5 weeks done for Glass City marathon training. I’m up to 35 miles of running, and overall feeling very positive. I had one scary issue with my knee, but that seems to be resolved. This week also brought our coldest training run so far, feels like -9! Everyone took it in stride (😉).
Mon – 6 miles, treadmill. Hmmm, nothing exciting about this run other than watching TV. I do love watching my shows! I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned my hammies out loud last week because that would jinx them, but I was a bit stiff and sore after this run.
PM – strength workout! I usually avoid HIIT workouts, but tonight I picked one. There was a bit more jumping around than I would have liked, but it was OK and we had fun. Kind of odd picture, but we are doing a dumbbell snatch!

Tues – PM Track night! Woke up to sore glutes due to yesterday’s HIIT workout I think. Ooof! But luckily my PT person was at our track session and she gave me some adjustments (or “ouchy pinches that almost made me cry” as I like to call them!) and running was just fine! Until it wasn’t. On my last two laps of the track my knee hurt!! The inside of my knee. I never have knee pain 😩 The cool down was pain free, so that was good (or I would have skipped it), but the pain was back again by the time I got home. Whomp whomp. I started icing and taking some Ibuprofen (and crossing my fingers….).

Weds – Rest day from running. Still icing my knee. PM, strength training. We worked upper body today. The workouts are really paying off for my son!

Thurs – 7 miles running, with pace miles. This run turned out right on target. I picked 9:00 for my race pace, and I was able to get all of my pace miles done, but it still feels a bit fast. Overall really great run! 7 miles at 9:01 average pace.
I even made it to the gym this week! What a great day Thursday was.

Fri – 5 easy miles. I picked the treadmill for this one because it was a snow day for my kids. I figured it would be a bit slippery out. For the rest of the morning we hit the sledding hill. And by hit, I mean we really did hit the hill when we hit those bumps! Ouch!! Sledding is definitely a kid’s sport, but still oh so fun (and scary!). The hill is really big and really fast. Unfortunately I had a bit of sore tailbone after sledding.

Sat – 12 miles long run + .12 bonus run 🙂 With the forecast for sub zero temps, I was dreading this run a bit. But it was the Dine-n-Dash run for our training group which meant a delicious breakfast following our run. And you know what? It’s all about a change of perspective. I mean, following that knee pain this week, I was actually thankful that I was able to run, and also thankful I have this group of fun loving runners who are all out there getting the miles done. I layered up the best I could (gloves, hand warmers, mittens on top – fleece leggings with quilted skirt – fleece lined long sleeve and jacket) and away we went. 7 miles for the half marathoners and 12 for the full. The “feels like” temp was -9. The trail was partially icy, so that was a bit of an obstacle, and on the way back, my thighs froze along with my face from the wind. It was tough!! But hey, we did it and felt very accomplished!

Quilted skirts are a great idea for temps under 10 I think. It didn’t work so well with my water belt, but on it’s own I think it will work out well.

