The word for this week was “double down”. Well, ok, maybe that’s two words so “overkill” would work equally well. Since this was week 1 of 4 left before Erie marathon, I kind of got into freak mode and I want to make sure I’m doing all that I can to improve my chances at a BQ. PT exercises. Gym visits. Long runs. Speedwork. EVERYTHING. I know, I know, I can’t “cram” for this event, but at least I can feel like I gave it my best shot.
Miles run: 53.6 miles!!
Monday – 6 easy miles. I wore my Noxgear vest today due to the darkness, but as I was running in a wooded area of the bike trail, I was wishing I had my headlamp too! Especially as I saw a light approaching me. All I could think of was that I was running right into my demise!! LOL! Ok, maybe a little dramatic, but honestly, you can never be too cautious no matter where you live. Great news – it was just another runner 🙂

Evening run – 2 miles. Another group training night for Ready for the Race ladies. A big group tonight! I am a bit unrecognizable with my hair down (front and center, pink tank top)!

Tuesday – 6.5 miles, intervals. 6 x 1000m I ran on my treadmill! With the mornings getting darker, and rain in the immediate forecast, I wasn’t in the mood to conquer my intervals outside. It was so odd to be back on my treadmill, but I did get to watch a few shows off my DVR so that was good. With school rapidly approaching, me and my treadmill will be close buddies again soon!

Gym night! I made it to the gym, after a busy day of work, and helping my daughter improve her driving skills. I did a basic circuit of the machines to work on my legs and arms.
Wednesday – 5 easy miles. Easy run around the ‘hood today, although I was feeling it in my legs a bit due to the gym day last night. Still, it was a cool morning and another nice sunrise!

2.5 miles with the Ready for the Race training group. The pace I’m coaching is a bit slower than my normal pace, so these end up being easy runs for me. Perfect fit into my current training plan! AND, we were treated with ice cream after our run. Delish!

Thursday – 10 miles, speedwork. I was feeling pretty decent today, thanks to the fact I crawled in bed early Weds night because I was exhausted! 🙂 This run had 7 miles of fartleks. Heck, that’s like insult to injury for me because I’m not a fan of fartleks – let alone 7 miles of them! Ugh. 5 mins on, 1 min off. I was hoping to crush some paces faster than my goal marathon pace, but I only achieved it on 6 out of 10 reps. BUT, that’s better than half, so this is a win in my book. It was an exhausting, sweaty run!

Fun news – we just replaced the liner in our pool, so I got to cool off before I went to work. Perfect.

Friday – 0 miles. Another Unscheduled Rest Day, just like last week… instead of my 4 easy miles. I’ve picked up 4 miles with the Ready for the Race group practices, so I’m saving my legs for the big long run this week!
Saturday – 21.25 miles, long run! Hope that partial mile doesn’t make you weirded out 🙂 I didn’t have enough time to finish a mile. I was only going to go 21 miles, but I turned around a little too late on my route. This run was so different from last week. It was 10 degrees warmer, and humid! Ugh. Very dark at the start, with a cloudy sky and full moon.

69 degrees at the start and I was dripping sweat by mile 1. I managed to keep my tank top on until around mile 13. Around mile 17 I saw my husband and I was half hoping he was coming to pick me up haha!! Nope, he was just there to cheer me on and take my picture.

I saw several friends along my route, and also a war camp reenactment going on at the metropark. Tents and lots of people dressed up for the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

When I got home I only had time to take a quick picture, jump in my pool to cool down, then it was off to see my son play for the first time in the marching band at a parade. I took a closer look at my picture…. stomach rolls…. Oh well. #keepingitreal, right?? 😉

Here’s the marching band. They sounded great and were well coordinated (both musically and with their uniforms!).

They got to follow this vehicle at the “Corn Fest”. Yes, this is Ohio. Love our country living 🙂

