea? GCM week 4 recap”
  1. I can’t believe you ran with that Lego stuck in your shoe. I get a rock from my driveway or the trail stuck in my Sauconys and I’m like the Princess and the Pea! LOL. Although, that’s mostly because I can hear it, rather than feel it, and it drives me crazy. What? No. I’m not a bit neurotic. Why do you ask? lol

    I would definitely trust the plan. It’s early AND the weather has driven you to more runs on the ‘mill. I personally find the treadmill to be harder than running outside – it’s like I can’t have a relaxed and normal pace. I wouldn’t sweat the “it feels hard” stuff too much. 🙂

  2. I just ran an marathon relay at an indoor track! LOL. I’m hacking up a lung. I have heard that “track hack” happens, but I’d love to know why! The race was fun.

    Better to have that Lego in your shoe than in your foot…not that i know anything about that…

  3. Our three kids (two daughters, one son) are all grown, now, but none of them were ever really in to Lego’s. They’d play with them at others’ houses, but never played much with the few sets we had. Oh well, kind of glad we sneaked by that craze LOL You are a treadmill beast, huge respect for you because I am not a fan myself. I can tolerate it (and I had to ALL week with the frigid Iowa weather), but it’s a serious mental challenge for me. I do feel like a (weary & exhausted) beast when I finish a run on it, though 😉

  4. wow lots of running this week! everyone is having the same weather issues and staying indoors. I hate not being able to get outside either!

    I don’t know how to play any card games. Even if I did I would just make up the rules as I go along as I hate losing. Yes I’m the one that got voted “Does Not Play Well With Others” in school. I promise I am better now but I usually don’t go to any game nights or gamble at all. In fact last summer my department had a casino night. I just sat at the table drinking G&T’s and “advising” a colleague how to play their hand. hahaha! you can only guess how that went.

    I love Luna, she’s soooo pretty!

    We no longer have legos everywhere but I have been through that phase!!

    I have not yet run on an indoor track but I think it would be cool!

  5. Oh – I always get a runny nose when I run, it drives me mad. It’s only in hayfever season when I’m on antihistamines that it doesn’t run so much! I always have a cotton handkerchief with me.

    I love the lego piece in your shoe – hilarious! I used to love it when I was a kid but it was more about making my own designs. Now I’d designated lego-doer with my nephew but he can see all the tiny pieces better than I can!
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