Around my house, I keep the training simple. The plan that I used, and modified, for my marathon training is from Pete Pfitzinger: a “Pfitz” plan. Look at the book – it’s gotta be a “tried and true” plan with a name like “Advanced Marathoning”! Actually my husband swears by his plans, and since he’s my coach, I therefore get a Pfitz plan. But that’s OK, I go along with whatever my coach gives me. And even though today’s workout said something silly like 5 x 600’s, I can’t figure that out, so we just make it easy 800’s, otherwise known as 1/2 miles.
I did these starting at 5K pace (8:06) , and increased the pace each time, ending with 7:09! That last half mile did require a little bit of me hanging on to the handrails, but beside that I nailed them. A great workout!

And somewhere along the way, the kid’s school was cancelled again. Those lucky kids!!
For our Boston marathon trip, it’s been a tradition now that we meet up with some “virtual” friends from Runners World online forums. We are in the process of ordering some shirts so we can all find each other! Or just to celebrate the marathon. Or maybe it’s so we are all dressed alike… not sure, but I’m getting one. Mine will be blue & yellow. Here is one of the designs that no one but me voted on:
Not sure why it wasn’t an immediate hit. I also suggested we just go with “TechChick’s 26.2 Mile Birthday Celebration” but once again, only me voting on that one.
In other random things, I got this email today and thought it was the oddest one that Runner’s World has sent to me yet!
But even better, I got an email from the BAA today which asked me to confirm my race information. Yep, I’m really running!!
I found out today that I will need to switch my day off this week for moving some equipment in my office, so my long run has now been moved to Thursday. I should be all nice and red faced (sweaty) as I head in to work for the afternoon after that run! Oh well, it is what it is.
Q: Do you have to drive in very much traffic to get to work?
A: I have been working out of a different office this week and it’s taking a little bit to get used the traffic. I usually don’t deal with any, and now I have to drive 15 mins on the expressway. It seems like California traffic compared to what I had before! 🙂
Q: Favorite flavor of Pop Tarts?
A: I had a chocolate with peanut butter filling and it was quite delish! I felt so guilty eating it 🙁
Q: How strict are you about following a training plan?
Great job on the workout! I actually walk to work in the sydney heat which is pretty brutal! I am usually dripping in sweat when I get there, TMI sorry haha. I’ve never had a pop tart 🙂 I am actually way too flexible about my training plan, every day I just do exactly what my body feels might feel good- no Bueno for things like marathons 🙂
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