It’s almost two weeks after my goal fall race, and I’m itching for some routine in my workouts already!  I get so antsy when I don’t have a “plan”.  What to do?
Although the first few days were rest days.  Then I got back to a little running.  Then I started thinking about all of the stuff I thought would be fun, but couldn’t do, back when I *was* training!  I’d love to just have a “go to” cross training video that I’d enjoy doing on days I’m not running.
YouTube to the rescue!
I picked out a Full Body HIIT Workout!  It was only 15 mins long, so that seemed about perfect.   I did complete the video, but was getting pretty worn out from the jumping around.  I’m not much of a ‘jump around’ kind of person!
The next day I was feeling oh. so. sore.!!!!  Holy crap, that workout was not a good idea!  My legs were so sore, and my hamstrings were screaming at me.  It was painful just to sit down on a chair for several days!  And, this is the reason I’m not doing that video ever again 🙂  Workout fail!!
On a good note, I did get out for a long bike ride with Alan.  23 miles!  It wasn’t a particularly fast pace – but I was huffing and puffing, and it was clear I was holding him back.  A great workout for me!  Side note, it’s hard to put a warm hat under a bike helmet!
We also went for a run around the park.  Alan is just starting back to running again after his 6 weeks hiatus due to injury.  He wears a lace-up brace to stabilize his ankle.  So far so good he says!
Another fun thing I did recently was join a group run with Moms/She Runs This Town.  It was our October run, so we all dressed up like Black Cats!  We had a pretty big group.

Black cats are fun!

IMG_2815We ran 4 miles, and checked out the spooky things around the town.  A supposed haunted hotel!  Just imagine what people thought about a group of cats with headlamps and neon running around the streets in the dark!

After our run we all enjoyed some Mexican food and drinks.  I’m becoming quite a regular here!
Good times!!  I don’t run with friends as much as I used to, but this reminded that I really need to get out there again.  Just do it.
Q:  Do you bike in cold weather?  What is your favorite gear?
Q:  Are you a fan of HIIT workouts?
Q:  Are you dressing up for Halloween??
I might just dress up as a cat to pass out candy!
4 thoughts on “Fails, Black cats and Fun Stuff”
    1. Body Pump sounds fun! I’ve never done it before, but that’s another one on my list to check out. Also sounds like far less jumping, so perhaps that would be more kind to my hammies!

  1. You are a very cute cat! I love all the kitties running! I am going as a cat this year too but I have a mask and it is crazy. I’ll post a pic on my blog. 🙂 Good for Alan! How did he deal with 6 weeks off? Was he able to do any other forms of exercise?
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…“This is my passion.”My Profile

    1. Alan was biking. In fact, he brags that he has now used my spin bike more than I have! (probably true) It’s been a good motivator for him to up his game on his bike outside – he got clipless shoes so he rides much faster, and had to get some “booties” to cover up the shoes for the colder weather. I’m seeing a duathlon & triathlon in his future next summer!!

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