Training for: Glass City Marathon, April 28th

This past week I missed a few miles on my plan, but I did some fun cross training with my family (skiing)! Just a reminder: I do have a giveaway going on. Stop by here to enter!

Monday – Rest day!  To keep moving, I rode the stationary bike at the gym.  A trip to the gym is always a win!

Tuesday – 6 miles, tempo run.  Running on the treadmill makes it easy to hit a steady pace.  Miles 2-6 were at RP, 8:49. AND, I feel like I was also getting inspired watching Tidying Up, Marie Kondo.  I feel inspired to tackle some organizing and purging now!! Look at my weird treadmill picture – it was supposed to have some numbers on it, but I must have caught it the millisecond when the screen was flashing. Weird!

After my run I did this stretching video.  I felt great afterwards. Love that it’s only 10 mins and I feel like I can actually do most of the stretches.

Wednesday – 5 easy miles.  More treadmill running. Another episode of Tidying Up. It’s got good tips, but not that creeped out feeling I get from watching Hoarders.  I just can’t stand watching Hoarders!! ewwww.

Thursday – Track night!!  I filled in as a sub coach in Dave’s MIT (Marathon In Training) program. Almost 5 miles. 1 mile warm up, then fartleks.  It was minutes on with 1 minute rest. 3 min, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 3.  I was exhausted by the end of this workout! My target pace was 9:00 min miles for “on”, which I thought would be “easy”!  So so so wrong. Not sure if my GPS was not very correct because it was an indoor track, or what, but it was really hard. Made me question this whole BQ attempt.  Boooooo! But it was one heck of a good workout and I got to see lots of friends at the track while I was coaching for someone. Here’s a picture of our group…

Friday – Long run 10 miles, with Alan!  I needed a long run, he needed someone to “slow him down”.  Done! I initially questioned if it was even a good idea to do this run after my track night, but it worked. We finished with an overall pace of 9:45. Right on target for me.  And, 7 miles into it, I got an emergency phone call from work, so I finished up my miles and ran over to my office!  Who doesn’t like a tech call from a runner in sweaty gear?? Hey, it just worked out better for my schedule, and I got the job done! When a computer crashes, you need a quick response.

Saturday – Skiing!  We went to New York, Holiday Valley for the long weekend.  Back home they were in the middle of Snowmageddon, but we love that white stuff and were embracing it! Fun fact – every chair # 50 on the lifts is painted gold, in celebration of their 50th year.  We got on one of the gold chairs. Woot!! We felt like royalty 🙂

Sunday – More Skiing!  With 15 inches of new snow (not sure about that, but that’s what the ski resort said!), it was great day of skiing.  Quite cold though – feels like -13 (temp was 5). Yeah for good ski gear!

Need more inspiration? Check out these other blogs in the Weekly Wrap hosted by HoHo Runs and Wendy (Taking the long way home). Thanks for hosting!!

Q:  Have you seen the Tidying Up show?

It’s inspired me to clean out my clothes closet!!  I can almost feel the Spark of Joy just thinking about it 😉

Q: Do you follow any YouTube channels?

I do follow a couple, but it’s more convenient for me to read blogs than watch a video.

Q: How was the winter storm in your area?

20 thoughts on “Training recap – Glass City edition, 1/21/19”
  1. I’ve heard other people mention Tidying Up. I need to check it out. It’s all I’ve been doing since we decided to put our house on the market. Hoarders stresses me out. I have a brother who does that and occasionally have to help him. It’s disgusting. So jealous – I love to snow ski.but am lucky if I get to go once a year. It requires a long vacation for us. Riding in a gold chair lift would be so cool! Thanks for linking!
    HoHo Runs recently posted…Mobile Half Marathon (WW # 181)My Profile

    1. I guess she has a YouTube channel too, but I’ve never seen it. I was shocked at the amount of clothes in one of the houses. Maybe she’d say that about my running gear. “Do you really need 6 black running skirts?” (Uh, yeah!!!)

  2. I haven’t seen Tidying Up, but I feel I’m hearing about it everywhere. But I’m almost constantly decluttering something, so with more motivation I might take it too far!

    I only follow a few Youtube channels, for yoga – I agree, for most things reading is more convenient.

    1. I tend to have clutter because I forget about things when I put them out of sight. So, if it’s a project I want to work on, I leave it out. And of course the project takes longer than I expected! (or I take on too many projects…)

  3. I’m just trying to figure out who Marie Kondo is and she has a show?! Oh man, I need to get out more. LOL And I feel you on that Hoarders show. I’ve watched a little bit of a few episodes and I feel like I’m rubbernecking a terrible accident on the side of the road. Plus, it’s just too stressful. I can’t deal with all that clutter and junk.

