Happy Tuesday!! I hope your week is starting out great. I was hoping to have fabulous running things to tell you about in my “non-training” recap for the week, but it’s been a bit lackluster. In just a few weeks this will turn into my official Training Tuesday recap for the Owens Corning Half Marathon at Glass City on April 23rd. Until then, it’s my pre-training week in review!
Weekly Stats!:
- Training for: *nothing yet!*
- Days of running: 3
- Miles run: 14.3
- Gym visits: 3
3 miles around my neighborhood. Just a typical run when I’ve got nothing planned. Also went to SkyZone this day. That’s some fun cross training! I was definitely feeling it the next day. Ouch. My stiff neck!!
Gym day today. I decided to do random exercises for core and glutes. This is probably where I overdid it and when my tailbone really started hurting because I did some of those Russian Twists for my core work. NOT the best idea on a sore tailbone 🙁 Totally funny thing happened at the gym… I was trying to take a sneaky pic of my arm for the post, and a lady walked into the locker room. Instead of us both just pretending nothing happened, she offered to take my picture!! I couldn’t say no to the offer because that would be rude, although I just wanted to slink away from embarrassment! Awkward! [embarrassing!!! which is why I’m sharing it. haha!]

5 miles on the treadmill in the early AM. I’m catching up on lots of DVR shows!
Tailbone feeling quite sore now by the end of the day. Sitting around at work is not a fun thing! No running today!
Skipped my traditional long run today. 🙁 Went to the gym and did the stair machine instead. That felt OK. Decided to run slowly around the gym track. Went totally insane because my Garmin did not work properly. It reported that I only ran .87 miles in 20 mins. Given that my average pace is usually around 9 mins outside, I find this mileage HIGHLY unlikely. And just look at my Garmin map. Uh huh. Calling this 2.25 miles instead.
Still feeling sore tailbone. No running or anything today!
4.06 miles Donut Dash race!! The running between donut stops seemed a bit hard, but I think it was all because I didn’t have a way to gauge how fast I was running (no watches allowed). I ran with Alan which makes me run faster, and it was a race, so I was probably running too fast! Not that fact that I am out of shape already and my belly was full of donuts!!
So as you see, it wasn’t quite the 25-30 mile week I had originally planned for. I hope these weekly recaps get better!! I still have a couple more weeks until my training starts for the Owens Corning Half Marathon at Glass City starts. You can find my other Training Tuesday recaps here! I’m trying something new and linking up with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC. (there are a lot of fun blogs linked there in case you are looking for something new to read!)
Q: Have you been putting more miles on your treadmill this week?
Q: Ever tried running on an indoor track with a Garmin? Did it work for you??
Q: What TV shows are you really into lately?
I’m starting to watch the New Celebrity Apprentice. I like that show, but seeing Arnold on it is just odd!
Ran 5 miles on the treadmill this morning despite the 42* weather outside. Could probably have run outside, but the threat of rain and winds gusting to 40MPH convinced me to take it inside. I bought a Garmin 235 before Xmas so I could use the wrist-based heart rate monitor. A perk of the 235 is that you no longer need the Garmin Footpod to run inside — supposedly. I tried it out at the gym on the track and it was very close to accurate for the first 2 miles — just maybe 100 feet short. At that point, I switched screens to check my heart rate and when I went back to the original screen, it was way off. Ended a five mile run about 2 laps short. I have been watching this show called ALONE where 10 people are dropped off separately in a remote area and have to outlive all the others to win the money. There is no film crew following them around. They are responsible for filming themselves so they are truly alone. I started watching The Crown on Netflix but only got through the first episode so far.
I was so ticked off with the track incident. I figured since I got a GPS signal it was going to work and I never counted the laps. Ugh!! “Alone” sounds like my type of show. I will have to check that out! I’m sure seeing a “behind the scenes” at Survivor would really ruin my illusion of the show with all of the film crew there!
Interesting to watch their mental deterioration more than their physical. They have to forage for their own food and build their own shelter but it is loneliness that gets them in the end. One guy only lasted 2 days! This season they are in Patagonia in South America.
That donut run is the first time I have actually gained weight on a run! Maybe we can find a taco run next?
ha! I couldn’t even imagine a taco run!! Actually it would take the word “run” to a whole other level. 😉
Those trampoline parks are becoming so popular! I keep seeing and hearing about them from everyone I know who has kids. That’s one of the downsides to not having kids, I don’t get to experience fun things like this haha!
I’ve never run on an indoor track. The closet thing was the track on a cruiseship which was half indoor and half outdoor. If I remember correctly my Garmin stats from that run were wayyyyy off and totally random. I think the GPS signal would cut out every time I was inside, which was like .25 of every mile!
Kristina Running recently posted…Weekly Training Recap: Ouch, My Shin!
You better check into it.. SkyZone has nights for people 16 and older. Definitely not just a place for people with kids!! And “glow nights” from 9pm to 11pm. That would be very crazy! They also have a fitness class that I haven’t gotten up my nerve to try out yet. I’m not very limber so I’m a bit scared about what happens in the class!! (not like I’m at SkyZone a lot…haha)
It looks like an active week even though you were sore from your tailbone. But hey that’s good!
I started my spring semester at school and it’s been crazy for the last couple of days. I haven’t been able to log in miles this week at all. Hope tomorrow everything goes back to normal. I don’t have a Garmin (yet) so I’ve never tried to log indoor miles.
Nathaly Abrahan recently posted…Sunday Run And New Running Goals!
Hope your days calm down a little and you can get out there and run. You probably need it with all of that school stuff going on!
My garmin is always short / off when I run on a treadmill – which I understand but it’s still frustrating. I imagine it’d be off on an indoor treadmill as well. Obviously yours went a bit wonky! Thanks for linking up!
Mine is pretty bad on the treadmill, but every once in awhile I use it to track my heart rate. Guess I should have been paying attention and counting my laps at the gym! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I haven’t tried this yet, but my plan for indoor track running is to turn off the GPS on my Garmin and use the lap button to count each lap. Alternatively, I’ll just run for time and assume that 10 minutes = 1 mile.
Heather [is probably running] recently posted…WIAW #2
That sounds like a feasible plan. I wouldn’t have thought it that!