Oh yeah, it’s rest day!!


Ironically I felt even more tired when I woke up this morning.  I still got 7 hours of sleep, but I really had to drag myself to get up!  That’s one of my big draws to morning running – it’s a great reason to get out of bed!

Instead of a dark picture of my basement I thought I would mix it up a little with the nice sunny view I saw on my way to work.

2015-01-28 08.26.12

I didn’t completely rest today.  Tuesday was supposed to be my gym day, but I didn’t make it there yesterday, so today was the day!  You know those jokes about people parking right next to the door at the gym?  Well that was me today!

2015-01-28 12.08.47

I sneaked in a picture of my gym… I don’t think you are actually supposed to take pictures at the gym “for everyone’s privacy”, so don’t mention it.  See how dead it is again?  Looks like those new year’s resolutions have been forgotten already!  That’s good news for me because now my favorite locker is available again 🙂

2015-01-28 12.10.01

I got a solid half hour of weights in which was perfect.

Q: Do you lift weights in your house, or at a gym?

A:  I do have a set of hand weights by my treadmill, and I try to do a quick few reps with those when I have time after running.  I have found out that I usually only leave enough time to stretch and the weights haven’t been used as much as I envisioned.  But there’s still hope!!

Q:  How much time do you devote to weight training during a session?  How many times a week?


3 thoughts on “Glorious rest day!”
    1. I took a “body works plus abs” class recently when I couldn’t run. I used the same weights as my friend since I had never been to the class before, and I figured we were pretty similar. My arms were painful, floppy noodles after 15 mins! Then it went on for 45 more mins!! After class I struggled to blow dry my hair. I was sore for 2 days after that! Apparently upper body strength is my downfall. I haven’t returned to that class 🙂

  1. I have zero discipline if I am supposed to work out from home. I currently belong to the Y and with the two weight rooms they have, I can generally get a room all to myself. When I was competition training, I would go 3-4 times a week, for up to an hour each time. Loved it.

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