4 more weeks! 4 more weeks of training until the Glass City Marathon! I still have to think “Really??” when I hear that stat. But here we are! Luckily I rebounded from last week’s less than stellar status. I ran 48 miles this week, 20 of which being my long run. As I write this I realize this ends a streak of me running 8 days in a row. Time for a rest!!

Last Sunday – I did get my 9 mile run in. I was happy with it.

Mon – 4 easy miles, treadmill.  4 miles doesn’t seem like much for a Monday these days.  But I’ll take it!   It was a fun mail day… new shoes and my Hawaii photo book!! The book turned out really nice (and only one typo!). My latest shoe purchase are a new model for Saucony, the Axon. It’s the lowest shoes in the Endorphin family which has speedroll technology but no plate. It’s not as cushy as I had hoped, but the speedroll is nice. And for $99, it was a deal!

Tues – 5.5 miles, “track” workout.  My treadmill speedwork was 2 x 1600 and 2 x 1200 with 2 min rest.  This was a good workout which got me quite sweaty! At night it was “Pizza Jazz night” – the jazz bands performed and there was an endless supply of pizza. They all played really well!

Weds – 4 miles, treadmill. Luckily it was WFH day so I hopped off the treadmill and stretched out during our early morning meeting.

Thurs – 10 miles with fartleks. Ugh, the dreaded fartleks! 3 mins on / 1 min off during the middle 6 miles of this workout. It is challenging! But oh so rewarding. I was super happy to be done and the paces were good. You can tell it was a hard workout… my HR was topping the chart! (had to change my clothes before the warm up ended because I was TOO warm!)

Fri – 4 easy miles. I noticed that I completed a Garmin Challenge – the Starbucks March 400K step challenge! When I signed up for this challenge I did the math and thought it was going to be hard to get this finished. And hey look, I did it in 24 days!! The reward is a free drink. Because you know I need more free Starbucks (for my regular blog followers, my free drink balance is now back up to 22 free drinks!)

Sat – 20 miles, long run. Overall this went really well. It was really windy out (gusts of 20-30 mph) so one direction was pretty enjoyable, and the other direction felt like I was standing still at times! It was also sputtering snow flakes. Blah! But snow is better than rain, so that’s fine. The last two miles were a challenge, and I wondered how in the heck I am going to run faster, and for 6.2 more miles… but I’ll try not to worry about that until race day.

I treated my daughter to some ice cream.

Sun – Rest day!! 12 hours in the truck to be exact (how restful!). Adventure awaits, it’s spring break! Ironically the hula girl is dancing in front of snow. Sigh. Good thing we are heading south, I’ve had enough of this cold weather 😆

Looking ahead at my training plan, I think this upcoming week is actually a peak week. But due to my vacation I won’t be running much. It will still be an active vacation, and it will be a good rest for my body. I hope you have a good week too!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: What is your dream Spring Break destination?

Just going out on a limb here, but I bet none of you will say a mountain biking/camping trip! 😂

20 thoughts on “Weekly Workouts – GCM training week 12”
  1. Ha ha…no, camping would not be on my spring break wish list, but biking might be (road or trails, that is). Just this morning, on my run with Barb, we were talking about getting our bikes in for tune-ups. There’s certainly no immediate need to get them back with the cold weather, LOL. Have fun on your trip!

  2. Argh! I forgot to sign up for that Garmin challenge. I forget to sign up for all the Garmin challenges because I don’t spend anytime in the platform. Oh, well.

    We do not go camping, but I wouldn’t mind tagging alone if someone else did all the planning and packing. 😉

    Have a great time!

    1. Our camper is pretty well stocked at this point with everything except for food, but the food part takes awhile to pack! I’d say we could get the camper ready to go in 3 or 4 hours, including firewood, chairs, bikes, etc. Seems like it should be quicker but it’s not!

  3. Nope, camping would not be my choice- but I can’t wait to hear all about it! I’m sure you guys do it well and will have a blast.
    Sounds like you had a great week. Great job on the 20 miler! Hopefully you’ll get much better weather on race day and it’ll feel easier.
    “Pizza Jazz Night”- I love it! We need one of those.

    1. It’s funny they list the pizza first in the event title, but it is a good reason to come see the jazz band!
      It would be a really bad race if we had the same windy weather. So draining!

  4. nice work on the 20! No matter how many I’ve done, they can still be intimidating, a lot can happen over that much time out there!

    You’re a Brooks ambassador, right? But you’re still allowed to run in whatever shoes you want (like Saucony?) I hadn’t heard of this new shoe- just purchased a pair of the pro in a men’s size to go with my speeds and the pros are actually quite a bit looser…apparently sizing varies between the pro and speed, ugh.

    1. I’m a Brooks tester, but not an ambassador. I’ve never bought a pair of Brooks or even tried them until I was a tester! The Pros are really slimmed down. I saw there is a Pro + too? The Axon are pretty basic. You can tell they were built as an entry level shoe. I hope they will be a good easy miler kind of shoe.

  5. Nice work on the 20 miler! Camping, huh. Not a fan unless it’s in a cabin and I’m sleeping in a bed, lol. You are a trooped! Have fun!

    1. We do have a “primitive” campsite, we will be using our generator so we’ll still have all the comforts of home. I do have my standards. LOL! We might see some bears too!

  6. Great job getting that 20 miler done in less than ideal conditions! That should be a confidence booster.

    I hope you have a great vacation! I have no doubt you’ll stay active.

    I gotta admit, I’ve never see my HR as high as that! I might think I was having a heart attack! Glad all was well.

  7. Nice job on your weekly miles. 20 milers still intimate me.

    It’s not warm here but for some reason I’m craving ice cream.

    Enjoy your spring break trip.

    I’d like to go anywhere where there’s a beach.

    We used to camp. In a tent but now we sleep on our boat. It has heat and air conditioning and all the comforts of home.

  8. Way to knock out that 20. Race day will be here before you know it. I’m over the cold weather as well. We were spoiled by that taste of spring! Have fun on your camping trip!

  9. I’d give anything to have 22 free drinks!!! I wish we had that scheme here!
    Have the best break – keep it active without stressing about the training plan!

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