This is week 5 of my training plan, with 13 more weeks until the Glass City Marathon on April 23rd.  I had to move my workouts around this week due to school events and doctors appointments, but I’m so glad I did because it was a good week of training!  This week I ran 43 miles and went to the gym twice.  I really enjoy my new routine of going to the gym. I’m glad we got memberships again!

Mon – 5 easy miles.  Treadmill & TV time.  I’m watching season 2 of the White Lotus now.  LOVE that show!! 

Tues – 8 miles, more treadmill time 🙂 I should have gone outside but the weather didn’t look very inviting, and it was dark.  Meh!

Weds – Rest day!  We got about 5 inches of snow while I was at work. Yay!!  The schools were closed and it looked so pretty outside. Of course it would have been better if I was at home enjoying the snow. For some reason most of the bank was working remotely but IT was onsite. At least they bought us lunch!

Thurs – 8 easy miles, treadmill.  Not ideal to run this far before my long run.  Once again, I should have gone outside but it looked a bit snowy on the roads and I didn’t know if the trail was cleared off (it was).  I got to spend the afternoon with my parents and celebrated my Mom’s birthday.  Happy 83rd b-day to her!!

Fri – 18 miles, long run!  I had a bit of dread going into the run because of the not so great treadmill run yesterday and I got a late start (10:30am!).  But once I got going, this turned into a really good run!  The sun was shining.  It looked like a winter wonderland.  I was quite proud of myself for creating a route map which included a lot of the Glass City Marathon course.  Each year I am challenged by the “hills”, and since it’s a local race there’s no reason I can’t train on them.  I had to laugh at myself though because I realized I had mapped the route backwards, meaning I would be going down the hills I dreaded, not up!  So when I got to those hills, I ran back up them.  Mission accomplished!  Average pace was 9:25 too, so that was a good number to see. I like to just run my long runs by feel and see how they turn out.

I got to run through some beautiful neighborhoods and see a lot of snowmen. How cute!

Sat – gym visit.  My son performed in a Solo & Ensemble event for band.  He had morning and afternoon performances and I made the most of the free time with a trip to the gym in between performances!  I was feeling surprisingly well after the 18 miler and my knee wasn’t angry either.  Winning!  The band event went well and I thought they all sounded great. I can’t believe this is the last Solo & Ensemble we will be going to! (waaaa!)

Sun – 4 easy miles. It was drizzly this morning, but just for a little bit. I think it won’t melt the snow. Yay! I saw the forecast for the next few days has a low of 8 degrees. Oh boy. I might be getting in a lot more treadmill miles this upcoming week!

Here’s the latest on our foster kittens – we have three gray females and one is still struggling with a cold or sinus infection of some sort. They are on a different medicine now in hopes of clearing it up. Poor little thing is so scrawny underneath her fuzzy fur! Things I have learned: she doesn’t like medicine, being fed with a syringe, getting her face wiped or infant saline drops in her nose. That cat sure can be feisty!! ouch. They do enjoy watching the birds at the feeder. So cute! I’ll have more kitten pictures for you next week. I think 2 of them might be going back to the Humane Society already!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Have you seen the White Lotus show? What TV series have you been hooked on lately?

33 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – let it snow!”
  1. That’s great that you plan to train on the Glass City Marathon course, even if this particular run was running the course backwards. I love your adjustment by running back up the dreaded hills. You rock!

    Those lasts during senior year are tough! Hang in there mama!

    1. I was so silly of me – not sure why I didn’t realize I was mapping the course backwards! Oh well, it’s a great change of scenery and it was kind of extra hills! 😉 Senior year is going to be breaking my heart soon enough. Ugh.

  2. Excellent work on your long run esp after a middling-to-long one! I got to 7 miles this last week, my longest run for ages. Having Claire’s half marathon to help her train for without having to sign up for it myself is turning out to be handy.

    1. Will you be volunteering at the half marathon, or be there cheering Claire on? It is nice to just enjoy the miles with no pressure for a race at the end! Great to hear you are able to get back to those distances!

      1. No, it’s in Sheffield and already fully organised, but I’ll be cheering her from here! Unfortunately I’m now injured and resting, shouldn’t have been so arrogant about getting my distance up!

    1. The White Lotus really weaves a great story! I really liked the 1st season because we visited Maui last summer, but now I totally want to go to Italy 🙂

  3. It is helpful to be able to train on the actual course. Great work this week and nice mileage! Do you run your long runs slower than your other runs? That is what my coach is having me do but it is getting to me psychologically

    1. I pretty much just run my “easy” runs by feel. Sometimes they are faster, sometimes slower. When I was coaching I had to run around 10:15 pace vs my 9:30 pace now and I really had to pay attention to stay at that 10:15 pace. If I talked too much we got faster. I did have a great race that year, but paying attention to my pace all of the time was a bit of a chore!

  4. You are lucky to be able to train on the course… what a confidence booster.

    No snow this week but lot’s of gray skies…

    Oh those kittens are so cute, I’d want to keep them.

