I certainly don’t talk about it every day because it would bore everyone to death, but I have been struggling with the glute/hamstring PIA (pain in the ass) issue quite a bit lately. I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t sit at my job, or run, but since I do both, there seems to be no way to avoid it lately. When I say it’s an issue, it’s an every day, all day, all the time, issue. Sitting, standing, sleeping and running. I can’t think of a time lately when I haven’t been feeling the pain. Well, except for a lot of today – after two days of resting.
Some days are definitely better than others, but every time I bend down to tie my shoes I’m reminded of how stiff I am and how limited I am in my range of motion. I think the last time I felt “normal” was before the Glass City marathon back in April! That’s a long time ago 🙁
I don’t think the Hansons training plan caused the issues. It was an issue I had to a lesser degree for years now, but I do think it’s intensifying the issue. I can get through the scheduled workouts, but the after pain is much worse than before. Friday I ran my “long run” of 14 miles. The first mile was tight and painful, the first half was OK, but then the last few miles of the run was extremely uncomfortable. If it’s supposed to simulate the last 14 miles of the marathon, well I am in for a total painful suckfest. Honestly, with that amount of pain, I think I would have just dropped out of the race when it happened.
Which brings me to my next question… what now? My PT visits and working with Alisha has taught me some valuable information about my running form. I’ve incorporated several new things in my form and activities to improve my overall running and manage some of the pain. It seemed like we were getting close on helping the situation out, but some hard workouts kind of angered the whole situation again.
Today I visited person #4 in my quest for an answers. 1st was deep tissue massage (ouch!). 2nd was a visit to my sports Dr (he recommended PT visit). 3rd was the PT visits (not quite there). 4th is a sports massage therapist. I’m willing to try anything, and this was a recommendation from my PT. If this doesn’t work – who knows. Maybe I’ll be back at my sports Dr begging for some sort of shot. Do they give shots for your butt? I would gladly accept one if they did.
After discussing the situation with my coach I’ve decided that taking a break from running momentarily is needed. Right now it is planned for just be a couple of days, but you know – when you want to run it will feel like *forever*. There’s still plenty of time left until Sept. 11th (race day!) and the harder I go, the worse I feel. The new version of my training plan looks so different. In July I actually have some weeks with 3 days off! Note, the Hansons training plan out of the book has only 1 rest day. Some of my speedwork reps are shorter, and my long run has even been modified. But, at this point, I’m just looking to get to the start line in a pain free form.
My sport massage appointment was much different than expected. I didn’t realize that sports massage people were also PT people of a sort! Instead of a massage on my glutes and hamstrings I got a lot of work on my calves and feet. She feels my ankles and neck are part of the problem. Once again, not what I expected, but I’m going to go with the recommended exercises pre and post workout to see how that helps, or doesn’t help, then keep her updated on my situation. It should be an interesting week!
Q: Have you ever gone to a sports massage therapist?
Q: How do you feel about taking time off from running, when you’re injured?
It’s a drag right?
Of course it’s a drag!! 🙁 I am sorry this is happening. I hope person #4 gives you some relief!!! I missed a lot of workouts due to my PF and it has me nervous.
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Weekend Wrap Up!
PF makes me nervous! I hope yours stays away for good! I just wish I knew why. My old body is just falling apart!!!
It’s definitely a drag having to take time off. I really hope you’re able to alleviate the pain that you’re feeling.. very soon! Taking time off is the worst, but if it makes you better in the long run it’s totally worth it! And there is still lots of time until September to get in a great training cycle, especially with a coach who really understands what you’re going through!
Kristina recently posted…Meet Hawking the Cat!
I think right now I’m more concerned with actually being able to complete all 26.2 miles without being in the most pain of my life, compared to being trained enough for it. My coach was really good about making the modifications. I get an extra day off this week.. woohoo! Hope your Hansons training is going well!!
I go bonkers when injured!! And, worse yet, I drive my family bonkers!!! They make me burn off crazy with spinning or some other activity! LOL!!!! Guess I need a stress outlet!! LOL! 😀
I keep saying I am going to schedule a massage! I honestly believe they help! Mostly because I probably don’t foam roll o stretch like I should….. but finding time to get a massage… a whole other story!!!!!
Definitely need to find some way to get the sweat on! It’s a “good day” maker! I was stretching and rolling pretty regularly, but not lately because I’m not sure I should be. Might be making my situation worse!
I’m so sorry to hear about your injury! I think a sports massage therapist would definitely help better because they know how to deal with these things better than a regular PT. Keep us updated in your progress 🙂
I just got out of my appointment. I think it was really worthwhile! Big test will be tomorrow for speedwork Tues!
I was trying to say i emailed the comment above yours on Janae’s blog, but it kept going on to your comment. Weird. I am sorry about your PIA and I hope you get some answers soon. My pain when I am running is in my high hamstring/right under my glute. However, when I get ‘worked’ on, that is not where it hurts. It hurts in my adductor. So I think the hamstring pain is just where the injury presents itself. Since I also have pain in the outer side of my ankle (on the same leg as my hamstring pain) they thought maybe it was coming from my back too. But after an MRI on my back they don’t think that is the problem. Ugh. Doesn’t all this talk make you feel old and lame? I don’t like it. I hope you get some answers and relief soon. Keep me posted if you do!
Thanks for the comment! It is a frustrating situation – it’s like I need someone to run with me so I can point out the places & times it hurts because running pain is different than resting pain, which is different from sitting pain… and after awhile it’s just the pain that I’m so used to, but others would probably think is pretty bad! blah.
I was also just reading this article, and thought I should just take a long, long hiatus from running! http://running.competitor.com/2012/07/running-injuries/lessons-learned-from-a-running-injury_55944
Ditto – answers and relief soon for both of us!!
Haha! Yep. To it all. The only way I could pinpoint the pain was to run and so there were times I literally had to jump on a treadmill and run to point to the pain….which worked fine at the PT office, but most doctors don’t have a treadmill in their office. The only other way I could replicate it was doing a stiff legged dead lift. So I have been in a drs office, bent over, while he probed my high hamstring/glute/adductor area until he hit the point of pain. So. Freaking. Awkward.