Bright and early on the treadmill this morning. Speaking of bright and early, we were treated to a breath taking sunrise on our way to the airport on Sunday. The sun was rising up over the Continental Divide. Ahhh. It really did look much better than this picture shows… through our dirty car window.
With vacation a very fresh memory (and our suitcases not unpacked yet), it’s time to focus on Boston!! Time to get serious. Time to eat all of that left over Valentine candy so I’m not tempted anymore. (I’m working on that one!) I was looking forward to getting back into the grove of training, only to remember that I had a busy week of kids activities going on, and a last minute job relocation which puts my trip to the gym this week in jeopardy. Waaaa. Guess I’m just going to have to suck it up and do what everyone else does – weights at home, at night! I’ll give that a try later this week.
Until then, the following is up on my schedule this week:
- Mon: 5 GA miles (done!)
- Tues: 8 miles VO2 max w/ 5 x 600m @ 5K pace. Honestly, I think this just means run 5K pace for 1/2 mile, then 1/2 mile rest for 5 times (total 5 miles) with 3 mile warm up. That’s what I’m doing!
- Weds: Rest! Also, trip to the Dr. to discuss foot issue
- Thurs: 10 mile GA run
- Fri: 17 miles
- Sat: Rest
- Sun: 8 mile with strides for the last 2 miles.
- Week total = 48 miles
This morning I tried an alternative lacing plan on my hurt foot. As I mentioned earlier, my foot was not so happy about running the 2nd time in Colorado. I think the uneven terrain (packed snow) bothered it a lot. Here is what I did….
Hey, this is kind of like “the dress” debate, because my shoes are actually purple! Since I was on vacation I kind of missed the whole Internet excitement of the dress, but it sounded pretty exciting. Not.
The lacing did feel good, and the shoes are so lightweight it feels like wearing slippers, so maybe this is a good plan of attack for right now. I’m quite interested in hearing what the Dr. has to say about it all.
I wanted to share a few more pics from my trip. When we were at Breckenridge we hiked to some extreme terrain above the chair lift. I gotta say, even for marathon runners, we were exhausted by the time we reached the top and the journey involved several times of “stopping to catch my breath” along the way.
From afar it didn’t look too bad, until you get up there and realize it was hiking straight up a mountain. At one point I lost my footing and thought I was going to tumble down, but I caught myself.
We were very happy to finally get to the top and enjoy the views and awesome skiing that awaited us.
It was like being on top of the world…. literally! Way above the timberline, that’s for sure!
Q: The dress – was it blue/black, or what the heck??
A: Beats me, looks gold & blue to me.
Q: What workout are you looking forward to doing this week?
A: Any of them – I feel like I overindulged during my vacation 🙂
On my phone I saw it as blue/black
But on my laptop it was white/gold
I can’t run on sand/snow/uneven trails because of the potential for injury with my knee. I need to have sure footing to feel comfortable during a run. I have hurt my knee or back all too easily during a run where I’m not paying attention to the level of the ground.
Amanda @ There Are Two Sides recently posted…Monday’s Motivation
I’m starting to feel like I’m falling apart these days! I hardly ever had injuries, and now they seem to never go away. Darn marathon training – it’s so hard on a body!! I’m thinking maybe it’s safer just to do this week’s long run on the treadmill again. Don’t need extra sore foot from packed snow trail 🙂
[…] twice as hard (& painful!) to start running again after a break. I did have a flashback to my ski trip though when I was hiking that hill and felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest from […]