I just finished up week 2 of 16, training for the Glass City Marathon. Total running: 22 miles. My weekly miles were a bit lower than the plan, but that’s because we took a mid week ski trip!  I had a successful race on Sunday so I think my fitness is on track.  I’ve also been keeping up with my skiing strength workout (20 mins of exhaustion!) and I’ve reached a 10 day streak on my stretching app (Bend!).  I didn’t stretch my hamstrings every day, but I did a stretch so that’s good.  Baby steps! It was a fun week with a lot of time spent in my car. Glad I like my car so much!

Mon – 5 miles, treadmill. Today was a tempo run.  Mid 3 miles were at race pace.  It went pretty well.  I was supposed to take down Christmas decorations today but honestly, I was feeling a bit blue and unmotivated.  It can wait.  

Tues – 4 miles, treadmill.  Just an easy run.  Sad view this morning – my snowmen’s top lights aren’t working!  I restrung the lights on those just a few years ago.  Ugh. Why don’t lights last longer? You know what does last long? The curls in my hair. Yes, from Saturday night. I’m not sure why I don’t put more effort into hair care because sometimes it can be maintained easily!

Weds – Rest day.  We drove up north for skiing.  We took our EV instead of our truck.  Although charging ended up adding 90 extra minutes to our trip, it basically only cost us $6 total in charging so that was a win.  7 hours in the car today. We enjoyed a delicious meal of nachos when we arrived to Petoskey. yum! I was very happy to see how well my car handled in the snow since I haven’t driven in much snow yet.

Thurs – skiing day at The Highlands at Boyne! The weather was good and the skiing was great!  Barely anyone there and never had to share a chair with anyone.  We had a fun lunch of “adult lunchables” (cheese, crackers and meat) and wine!  No worries, it was just a glass of wine.  We skied a full day.

Fri – skiing day at Boyne Mountain!  It was a little shorter day of skiing due to our drive home today.  We ran into a few minor EV charger issues on the way home… we had to wait because all of the chargers were busy (only a 5 min delay) and we had to switch chargers because ours was slow (added another 10 mins maybe until we realized we should switch chargers).  Oh the joys of an EV! 🙂 Even so, it was a nice little ski getaway with my hubby.  7 more hours in the car driving home.

Sat – 3 easy miles, treadmill.  Just a short workout to get my blood flowing before a day of sitting in the car for another 5 hours.  I drove to Ohio State to get my son and brought him back home.  He has an appointment here in town on Monday.  Our daughter came home for dinner and spent the night. It’s great to have them back home again for a quick visit!

Sun – 10 miles, a race!!  I was actually a bit nervous about this race.  10 miles??  In the cold??  Not sure I was prepared, but my grumbling was not necessary!  Race temps were 21 degrees (feels like 10), but since the race started at noon it didn’t seem so cold.  My niece, who just started running in November was there, and I ran a few miles with her.  My pace was pretty consistent considering the few miles with my niece and we had 4 overpasses to go over.  I didn’t even want to look at my watch to see if I was going too fast or too slow, so for a “by feel” run this was a winner.  Alan had a good race too.

Did I say “winner”?  Oh yeah, I got 3rd in my age group!  $20 gift certificate to Dave’s Running. Perfect because I need to buy some new sunglasses.  

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Does anyone wear Tifosi? Do you recommend them?

I have always worn Goodrs but lately the quality hasn’t been that great on their reflective lens.

12 thoughts on “Weekly Workouts – fun in the cold”
  1. Congratulations on the race and making 3rd place in your age group. Woohoo!
    Also, the skiing days look like so much fun. And it’s definitely a full body workout!
    I hope to get on the slopes sometimes this winter but snow here on the West Coast has been minimal so far.

    1. The 3rd place AG win was a fun surprise for sure! I told my niece during the race that I didn’t think I’d win anything so it didn’t matter if I ran with her (slower) for a bit.
      I am getting ready for another big skiing trip coming up soon. I can’t wait!

  2. Your ski trip looks so fun! I bet it was great having all those runs to yourself. I’m not a fan of crowds, especially on a ski slope.

    Congrats on your race and AG placement! I do love a 10 mile race. Cute medal too.

  3. Sounds like a great week! Congrats on the race and AG award! I love the photo of both your kids home, with the Christmas tree in the corner. It looks so cozy. You’re so lucky your kids are closeby and want to come home so much (I can picture my daughter moving to a different continent once she graduates.)
    Glad your running is going so well : )

    1. You might be surprised – the distance between your daughter (if it happens) could make you closer! It always takes some adjusting to have my daughter back in the house. I love her, but she tends to bring the drama!

    1. That race is notorious for being cold and windy, hence the name “Yeti” in the title. The course runs along country road (aka, not very scenic and not protected by buildings or trees!). I was a little concerned about eating before the race since I usually don’t eat much, and noon is a tricky time, but luckily it all worked out.

    1. I agree – it’s always nice to buy a little something instead of another glass or award. We also got some nice gloves at the race. They are technically “throw away” gloves but we wear them often!

  4. Congrats on a strong race with a a podium finish! So fun! I have two pairs of Tifosis and I like them! They’re pretty much all I’ve been wearing for quite awhile now. I just don’t reach for my Goodrs. Not sure why. I think the Tifosis are more comfortable. What a fun ski trip!

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