    I’ve never been skiing. It looks exhilarating but I’m certain I’d be the one who breaks her leg. Plus, I’m kind of a little scared of sledding so I just can’t see skiing happening in my future. haha

    I do follow a couple YouTube channels. I don’t always watch the videos though. And then I get annoyed by the notifications. It’s a vicious cycle because I actually DO watch the videos sometimes. And if I didn’t follow them, I wouldn’t know about them! *sigh*

    1. The show is on Netflix – but I think her big start was a book she wrote about Tidying up. Hey, if it wasn’t for Instagram I wouldn’t know any current trends. Ha!! There is a YouTube channel I do get sucked in to. Each title is more intriguing than the last and she’s funny. It’s Safiya Nygaard. My go-to if I ever was bored (which is super rare!!).

  4. I should watch Tidying Up for inspiration! Otherwise, we will be on hoarders! I don’t watch TV when I run on the treadmill. I just rock out to music.

    I could have used your tech support today. My computer kept freezing up. I think it was the wi-fi. But it sure made my job tough!
    Wendy recently posted…Race Recap: Mobile Half MarathonMy Profile

    1. I used to have a lot of magazines laying around because I get quite a few free subscriptions. But I’ve been trying to get rid of them (reading them, not recycling them!). I’ve been doing better, so I call that a win!

    1. The first show was the best, so now it’s getting a bit repetitive. But I’m committed – need to see this thing through! 😉
      That’s cool you have an office group run! I’m glad my coworker was available to drive me home. I was not going to run 3 more miles!!

  5. Love it! I don’t get the chance to ski very often because… Florida, but it is one heck of a workout. Nice you get the chance to do it on the regular!

    I haven’t really paid much mind to Tidying Up. I purge fairly regularly, and while I’m not totally a minimalist, our house isn’t cluttered either. Or at least, not intolerably so.

    Our “winter storm” has involved some freezes, but that’s it. Our heat is cranking, though!

    1. I wish we had some decent skiing closer! We have to drive at least 4 hours to get to anything good. The ski resort that is almost 2 hours away is just too little for us 🙂

  6. What a fantastic week of workouts followed by a beautiful weekend of skiing! Well done on getting that long run in before the weekend too.

    I’m always amazed/ probably “shocked” is a better word at how bad things get on Hoarders. I find it so strange but also really sad 🙁

    1. I know – it is so sad (and creepy!) how bad people’s homes get. But it really is a mental illness that keeps them from parting with their stuff, so in that respect I guess it’s not really surprising. I always think our house is cluttered or messy, but then I go to a friend’s house and realize mine is not bad at all!! 🙂

  7. Well I live in Florida so I don’t get “winter” storms. But we did just get a crap ton of rain overnight which cancelled my plans for a morning run or bootcamp class (mine are outdoor classes). I’m starting to think I’m getting wimpier with age though because I’m not that excited about continuing to train through the chilly temps we will be getting the next month or so. This is the first year I can say I’m excited for spring!

    As far as your goals go, I think we all question our goals at some point during the training process. I questioned my ability to run my target pace in the 10k and beat that by one minute on race day!
    Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Chasing PR’s and a new Weekly RoutineMy Profile

    1. I’m still questioning my abilities and plans to run a marathon!! I’m still in “we’ll see” mode I guess. I feel like a summer training cycle is actually easier than winter because spring race weather can be so iffy. Give me a nice crisp fall race day!

  8. Hoarders made me feel gross too, and very sad for the people who were Hoarding. There was one episode with this young man in his early 20s. He refused to vacuum his house, so there was dog hair everywhere. The reason he wouldn’t vacuum was because he felt like if he got rid of the dog hair, his dog would pass away sooner than if he didn’t vacuum up the dog hair. He just looked soooooo sad and I felt really bad for him.

    I go by the Gretchin Rubin motto: “Outer order, inner calm”, so I hate clutter, I hate having extra clothes I don’t wear or extra “stuff” I don’t need. In the past 2 years I have decluttered and cleaned out about 3 times, so right now I am pretty darn bare bones! Although I am sure Ms. Kondo would find some things I don’t need!

    1. Clothing is where I need the most purging. I can’t pass up those great garage sale or thrift store deals… or even the cheap Old Navy deals! I should probably just unsubscribe from the Old Navy emails. haha! (no, not happening)

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