Tuesday snuck up on me again because I had Monday off work.  A Monday off always throws off my schedule a bit!  Then it was Wednesday.  Hey, this week is just flying by!  Last week flew by too.  Here’s how my workouts went…

Monday – Rest day!  Feeling a bit tight and stiff from hiking this past weekend at Hocking Hills.  But, I woke up early due to daylight savings time change, so I did some weights. 


I also got my CPR Certification renewed for another two years.  It was an interesting training session.  I learned a lot!

Tuesday – 6.2 miles.  I had the day off so I decided an hour of running would be good before our day’s plans.  It was 55 degrees – so beautiful! But, it was super windy (20 mph!). Not a big deal because it was an “easy” run, but the run just felt hard in general.  When I finished my Garmin recovery time was 68 hours!! What the heck? Oh, my HR went up to 196 on the run so that might explain it. Doh!


My new goal in life is to find a headband that doesn’t pop off my head.  These curls need to be contained!


I did my full round of PT exercises at night.  I can tell I haven’t done them in a long time. They were challenging!

Wednesday –  Rest day. Still feeling some angry hammies.  Gotta get them back in shape!  In the evening, Dave’s Running had a night run from the store.  Lots of Run Toledo Ambassadors were on hand as they passed out gear from the Run the 419 Series.


Thursday – Rest day 🙁  I really wanted to run this morning, but still feeling sore hammies so I figured it best not to mess with it.  Walked on the treadmill instead and watched some Big Brother. Hey, only 15 more shows to watch now! LOL!!!

I did start a Plank Challenge.  I was intrigued after seeing my friend Danielle (Hi Danielle!!) post pictures of her doing it.  Ideally it would have started on Nov 1st, but I’m tardy to the party so I’m starting it on the 8th.  I mixed my plank sets with some burpees and got 20 burpees done!

Friday – 4 miles on treadmill.  Only 15 more episodes of Big Brother to go now!  The suspense is growing. Did my planking too!  Outside… the first day of snow!!


Big item of the day – I started Christmas shopping and bought gifts!!  This is only because we have a family party early this year. I’m still not in the mood for Christmas yet, but I’m warming up to it as I bust out the sweaters, scarves and boots!  I also got to enjoy a big yummy coffee with my son.  Perfect date 🙂


Saturday – Rest day!  Did no running, but did cheer on our friends at the Churchill’s Half marathon.  Secretly I was happy I was not running it this year because it was cooooold! I did really like the shirt though, so I’ll need to see if the race director can help me out 😉  Here’s the party tent after the race…


At night we went to a University of Toledo basketball game.  We had great seats!!  UT crushed the other team 99 to 48.  Go Rockets!


Sunday – 7 miles.  Considering this my “long run” of the week.  It’s officially cold now. Had to bust out my thicker tights for this run and probably could have worn my thickest pair!  Yep, I’m a sissy.


I’m glad the week is almost over already because I’ve got some fun plans for next week.


Q:  Are you CPR Certified?

Q:  Do you wear headbands, hats or visors to keep your hair in place?

Q:  Did you start your Christmas shopping yet??

6 thoughts on “Little bit late, weekly workouts!”
    1. Scottie just got back in the house, that’s where I am. I like Kaycee a lot, and I think JC is pretty funny. I have a feeling Tyler is going to go far, if not win. I really dislike Amanda (is that her name?? I don’t want to Google it due to spoiler concerns!) and don’t care for Hailey much either. I think Sam is my least favorite player though!!

      1. We have similar opinions! At the point you are in the season, I severely disliked Tyler, Angela and Kaycee. Thought Brett was hilarious. I liked Scottie too. I was mainly rooting against Tyler so I was rooting for Haley fessy and those people. What did you think of baylee s flip out and the blood coming out of her mouth? Lollll
        Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…I saw my doctor about my sleep issues!My Profile

        1. Angela! I knew that didn’t sound right. I thought that was funny when Fessy ripped on her in his speech. Oh snap!😂 Yes, Brett is hilarious too! I did cringe when they hid stuff in the house and ripped it apart to find it. Great strategies, but so much mess eeww!

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