Howdy everyone!  I hope you had a great weekend.  I sure did!  My Friday started out with being productive and swapping out the summer clothes for the winter clothes.  Yep, it’s that time of the year again.  Tank tops and shorts are being replaced with long sleeves and hoodies in my kids’ closets.  Always fun to find all of the dirty shirts that my son has just stuffed back into his dresser drawers all season!!  My husband and I met an old friend for lunch, and after that I even got around to washing the windows outside.  It was beautiful outside!!

Saturday morning I ran with Jamie on our last training run for the upcoming Churchills half marathon.  I decided I should actually revisit the hills that are on the course since I haven’t been training any hills!  I was relived to find they weren’t as bad as I remember.  Although they will still be challenging since they hit around mile 10 or so.  The run went well and we had to cut it short at 9 miles instead of the planned 11 miles due to schedule issues, but I think it was a perfect amount to end on.  We saw many other runners out on the course.  Everyone getting ready for the big race!

churchill-halfmarathon-logo copy

On Sunday morning I decided I needed to burn off some calories because we were going out for donuts for breakfast.  I LOVE donut mornings!  When I peeked out the window in the morning, there was frost on the ground.  It was a lovely sight and I wanted to get out there.  Then I remembered my compression socks, which I haven’t had much chance to run in yet, so I wore those.  They kept my calves nice and warm, but at 29 degrees the rest of my legs were freezing and by mile 2 I was wondering if it was a bad outfit choice!! Oh well, keep it going.

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The super awesome thing about my run is that it turned into one of “those” runs.  You know – the kind where you end up kicking butt, your pace is fast, and the run just feels right.  YES!  Love when those happen.  Ironically it was happening at the same time I could have been running the marathon I decided not to do, but we all know 4 miles is a heck of a huge difference from running 26.2.

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When I go out for a run, unless I have some specific speed workout, I typically just go for a half mile and then look at my watch.  Often it will show a pace around 9:00ish.  Sometimes, it will be 9:20, or if I’m sluggish, something more around 9:30 or slower.  All perfectly fine paces for my “whatever” running.  But that morning my pace was 8:20. 8:20!!  One look at that and I knew I could pick up the pace and really run it fast.  My paces ended up being:


I like how that small .05 sprint to my driveway came in under 7:00 pace.  Woohoo, thank you number 6 for being on my paces today!! 😉

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Love those sprinkles!!

I’m looking forward to this week because I get an extra day off (Veterans Day, bank holiday!).  I’ll be enjoying a run with my husband on that day and going out to lunch with him.  A perfect day I think.


Q: Does anyone else have the day off on Wednesday?

Q: Favorite donut style?

Creme filled, frosted with sprinkles, and glazed!  

Q: Have you had a great run lately?  Do tell!

9 thoughts on “Happy Monday!”
    1. I am getting really excited about the race! It will be a difference experience not to be racing it, but just enjoying it.
      It’s fun swapping out my clothes because I’m getting reunited with all of the long sleeve running stuff! “Oh, I forgot all about this shirt. I love it!!”

  1. “Those” runs are the best! ? my runs have all been feeling great lately after all my strength training, WOOT! I love a jam donut (the more sugar the better apparently haha). Wednesday is actually one of my busiest days- I see clients in the morning, then have a therapy session (non-compulsory with my course) then a three hour class and usually a waitressing shift after that! Eek!
    Jessica @ kiwiyogirunner recently posted…The one with what I learnt in my month of F45 and some NEWSMy Profile

    1. Wish all runs could feel that great! But then again, you need something to gauge them against. Whew, what a busy Wednesday you have!! Hope you survived it… and maybe Curtis gave you a foot rub too!

  2. WOW! The cooler weather is bringing speedy pace!!!! You are becoming quite speedy!!! Awesome!!!!! The weather has cooled just a bit her, but still hot by noon! UGH!!! WHERE IS OUR FALL WEATHER!!!!

    Donuts? Love them!!!! And of course, chocolate for me!!!! YUM! But still, nothing beats a cupcake!!! 🙂

    Love the compression socks!!

    1. Those paces weren’t from a race, but I do have a half marathon coming up on Saturday! My speedy run did make me think I need to sign up for a 5K soon though. A nice flat, straight one where I could break my PR! 😉
      Thanks for visiting my blog!

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