  5. First of all- your mom is 83??? She looks GREAT!
    It sounds like all those treadmill miles paid off, you had a great long run. I fell off our long run schedule because I’m doing it Wednesday instead. It’s funny though- I’m also REALLY happy I’m going back to the gym! Oh, and my daughter has S&E next weekend.
    Poor little sick kitten! They are adorable. I like how you have the bird feeders to keep them occupied.

    1. My son got two 1’s and two 2’s, so he was happy with that. He was part a trumpet choir with 8 trumpets. It sounded great! The other 3 events for him were ensembles with 3 or 4 kids. I’m just glad he didn’t have a problem with us being there. I think I would have been nervous if it was me! I hope your daughter has fun and does well!
      The sick kitten is finally gaining some weight after 4 days of loosing weight. Phew, she was really getting me worried!

  6. Happy birthday to your mom! She looks great and so do you!

    Congrats on that 18 miler! I’m so glad you felt good after. Yep, it’s between the snow and the cold, it looks like more TM miles for me too. Boo.

    1. I was pleasantly surprised how good I felt after my long run. Yay! The day before my knee was cranky and complained every time I walked on the stairs. After my run it was fine. Go figure!

  7. Great job on that 18-miler, and excellent job on the pace! You obviously like (love? LOL) the snow MUCH more than I do. You like your treadmill runs more than me as well 😉 I might have to check out White Lotus…I don’t watch much TV (other than Big 10 basketball), but it would be nice to have something to watch while I’m knitting.

    1. I signed up for a deal to get HBO Max for another show but I was happy to find the White Lotus show. Good stuff!!
      My treadmill runs have been a little rough lately. I guess I still haven’t built up my endurance on the treadmill yet for the season!

  8. LOL about running down the hills. I might’ve left it at that!

    Happy birthday to your mom! She looks great! Good genes, obviously.

    Looking ahead in our forecast there could be some for real negative temp — hope they’re wrong!

  9. Happy Birthday to your mom! We finished White Lotus maybe a month ago and we loved it. So quirky in the best way! We have 9″ on the ground (7″ fresh yesterday) and now it’s going to get cold. I foresee many treadmill miles in my future. Nice pace on that 18!

  10. Everyone is talking about White Lotus!! I watch SO little TV. Mostly Netflix documentaries; if I watch a show it tends to be an old sitcom.
    I’m watching the newest season of All Creatures Great and Small on PBS. This was such a warm fuzzy show for me last year, but this season is a bit “darker” because it’s set during the outset of the war. I’m enjoying it, but I’m tempted to go back and re-watch the first two seasons. I also haven’t watched the latest Great British Bake Off, but that is a tried-and-true favourite for me.

    I’ve given up running this winter. I hate the treadmill so much and the weather is so hit and miss. For now I’m doing some basic strength training each day and walking. Come March/April, I’ll start running again. I only decided today I would officially let myself off the hook. I hate the treadmill so, so much and…life is too short to hate exercise!

    1. This is true – if you don’t like it, why do it? I like the treadmill because it’s an easy way for me to run (our home treadmill has a TV and all the channels/movies). If I had to run outside in the cold, dark mornings I wouldn’t be running either! My pace is always slower on the treadmill but that’s just fine with me.
      I do enjoy baking/cooking shows! I enjoy a good culinary contest.

  11. Well done with your marathon training! And how great to be able to go to the gym between the performances. Efficient use of the time!
    But eeew about all the snow. I’m glad you like it, though. And that you have a treadmill of course helps.
    I’ve been watching Bondi beach rescue on YouTube lately while working. It’s interesting and fun, and “easy” enough. That’s it with me and TV shows for the moment, I think. I haven’t seen the one you mentioned.

  12. Your training has been awesome! And look at you out there in all the snow! I love it!

    I am so looking forward to concert season. We have some really great events coming up and I am so here for it.

    1. The band concerts are nice, but I prefer the marching band performances! Luckily we do get a video compilation of all the performances for the year so we can remember them.

  13. Great work on the long run! Sunshiney snowy days are fun!

    Oh, poor little kitty. I hope the meds help.

    Happy birthday to your mom! How wonderful she is in such good health into her 80s.

    White Lotus was so fun, we watched it as it was coming out though which was stressful as we had to wait a week between each episode. I hated that, ha! I heard they have 7 seasons planned out for the 7 deadly sins. Season 1 was greed, then lust, etc, etc.

  14. That’s a bummer that you had to go into work on Wednesday, especially since most people were working remotely!

    Happy belated birthday to your mom! Her birthday cake looks so yummy 🙂

  15. You had a fantastic week – despite the snow and having to move workouts around (I know it’s not ideal, but sometimes it’s the only way to make it all fit into a busy week). Great job!! I am impressed by your pace for the long run.

    Happy belated birthday to your mom 🙂

    P.S. And thanks for stopping by my blog. I am finding so many new blogs to read!!

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