This week seemed like the longest week… in a good way! We decided to take one more camping trip since our son was away as a school camp cabin leader. I figured we’d just be sitting around in an empty house, so why not get out and enjoy the amazing weather! It was also race week. We ran the Indy Monumental marathon on Saturday. Saturday marathons are weird! It’s nice to get a full day of rest before getting back to work right away. Here’s how my week went…

Mon – 4 miles, running. Happy Halloween!! It was a rainy day, but figured I need to get some more experience running in the rain because it’s forecasted to rain on race day!! Ugh.

Tues – 3.3 miles. Happy November? Running in a tank top in November? This weather is crazy.

After work we went to Pokagon state park in Indiana camping. This is one of our favorite campgrounds. We both camped there a lot as kids.

Weds – 4.25 miles hiking. Beautiful weather for camping!! The leaves. The smells. All of it.

Thurs – 3 easy miles + strides. My husband joined me for a run in the campground. It was a hilly run and it felt so hard!! Maybe a bad “last run” will make for a good race day? It was just a short 2 night camping trip and then we went back home to get a good night’s sleep in our beds before the marathon.

Fri – Rest, and travel to Indiana (again). Road tripping in the new EV. We had to make one charge stop along the way. Indianapolis is a big city! I say that because it was our first trip there and we were both surprised how big it was. I figured we’d just roll in and grab our bibs. Nope, we had to navigate “big city” driving! Since we live in the suburbs it’s always a shock. I’m glad we don’t have to drive in that mess every day! It’s a nice city though.

The race expo was fast and easy after we parked. I got to use the VIP Experience line. We ran into some friends and wished them all the best. We had a late dinner, which was excellent!

Sat – 26.2! (or 26.5 as my watch said 😆). I’ll have a race recap later, but I’ll let you know now that the race was good, and bad. Or more so, good in some ways and not quite reaching my goal in others (nope, no BQ for me). It turned out to be warm (66 degrees), rainy at the start, and SUPER windy (gusts 20-30 mph). Yep, not what we were hoping for when we signed up! Photo fail – I only took a post race picture of us drinking beer! LOL! There were a lot of pretty things to take pictures of downtown. oops.

It was so windy that we saw a semi blown over on the expressway as we drove home! Yikes!!

Sun – rest, rest, rest!! And get up and move around so my legs don’t freeze up! The post marathon blues are hitting me hard today. That’s always a drag, isn’t it?

Another fun thing to mention this week… we will be running Chicago in 2023! Our times didn’t qualify us for Boston, but they were good enough to time qualify for Chicago. We’ve never ran it. Looking forward to it!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Have you run Chicago marathon?

Q: Did you get crazy high winds on Saturday??

22 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Indy race week!!”
  1. CONGRATS on your race! I can’t wait to hear about it. And yay for CHI 2023!!!

    I haven’t been to Indianapolis since I was a kid and I don’t remember it at all. It’s on my list of places to go for a long weekend sometime.

    1. I know, what is up with my luck with getting rain on race day this year?? The winds were crappy too. I guess it could have been worse – like 30 degrees colder!

  2. From what I hear Chicago is a blast, so I bet you’ll have a good time either way.

    Sorry the weather didn’t give you the race you wanted — I have been there SO many times. And wind in a race is so tiring, too!

    Maybe next year is your time to BQ!

  3. Huge congrats on your marathon! Looking forward to hearing all about it. We love Indy. After taking my kids there for years, I never did have a chance to race there. Maybe one day!

  4. Congratulations! Hopefully looking forward to Chicago 2023 will help you get over the P.M. blues. (I ran Chicago in 1990- they’ve changed the course since then.) The weather for Indy sounds like everything you DIDN’T want! You still look happy with your post-marathon beers though. i’m looking forward to the recap!

  5. Sorry about the weather. It’s one thing you cannot control and it’s so important to the runner.

    But at least now you will be running Chicago in 2023. That’s supposed to be a gret rae.

    I may run NYC in 2023… all that marathon FOMO.

  6. I knew so many people running Indy yesterday and yeah, we had those winds here too. What an awful day to run 26.2! You did great, all things considered. You should get that BQ in Chicago–unless the weather misbehaves.


  7. Congrats on another 26.2 finish line, especially is such adverse conditions. Sounds like you had a combo of my MCM and Route 66 weather (rain and crazy wind)…neither of which are very marathon-friendly. But, congrats on Chicago! I’ve ran in Chicago a few times, but have not done the CHI marathon (yet).

  8. What a busy week! I would have no problem staying home in a quiet house a few days before a marathon, but you are more adventurous than me!

    Congrats on the marathon! Those weather conditions sound horrible — the worst of everything.

    Wow on Chicago — that will be fantastic!

    1. We actually got a lot of sleep on our camping trip, so that was great. I didn’t even get up until 9:30am! The sound of our little heater was perfect white noise.

  9. I love that Run Happy structure at the Expo – so colorful 🙂 Congrats on another marathon finish! It sounds like the weather was definitely less than ideal but you did it!

    The photo of that overturned semi is unreal – those winds must have been super powerful!

    1. Brooks is a new sponsor for the race! I really liked the Indy sign.
      It was scary seeing that truck on the highway! And all of the traffic it had caused because it was all across the road.

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