Sunday – REST DAY! I did tackle some yard work, but that’s it. All week I was wondering why I could have taken a nap at any given moment every day this week, but I now realize it was partially because this was my highest training mileage week since 2015!! That makes me feel accomplished.
Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: What kind of local things do they celebrate or have festivals for where you live?
Q: Do you play any musical instruments?
I used to play clarinet. I would need a refresher course!
Looks like another pretty solid week of mileage for you! Nice to see that you do take rest days as well. Do you stretch after your runs? I need to get better with stretching. I have kind of fallen off of the wagon! Thanks for linking up today
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down Appreciating the little things and a full nest
I have been stretching pretty regularly this training cycle. In the past, not so much! I found this video which is awesome because it keeps me slow and consistent, and I don’t get bored.
I played flute in my younger years. Amazingly, I still remember how to…our oldest daughter played flute in band (up until high school), and when she brought home her brand new flute (ahem, many years ago) she let me give it a try. I loved marching band, but concert band was kind of boring (to me). Anyways, I was hoping to see the full moon yesterday, but all I had was a thick cloud cover …and total darkness (for most of the first hour, at 5:00 a.m. when I started). What a great week! No wonder you were tired (that seems to be a common theme from last week LOL)
I think the doubles are making me extra tired. I’m used to just chilling in the evening! 🙂
Wow! What a great week of training for you! When I was marathon training, I used to run in the dark and was surprised many times by another runner coming at me. Yikes! There was also a rollerblader–wearing NO illumination, which I couldn’t understand!
Rollerblading in the dark? Yikes!!!
Great job on your 17 miler!! You continue to inspire me with your training. Naps are my best friends. I love taking them on the weekends and during the time. I will miss them when I go back to work.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Room set up and it is here
It was 21.25 miles 🙂
OMG! So sorry! I guess I should stop reading blogs and go to sleep.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Room set up and it is here
haha! I wanted to make sure I got full credit. 🙂
Another solid week of training. Your long run is impressive: brava!
And you are also an inspiration because you run on the “dreadmill”. I prefer rain, wind, everything instead of the “dreadmill”!
Around here, in every little town, there are many festival and fairs.
I played piano, but the lessons were a nightmare and now I don’t touch anymore a keyboard.
The winter title of my blog could be “I run on a treadmill A LOT!”. Seriously, I run probably half my days on the treadmill in the winter due to the dark mornings when school is in session, and my lack of interest in gearing up to go outside. I can proudly say “I love my treadmill”!
Love that giant corn! Well done on a massive week – really good work. Hope you can have a nice rest very soon!
Isn’t the corn funny? There was also a guy in the parade that shot a bunch of popcorn at us. We were surprised to say the least!!
Wow just 3 weeks left until Erie? It seems like time is just flying by. I know a few other runners that are doing this marathon and they are really excited. I’ve heard it’s awesome!
What a super busy Saturday for you! I’m so impressed that you were able to run so many miles in those swamp like conditions. Hopefully the weather this weekend will be much better!
I’m surprised my legs didn’t seize up from not stretching, and then going to the parade afterwards!
Congrats on your miles! I always get freaked out by running headlamps coming at me out of nowhere. And believe me there were a lot of them out there this morning. I love that you get to cool off the pool afterwards.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: return of the salmon bowl and my fall race calendar
Thanks! We have to assume a creeper isn’t going to be geared up in a headlamp and stalking at pre-6am, right? Or is that how they always do it? eeek.
I never learned to play any instruments but always wished I had. I guess it’s never too late but I *just* picked up running as a hobby… I dunno if I can handle a new one right now 😉
That’s right, never too late to learn! I have always thought the violin would be interesting, but I think that might have a steep learning curve. I tried a bass guitar last year, but lost my interest very quickly in that!
That is some nice mileage!! And way to go with the double workouts. Its crazy how much warmer it was this weekend compared to last weekend.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…Postpartum Training: 3 Weeks to the Charles Street 12
Thanks! I hear the weather is supposed to get cooler around here in the next few days. Hope that’s really true!
LOL on the giant corn! I guess we’re all about George Washington where I live. Lots of old forts for re-enactments too. You had an amazing week! How sweet of your hubby to come out on your long run.
My husband does show up randomly on my runs – usually returning from shuttling our kids somewhere. I’m very lucky he’s been picking up the slack as family driver while I’ve been training on the weekends!
also used to play clarinet. Now in NYC we don’t do a lot of local heritage, but we had a fair bit growing up in the Hudson Valley – lots of Revolutionary War
COngrats on an amazing week
In the wednesday pic – is your fellow runner’s “Ample” shirt Ample HIlls creamery by the way? Love their ice cream
Hmmmm, I just noticed the Ample shirt. I don’t think it’s ice cream, but I’ll check it out if she wears it again! I played clarinet and my daughter does too. My daughter wasn’t interested in marching band though, so I’m really enjoying my son participating in it.
My HS didn’t have a marching band when I was there, but I hear they do now
If it’s Ample Hills and there’s one near you, you need to if you do dairy. It’s amazing
What a great workout week you had! And it looks like those “stomach rolls” are loose skin, silly girl! You look great!
I played clarinet in fifth and sixth grade, but before going into seventh, my band director suggested I go out for sports and quit band. I was that bad. LOL
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