Sun – 25 mins elliptical. Housework, cooking… and watching the Super Bowl! I’m pretty sure most in our house don’t even know who is playing… but that doesn’t matter 🙂
Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: Do you ever wear a skirt for extra warmth over your running tights?
I bought this primarily for wearing after skiing, but maybe it will get more wear for running!
Q: Have you ever worn ski googles for running?
Some of our runners swear by it, but I haven’t tried it yet!
Glad you knee pain was short lived! Its weird, the only knee pain I’ve ever had has been super random- it will hurt out of nowhere for like a day and then be totally fine. Its only happened like two times ever. Great week of training!
I’m hoping the knee issue was just a fluke! I’ll avoid kneeling on that side for a while, just to be safe.
You are so right in saying it’s all about perspective. I don’t like the cold (I know, big shocker), but I’m grateful that I can still choose to run outdoors (though I did choose to run with Milly a couple times this weekend LOL). Great job with all that cross-training…HIIT is (usually) fun LOL
HIIT really isn’t my thing! Besides my klutzy factor, it usually disagrees with my hamstrings. I’m happy with just straight up weight lifting! Those icy cold runs are tough. If it wasn’t for my running group I probably would have run my long run on the treadmill.
Sorry that you dealt with weird knee pain earlier in the week but glad to hear that it’s feeling better. Knee issues can be so wonky, especially if you’ve never experienced them before!
I’ve never worn skirts for running but I can see the benefit to wearing a quilted skirts for those super cold runs. That would help me eliminate having to wear 2 pairs of leggings for the really cold runs.
I remember one year I ran a half marathon in the fall. It was a chilly day so I wore a skirt that had longer bike shorts under it. I was so hot I ended up hiking the skirt up around my waist during the race!! Very ladylike. haha!
I do have some skirts to go over tights, but I find I don’t wear them too often. Of course I also have a lot of leggings + skirt attached from Skirt Sports.
We were cold, but not THAT cold and 2 miles is quite a bit different from 12, LOL! You feel so accomplished after though, don’t you?
Glad those various aches seemed to have resolved. I know who’s playing — but I won’t be watching anyway, I don’t really care. 🙂 Luckily my husband isn’t a big football fan either.
There was a lot of very positive feedback about the cold run from our group. Everyone really was feeling very accomplished by getting out there! Someone mentioned it was supposed to be even more cold next weekend. How could that be?
yes I do have a cute skirt that I could wear over tights. I totally forgot about it until you mentioned it. We need to fix that! I sure miss breakfasts out w my running group and cannot wait to do that again! Nice job on your workouts this week
It was nice to get to know some of the members of our group a little more. I run with the faster group for the long run, and the slower group at track, so I get to see a lot of our group, but not all of them.
I wore a skirt like that for my trail race this weekend. Worked out well!
I hope your knee pain doesn’t return. I wonder if it’s due to the track–is it level or is it angled? Anyways, glad you were able to get your run in!
It’s a flat track. I’m pretty well convinced it was due to the circular running. We do switch directions each week, so at least that knee won’t be getting so much wear this week.
I just saw your race picture – twinning! Actually you got the Smartwool one that I was looking for, but when this Athleta one popped up on Ebay for a deal, I couldn’t pass it up!
Yeah, it’s weird that I’ve probably had every other problem a runner could have (shin splints, plantar fasciitis, hamstring issues, piriformis, SI joint, etc!) but never a knee problem! So much for running being bad for your knees. Glad yours was short-lived. And yes, all it takes is an injury scare to change your perspective. Sounds like your long run was challenging and fun (the best kind of run!)
Jenny recently posted…Weekly Rundown- Making it Work
My Dad has always warned me that running would ruin my knees, and he usually ends up being right about everything, but let’s hope this is not the case! Knee problems have never been my thing either.
Running on trails which go through cut down farm fields in the winter are always a challenge! At least we had a couple of tree lined spots along the way for a short respite. And the sun was nice too. I would complain that I forgot my sunglasses, but I spent the whole time watching the trail to avoid ice so it worked out! 🙂
Good work all week! I have never worn a running skirt full stop but I’ve worn thin autumn leggings under thick leggings a few times this winter!
Double leggings are always a good idea!
Way to get out there in the cold for your long run, so impressed! You had an awesome week!
It was a pretty good week. Hopefully it’s onward and upward!
I never have knee pain and if I did it would freak me out! I’m glad that everything settled down. If running late counted as exercise I would never have to work out;-) I’ve never worn a skirt but after I warm up I take my coat off and tie it around my waist and I always appreciate the CYA effect.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Launch
I do end up wearing my jacket tied around my waist often, but that’s just because I’ve over dressed! I now notice we wore the same clothes a lot this week. Oops. Guess you know where I kept my workout clothes (on the floor Ha!).
I never wear a skirt over my tights for warmth, but seeing this post is making me want to, especially because I remember seeing a quilted puffy one at the sporting goods store. Awesome that you found a way to get out there and enjoy your training runs!
Angie @ North Trail Living recently posted…Snowshoes & Frost
Some ladies in our area recommended one from Amazon too, but I got mine from Ebay. I was looking for either this Athleta one or one from Smartwool. The name brand ones are a bit pricey so I’m happy I found a deal! Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂
Great job on your long run!! I’ve never worn a skirt over tights but also read Wendy’s post and asked her about it.
Well there’s the cuteness factor of the skirt (obviously 😂), but it really did keep me warm. I think it would be too warm unless it was near 10 degrees or less. I’m sold on the idea!
I always wear a skirt over my tights. It keeps my butt warmer.
Glad your knee pain was not serious.
I miss my group post run brunches. They stopped once it got too cold and due to the Pandemic.
The promise of food after running is always a huge motivator. The owner of the running shop and his family are in charge of the food and cooking so that’s fun.
I have new tights with a skirt built in I haven’t tried yet — and these days I’m limited to the mill! I think the coldest I’ve run in is the upper teens!
Tights with a skirt sounds like a really good option. No slipping around for the skirt! The early forecast is for even colder next weekend. eeek.
I never even thought about ski goggles for running! I would think they would get uncomfortable, but who knows?
I used to wear running skirts all the time, but not with tights. I think that might be too many layers for me.
I’m glad your knee is feeling better. Injury can be so scary!
Jenn recently posted…|week 6| giving the bare minimum
If I can get past the goofy look, I’ll give the ski googles a try. Not sure yet… but if the wind is strong and it’s snowing, that would be a good way to keep my eyes safe!
sounds like a fun week – except for the weird knee pain on Tuesday!! Glad it wasn’t long lasting! the dine-n-dash sounds really cool! I miss running with others!
well done on your training week!
It was a nice social event. I’m still getting to know my group members, and when we’re all wrapped up in hats and masks, it’s even harder to remember names!
What A Week – Righteous Photos – And Yes, Running Late Totally Counts As Exercise – Outstanding Shirt – Enjoy Your Weekend With The Family
Don’t tell you son, but momma’s got the better guns! 😆
I’ve never worn a skirt as an extra layer and I’ve never worn my ski goggles when running. I ran once in a running skirt and hated it – got to hot in the summer with the extra layer…
Great week of training! Hope the knee pain was a fluke and doesn’t reoccur!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Keeping Your Heart Healthy